It's just the values upon which I was raised and what I raised my son to uphold. If a woman gets upset at me opening a door or offering my seat, then fuck her. It's not going to stop me the next time.
You still have a long way to go before you catch up with juicebox69 though. I hear that he hangs out at the local Arby's and opens all the sauce packets for women. He also licks the curly fry grease off of their hands. You should try that! ;)
Being serious, if it’s the way someone was raised, and they do it universally, then it’s just simply a norm someone follows. No need to question whether it’s misogyny.
Just like saying “bless you” when sneezing. I say that all the time, and I’m an atheist. I’ve seen several other atheists do the same.
With a younger dude doing such behavior, it could be one way or another. They will practice chivalry plenty with a female they perceive as attractive and do no such thing with someone viewed as fugly.
But even then, calling that behavior misogyny is too much of a stretch imo.
Funny think is, I've known women who think it is, and they thought I was an asshole for not being a gentleman lol This one bitch was moving and I dropped by but didn't help her with heavy shit, let her struggle with it and she thought it was rude of me. Yet she was so fucked up she didn't know if she was straight or a dyke and thought she was a chicana lesbian activist .
Personally, I like being a gentleman for women. I like treating them well.
I do it for ugly and old women too. They appreciate it as well.
But I won't do it for white women. I've offered to help a white woman who fell off her bike once, the bitch started screaming. Same when a bitch fell down and I started picking her shit up for her. Once tried asking a drunk bitch if she was OK and her friends started yelling calling me a rapist. Fuck that shit. Its all the wannabe hipsters fucking shit up here.
Making girls feel safe is a good thing. So is not pushing boundaries, the point is to make them push their boundaries...once you get a girl to think things are her idea, she'll do just about anything. You just need a little confidence and a game plan.
@DC I didn't rly read all that and I'm tired. What part of girlfriend is hard? I don't think asking to go on a date is pushing boundaries. Also hanging out or finding mutual hobbies isnt pushing anything. What is pushing boundaries is trying to make out or fuck too damn soon. Whatever is too soon will obviously depend on the girl and circumstances.
I love chivalry and don't care what gender it comes from. I have held doors open for both men & women, and both men & women have held them open for me and I think it's wonderful. It's just people being kind to other people. Why does it have to be politicized?
it isn't just about approaching them. its how you do it. whether its a date or not comes down to how you make them feel, and obviously if you're out with her there's an interest.
It's hard to really give you advice not knowing you at all in real life, but you sound nice enough. Sounds to me like you have a hard time reading women?
last commentYou still have a long way to go before you catch up with juicebox69 though. I hear that he hangs out at the local Arby's and opens all the sauce packets for women. He also licks the curly fry grease off of their hands. You should try that! ;)
Babe: "I hope this feeble geriatric dude doesn't hurt himself trying to keep the door open. I'll give em the obligatory smile, anyway. "
It figures. All you can think of is what your actions will get for you.
Just like saying “bless you” when sneezing. I say that all the time, and I’m an atheist. I’ve seen several other atheists do the same.
With a younger dude doing such behavior, it could be one way or another. They will practice chivalry plenty with a female they perceive as attractive and do no such thing with someone viewed as fugly.
But even then, calling that behavior misogyny is too much of a stretch imo.
Personally, I like being a gentleman for women. I like treating them well.
But I won't do it for white women. I've offered to help a white woman who fell off her bike once, the bitch started screaming. Same when a bitch fell down and I started picking her shit up for her. Once tried asking a drunk bitch if she was OK and her friends started yelling calling me a rapist. Fuck that shit. Its all the wannabe hipsters fucking shit up here.
Making girls feel safe is a good thing. So is not pushing boundaries, the point is to make them push their boundaries...once you get a girl to think things are her idea, she'll do just about anything. You just need a little confidence and a game plan.