@PapiChulo, I think its like that for a lot of men. For most of the ones at the club, dancers are the only women they come into contact with. You can tell how socially awkward they are, especially the younger guys. A lot of the middle aged men are in bad marriages or their wives wont do certain things.
Your dick tells you she loves you and to go ahead and spend all your $$$ on her to make her happy - then you go broke and your fave leaves you for greener-pastures - then you ask your dick why he told you to spend all your $$$ on your fave - your dick tells you "hey man I don't know why you listened to me I'm just a penis"
My ability to fall in love with someone isn't tied to their occupation, though many could argue that its easier with strippers because (1) men tend to be attracted to younger women, (2) the ones who have a decent run in the profession would have to be sociable, easy to talk to, and look good naked. So I think there's some selection bias involved.
I've only fallen in love with one. It got incredibly complicated and just plain weird. And though I don't really believe what strippers tell me, it became very obvious that there were feeling on her end too (yet the feelings were apparently very fucked up and complicated). Since then I just stick to girls I'm infatuated with and wouldn't want to steal from.
Echo Pizza, I don't know. I would like to believe there's something out there. I know things always fall into place in life, if its cos something is looking out or just an accident I have no idea.
Ei8ht Ball, If you think a dancer has feelings for you, you should go for it. Just give her a lot of reassurance if she's fucked up.
Flagoneer, I don't know. I think its real. Feelings are real when they're being felt. Its just that most times its unrequited love. For men who don't get attention from women, it can be intoxicating to spend time with a dancer. Its just a fantasy but the way it makes someone feel is real. I think those men shouldn't be going to strip clubs.
Papi Chulo, I don't think you're being fair. You CHOOSE to spend money on her and you KNOW its her job. Whats she supposed to do? Treat you poorly? Who treats custies poorly when they want repeat business????
"Ei8ht Ball, If you think a dancer has feelings for you, you should go for it. Just give her a lot of reassurance if she's fucked up."
I appreciate the advice, but I'm not single and our thing had to be strictly p4p. It made things difficult when the fact that we both got along really fucking well kept rising to the surface. That, and the fact that I was doing really well while she struggled made her resent the situation. I think she just wanted some faceless john to help her out and then go away, and when we first hooked up neither of us was expecting anything more than that. I still miss her and I hope she's doing well. I don't hold any of the crazy shit she did against her. But if I ever get a chance to cheat her out of $51 i'm doing it in a heartbeat.
Asking a trick to help out with stuff isn't a good move. You have to accept boundaries or it will get complicated no matter what.
Every hoe I know has some sort of feeling when there is a connection even if its really shallow. I knew a girl who was offered $600 and she had amenable feelings towards him just because she couldn't believe someone thought she was worth that much. She even helped him get away from the guys she originally wanted to rob him.
If I had to name all the reasons I fell for my ATF, the list would be GIGANTIC. I never planned on falling for anyone in the strip club. it just kind of happened. We got along really well, she had all the physical and personality attributes that I love in a girl. Sure she isn't perfect and she has her fair share of baggage, but doesn't every girl? On top of that, her and I are the same age, so I had high hopes that we would be more compatible together.
She only wants me as a friend as of currently, but I hope I can change that in the future. Emotional wise, all of this has taken a toll on me. I've been feeling a lot more down than usual and I feel like I'm digging myself a hole. And I know I'm a just another dumb kid making a dumb decision, but she makes me happy in a way that none of my other hobbies can.
As the phrase goes: "I wish I never met you, but I'm really glad I did."
@Trap I think there is some delusional thinking going on across the board lately, values are real, falling in love with a female that only wants money from you is stupid and naive. You girls think we are all born dumb, that may be true, but live long enough you’ll smarten up or not as the case may be.
No girl wants a broke guy. TBH a lot of dancers see a rich boyfriend as a chance to stop dancing. Just cos she wants your money, doesn't mean she doesn't want you too
Falling in love With a stripper is unlikely for me. it ain’t practical. i’m 40 to 50 years older than the strippers now. but I certainly do like them !!!!
^ Guys that hang out in stripclubs generally have a few extra bucks, but most of the guys I know are having some fun, speaking for myself only if you think I see strippers in general as GF material that’s delusional at best. There are some that have become friends but generally speaking no guy wants a GF that’s like a city bus, anybody with a token can get a ride, Other words I got the bucks you need to live up to my standards I’m not gonna live down to yours.
That’s their problem, I don’t have a lot of respect for those needy jerks, I have a fairly healthy social life, and a great absolutely smoking hot GF, who sometimes accompanies me to a stripclub, we party just fine, and she’s mine that’s the best part.
Nothing needy about dating a hoe or stripper and I mean dating, not being a trick. I think emotional monogamy is the most important thing in a relationship.
Never ceases to amaze me at how otherwise intelligent people never seem to learn that love and lust are similar, but not the same. You're talking about lust, not love. True love is more than sex. True love is more than passion. Show me a hot couple who adore each other; cannot keep their hands off each other and I start thinking of how much to ask for a retainer. True love is your best friend for whom you have a strong physical attraction. True love needs nurturing like ever other living being or entity. There is also a difference between loving someone and being "in love" with them. The dancer who would be called my ATF is someone I met when she was 19. She just turned 32. I like her, but I don't love her. Love is random. You don't choose the people you will love. It happens. I would also say that Trap is correct that a dancer could want your money and you too. Marriage based on romance is a new idea compared to how long human history has been going on. Maybe started in the Victorian times and was later mainstreamed by Hollywood. Prior to that love was based on an ability to support, raise a family etc. To me my own marriage epitomizes how random love can be. My wife and I, by agreement, were supposed to be a one night stand. We had known each other for a few years previously as well. One night stand is now nearing thirty years.
Their the only women who can touch me and make me feel the way I do.... because no other woman will. Not many choices to fall in love with lol. Guess that's the life of a super PL hahaha....I'm sad now #sarcasm
I think there several things that can cause a customer to think they have fallen for a stripper. In reality, it’s an illusion, and it’s generally more likely to happen to new customers.
Things are very different when you see a girl in the harsh light of day - when you are sober - and she’s not in lingerie - and there’s no soundtrack.
However, many pl’s only see their stripper love interests in the club. I’m of the belief - you don’t fall for a stripper in the club. If my wallet must be opened to see my love - my chance of falling drops 99.99%.
TrapBaby304 - would your earnings drop a bit if guys didn’t fall for you? I think that is an important thing to consider. If socially awkward guys - or guys in poor marriages - didn’t fall - then things wouldn’t be as profitable.
I don’t go to clubs looking for love. I stopped that search close to 15 years ago. It’s just not the place for it. Maybe that’s harsh, but I don’t go to McDonalds expecting to get good food - and I don’t go to strip clubs looking for love.
Some dancers actually look better in the light of day. While defending a client in a Restraining Order trial, I finished my closing, turned around to go back to my seat and there in the front row was one of the more spectacular dancers at Rhode Island Dolls. Super hot; super sexy when naked; yet somehow hotter and sexier in everyday clothes with no makeup and in a track suit as she was there for a relative's commitment hearing, before going to the gym. Nursing student with a gymastic/cheerleader background who is at worst top 2 in New England on the pole. In the club she looks like a pretty dancer. In real life she looks like a beautiful professional woman.
I love strippers because I grew up poor and I know it takes a lot of will and balls to escape poverty.
Maybe I'm romanticizing it, but a girl who is willing to bend the rules and hustle hard to get ahead... Nothing sexier. And plus you know her body a sex appeal on point and that's important to keep a relationship going strong
You're right about new customers generally being the ones that fall for dancers. However seeing the girl outside of the club doesn't immediately kill the feelings. If it does then it was never love to begin with. It was more or less lust/infatuation.
I've seen my ATF out in the daylight with no make up and in regular clothes. I've seen her outside of her dancer persona. My feelings for her haven't changed one bit.
“Its definitely different outside the club. The club isn't real and neither is any interaction thats paid for.
Being an attention whore makes dancing easier. lol”
Good phrasing. Yes, you may be a troll who conveniently knows a bit too much about Nina and DC to properly jab them for a “newbie” but you’re growing on me.
ugh im not a troll and all you have to do is look at someone's comments section on their page. Nina is a stupid bitch who thinks shes so smart and DC is social retard with money for cheap hoes
Okay TrapBaby304, I thought you were asking about tricks or customers. It's more of what makes you fall in love with a woman, who happens to be a dancer.
1) A man needs to constantly be visually drawn to a woman. She needs to be sexually beautiful to him. This visual attraction builds over time. 2) A man will likely and eventually fall in love and pursue a woman who appreciates him. 3) A man who feels that he can make the woman be happy, happy to be around him. The more time he spends with the woman, and she's genuinely happy (not just superficially), over time he will *bond* to the woman. And he will feel secure that he repeat this. Not only get money, but make it back (like you wrote).
And it's not like a man has control over falling in love. At some point the light bulb in his head goes off and the light comes on.
And usually in return, the man will want the woman to be loyal and devoted to him. Emotional monogamy, as you wrote, is asked here. Sexual monogamy may or may not be needed, but that is unique to each couple and set of circumstances.
And the opposite is true. If any 1 of the 3 (or if all 3) go missing in the future, that is part of the reason married guys end up in strip clubs. ("she got fat" "she got old" "she doesn't appreciate him" "she's never happy anymore"). Not always!
I think part of the bonding (and falling in love) with a dancer is accepting the real possibility the dancer won't want a boring vanilla life, vanilla careers, suburban home with a white picket fence, sexual jealousy, etc.
Dominic, I agree completely. That's pretty much how it normally works. I think being appreciated is a huge thing, a lot of people don't appreciate others so when someone does, it stirs up feelings.
@Cashman1234, what about the urban diction definition of "trap jumpin'" is not clear? I looked it up a couple days ago and the top definition makes sense to me, esp. with her moving to and hustling in L.A.
I think there also might be a double reference with "trap" like "trap music" and the Chicago drug dealing reference, based on her stance on drug use in other discussions.
Sorry, I'm white guy not from the ghetto or hood, so this isn't my shared experience growing up. I'm not trying to 'mansplain here.
Dominic77 - I took it too literally. I don’t use the n word - so I thought it referred to a black man who was making good money. I guess the n word is more inclusive. I’m learning!
Chicago? I thought the term came from Atlanta cos they refer to their ghettos as traps. I'm from LA though, born and raised. I just meant trap as in getting money, hustling.
I think you add all of that consistently, and over time. A guy bonds with you over time. Then it happens. The light goes off.
As a side note:
That's also why I'm in favor of setting the woman free at some point (after 2nd date, 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months MAX). If a guy isn't going to put a ring on it (Propose), and she's not *the one*, you owe her the favor to set her free. So she can find her match.
She won't stay young forever. Plus it avoids you bonding to someone you aren't going to commit to (marriage or not). Win-win for both sides. The only guys that have a hard time with this are the guys who have trouble getting dates. ;)
But really 1st or 2nd dates aren't that hard to get, in my opinion.
I had it in my head trap music came out of Chicago. Maybe I made that up or remember is wrong. It wouldn't be the first time I got something wrong about culture.
@Dominic, I think you know what to expect of someone after 3 or 4 dates at most. I looked trap music up, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… its really not my favorite style.
@Cashman, its good money. never jumped around in a bikini but got led around by a leash in one lol
last commentbut its west virginia huh? pain pill addiction country. someones trappin
but my 304 means something else
Pheromone and hormone exchange triggers chemical reactions that engender affection and eventually love.
My ability to fall in love with someone isn't tied to their occupation, though many could argue that its easier with strippers because (1) men tend to be attracted to younger women, (2) the ones who have a decent run in the profession would have to be sociable, easy to talk to, and look good naked. So I think there's some selection bias involved.
I've only fallen in love with one. It got incredibly complicated and just plain weird. And though I don't really believe what strippers tell me, it became very obvious that there were feeling on her end too (yet the feelings were apparently very fucked up and complicated). Since then I just stick to girls I'm infatuated with and wouldn't want to steal from.
Ei8ht Ball, If you think a dancer has feelings for you, you should go for it. Just give her a lot of reassurance if she's fucked up.
Flagoneer, I don't know. I think its real. Feelings are real when they're being felt. Its just that most times its unrequited love. For men who don't get attention from women, it can be intoxicating to spend time with a dancer. Its just a fantasy but the way it makes someone feel is real. I think those men shouldn't be going to strip clubs.
Papi Chulo, I don't think you're being fair. You CHOOSE to spend money on her and you KNOW its her job. Whats she supposed to do? Treat you poorly? Who treats custies poorly when they want repeat business????
I appreciate the advice, but I'm not single and our thing had to be strictly p4p. It made things difficult when the fact that we both got along really fucking well kept rising to the surface. That, and the fact that I was doing really well while she struggled made her resent the situation. I think she just wanted some faceless john to help her out and then go away, and when we first hooked up neither of us was expecting anything more than that. I still miss her and I hope she's doing well. I don't hold any of the crazy shit she did against her. But if I ever get a chance to cheat her out of $51 i'm doing it in a heartbeat.
Still with the $51?
Absolutely! Just because I love the girl doesn't mean she should win.
Every hoe I know has some sort of feeling when there is a connection even if its really shallow. I knew a girl who was offered $600 and she had amenable feelings towards him just because she couldn't believe someone thought she was worth that much. She even helped him get away from the guys she originally wanted to rob him.
LMFAO - though I'm starting to wonder if we're talking about the same girl here.
She only wants me as a friend as of currently, but I hope I can change that in the future. Emotional wise, all of this has taken a toll on me. I've been feeling a lot more down than usual and I feel like I'm digging myself a hole. And I know I'm a just another dumb kid making a dumb decision, but she makes me happy in a way that none of my other hobbies can.
As the phrase goes: "I wish I never met you, but I'm really glad I did."
Other words I got the bucks you need to live up to my standards I’m not gonna live down to yours.
1. Big boobs
2. Blonde hair
3. Too much alcohol
2. Big natural tits
3. 18
4. Slut
5. Swallows
Things are very different when you see a girl in the harsh light of day - when you are sober - and she’s not in lingerie - and there’s no soundtrack.
However, many pl’s only see their stripper love interests in the club. I’m of the belief - you don’t fall for a stripper in the club. If my wallet must be opened to see my love - my chance of falling drops 99.99%.
TrapBaby304 - would your earnings drop a bit if guys didn’t fall for you? I think that is an important thing to consider. If socially awkward guys - or guys in poor marriages - didn’t fall - then things wouldn’t be as profitable.
I don’t go to clubs looking for love. I stopped that search close to 15 years ago. It’s just not the place for it. Maybe that’s harsh, but I don’t go to McDonalds expecting to get good food - and I don’t go to strip clubs looking for love.
I love strippers because I grew up poor and I know it takes a lot of will and balls to escape poverty.
Maybe I'm romanticizing it, but a girl who is willing to bend the rules and hustle hard to get ahead... Nothing sexier. And plus you know her body a sex appeal on point and that's important to keep a relationship going strong
Touche, you earned a tad bit of my respect
Things that would make me develop feelings for a stripper might be:
Her offering to pay my property taxes for the next few years.
If she decided to buy me a new one of those Porsche SUV’s.
If she got me lifetime upgrades on United flights.
Any one of the above would work. I’m catching feelings right now - just thinking about the love required to take on my taxes!
Unable to cope without being constantly stoned.
Thin skinned
Attention whore
Need to be right about everything
Wrap all that in one package and what a spitfire. I wouldn't be able to resist that.
You're right about new customers generally being the ones that fall for dancers. However seeing the girl outside of the club doesn't immediately kill the feelings. If it does then it was never love to begin with. It was more or less lust/infatuation.
I've seen my ATF out in the daylight with no make up and in regular clothes. I've seen her outside of her dancer persona. My feelings for her haven't changed one bit.
Being an attention whore makes dancing easier. lol
Being an attention whore makes dancing easier. lol”
Good phrasing. Yes, you may be a troll who conveniently knows a bit too much about Nina and DC to properly jab them for a “newbie” but you’re growing on me.
1) A man needs to constantly be visually drawn to a woman. She needs to be sexually beautiful to him. This visual attraction builds over time. 2) A man will likely and eventually fall in love and pursue a woman who appreciates him. 3) A man who feels that he can make the woman be happy, happy to be around him. The more time he spends with the woman, and she's genuinely happy (not just superficially), over time he will *bond* to the woman. And he will feel secure that he repeat this. Not only get money, but make it back (like you wrote).
And it's not like a man has control over falling in love. At some point the light bulb in his head goes off and the light comes on.
And usually in return, the man will want the woman to be loyal and devoted to him. Emotional monogamy, as you wrote, is asked here. Sexual monogamy may or may not be needed, but that is unique to each couple and set of circumstances.
And the opposite is true. If any 1 of the 3 (or if all 3) go missing in the future, that is part of the reason married guys end up in strip clubs. ("she got fat" "she got old" "she doesn't appreciate him" "she's never happy anymore"). Not always!
I think part of the bonding (and falling in love) with a dancer is accepting the real possibility the dancer won't want a boring vanilla life, vanilla careers, suburban home with a white picket fence, sexual jealousy, etc.
I need to make sure I use the right vernacular so I fit in next time I visit IR at night.
I’m pretty sure they might think vernacular is some sort of infection - lol!
I think there also might be a double reference with "trap" like "trap music" and the Chicago drug dealing reference, based on her stance on drug use in other discussions.
Sorry, I'm white guy not from the ghetto or hood, so this isn't my shared experience growing up. I'm not trying to 'mansplain here.
As a side note:
That's also why I'm in favor of setting the woman free at some point (after 2nd date, 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months MAX). If a guy isn't going to put a ring on it (Propose), and she's not *the one*, you owe her the favor to set her free. So she can find her match.
She won't stay young forever. Plus it avoids you bonding to someone you aren't going to commit to (marriage or not). Win-win for both sides. The only guys that have a hard time with this are the guys who have trouble getting dates. ;)
But really 1st or 2nd dates aren't that hard to get, in my opinion.
So you jump while you hustle? In a tiny bikini? I’d enjoy watching that!
@Cashman, its good money. never jumped around in a bikini but got led around by a leash in one lol
I confusion between love and attraction/infatuation. I don’t love a good time, but I sure do really enjoy having a good time.
You seem to have very clear skin though.