It seems a lot of guys when doing reviews try to avoid giving the actual price paid for dancer service and instead use some kind of code that I’m not sure I understand. I guess $ means $100 and $$ means $200. But what is .3 or .2? Is 25 $25 or $250? Can we just use actual prices in the reviews?
They’re likely refugees from other sites where they’ve come up with these codes so that cops don’t figure out what they’re talking about. Because, you know, cops don’t know anything about codes...
Urbandictionary .3 Top definition 5 dollars worth of good weed(krippie). .3 grams yo im low on cash do u do .3's? #weed#$5#gbs#nugs#kripp by Moeski Woah March 09, 2010
2 .3 poop I took a big .3 by Anonymous December 04, 2001
It’s not twitter, it’s old code from old escort sites that date back to the 90s. is the first place I saw it, then escorts started using it in their ads all over the place.
The correct way:
$ = 100
$$ = 200
$$$ = 300 and so forth
$.25 = 125
.50 = 50
Some people use the decimal point, some don’t, that’s where it gets confusing.
last comment.3 Top definition
5 dollars worth of good weed(krippie). .3 grams
yo im low on cash do u do .3's?
by Moeski Woah March 09, 2010
I took a big .3
by Anonymous December 04, 2001
The correct way:
$ = 100
$$ = 200
$$$ = 300 and so forth
$.25 = 125
.50 = 50
Some people use the decimal point, some don’t, that’s where it gets confusing.