
Lol @ the fact that u guys think "feminism" means women over men rsther than equ

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?


  • Wow the title cut off, but it was:Lol @ the fact that u guys think "feminism" means women over men rsther than equality of the sexes. Please dont let certain women who claim to be femisnists but are actually misandrists skew the reality of what feminism means, in the same way you don't way u don't want society to think that all male strip club goers look down on women
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “Base Building Pills?” Qin Zheng has never heard of this kind of pill.

    Qin Yu says smilingly: “2nd brother, Xiuzhenists use these Base Building Pills to set their foundations. If ordinary people take and completely absorb these pills, they can consolidate their foundations well and reach the Xiantian level. You basically don’t have to do something so complex like internal practicing.”

    “I never thought there were such holy pills. With a large number of these pills, won’t it be possible to obtain a large number of Xiantian experts?” Qin Zheng is the monarch of a country so he still thinks about national benefits. On the Qian Long continent, a Xiantian expert is already considered extraordinary.

    If he can obtain a large batch of Xiantian experts, his country’s military power will indeed be improved by one level.

    Qin Yu says smilingly with a shake of his head: “You’re wrong, 2nd brother. Xiantian experts don’t mean anything. Without forming the jindans, they simply aren’t considered Xiuzhenists. A Base Building Pill is much more valuable than a Xiantian expert. Even though it is a relatively basic pill, it requires 7 medicinal materials to make, and the method of making it is also a secret. Small Xiuzhen schools generally can’t obtain this kind of pill.”
  • Like..I'm.not asking u to do much..but just to follow ur own logic and not be hypocrite .


    And btw, I apologize for the women who claim to be "feminists " when they talk down on men..cuz talking down on men is actually contradictory to feminism , which advocates for the equality of sexes. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Btw, I hate those women too
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Dongfang Yu actually has just received a message from his father.

    His father tells him that the people coming this time are all extraordinary and far superior to his father in power and status and the leader is even the no. 1 figure of the Penglai Immortal Region. It can be said that these several people represent the top echelons of the Penglai Immortal Region.

    The Penglai Immortal Region’s top echelons are definitely the top echelons of Xiuxianists in the overseas Xiuzhen world.

    “Everybody stands firm. Don’t move in disorder. We only need to wait here. Those seniors are very powerful so they can certainly know we’re here with a holy sense sweep.” Dongfang Yu shouts to the fidgeting Chaoyang school’s disciples on one side of him.

    Immediately, nobody dares to move anymore.

    After a long time --

    3 silhouettes shoot towards them extremely fast from the horizon. They arrive in the airspace of the imperial palace instantly then walk down from the clouds like strolling in an empty courtyard. Their leisurely godlike manner awes the several people on the ground greatly.

    The comers are none other than Reverend Yan Xu, Reverend Huo Tian and Reverend Di Feng.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Well, that's what it is supposed to mean. Agree.

    But usually with the equality, they want to get right of objectification, too. Or do you see objectification in strip clubs can still exist in an equal-sexes world? I hope so as that's how clubs work. Not every business needs to be misandrist friendly or kid friendly. SCs shouldn't be. Misandrists try to make even Hooters "family/kid friendly". I say, why. Leave some places for the guys!

    We also want a place where we can still talk in an edgy, flirty way with dancers. Look at their tits instead of in their eyes all the time. Maybe smoke a cigar once in a while. Drink whiskey.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I think we're talking about the same thing, Nicole
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    It also gets old when the misandrists complain that not enough minorities get hired or that fat girls don't get hired (particularly fat WOC -- just a vocal example, not picking on them solely or only). We generally want fantasy girls and a variety. I don't think it's un-PC or un-feminist to ask for that.

    BTW, you're request is reasonable and acknowledged. Though usually we get flamed if we use the term misandrist to describe you know, actual misandrists. ;) But this is Tuscl so we're safe. Sometimes even I forget that.
  • Estafador
    6 years ago
    If your busy focusing on making money and elevating your life, the last thing on your mind is feminism and the first thing is succeeding at your craft, male or female.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    It's also nice to be able to walk or talk without triggering people (who post feminist/misadrist/metoo) threads. I guess I started it. So maybe I can finish it.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL @ the fact that Nicokeyes thinks she's a feminist but is really a misandrist and then creates this thread so that others can be confused by it.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Nothing better than a lecture from a child who reads left wing bullshit about something those of us over 60 have watched daily since it's inception. Equality of the sexes doesn't mean equality it means special treatment for women. Simple fact is that those who are truly equal don't need a law saying they are equal.
  • eyeofodin
    6 years ago
    If you have 14 minutes.. this video is helps to explain the current feminist ideology verses earlier interpretations. In some references inter-sectional feminist is called 4th wave (due to the use of social media) vs 3rd wave (pre-social media era).

    Nicky, you need to define the parameters/era of feminism if you want to have a worthy discussion.
  • @eyefodin I'm ten steps ahead of u.The point of this post was to precisely explain the parameters ..

    In doing so, "I said equality of sexes..nothing more , nothing less ."

    Sad that both misandrist women who claim to be feminiats , along with misogynistic men, have a skewered idea of what that equality is

    ..just use ur common sense and don't be like those people.

    For instance, equality = not making jokes about women's inferiority , and not making jokes to mock men
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Lol nicespice that is some literary genius there
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Thanks blah blah!

    “Is it a must to form the jindan then the yuanying?” Qin Yu whispers.

    Could this be a manifestation of the fact that different ways lead to the same ultimate universal principle?

    “Ah, right.” Fengyuzi suddenly says. “Xiao Yu, a long, long time ago, of course I hadn’t been born at that time, a great incident happened on the Qian Long continent -- the War of Immortals. Perhaps that mysterious man who fought in the War of Immortals didn’t follow a way of practice which forms the jindan and yuanying.”

  • eyeofodin
    6 years ago
    Nicky, I was going to ERA marches 30 years before you were born with my Mother. Your definition of feminism is not what is being pushed in today's world. The push back against 3rd n 4th wave by both sexes ofrational thinking persons is where you seem to get lost in your thought process. Go back and read some of your earlier post - if what you satated above is your truth then your earlier post show you to be in the "modern" school of feminism and either this belief today is a lie or your earlier post are a lie. Either way you were a good enough troll for me to respond. .
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