Female customers itc

avatar for ShackWes
Opinions? Why do hot ones get special treatment one girl straight up said she broke yet the dancer was still very eager to please saying ‘I’ll do something special for you’
Answers anyone? Does it bother you they come to the club in the first place? Jealousy? Why do they get special treatment?


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avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
I doubt most guys would be jealous of a hot female customer coming in; if anything they would probably be into her, too.

Unless Lopaw came in, because she can probably run game on strippers better than most of the guys here.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
There's probably a real attraction at play too.
avatar for PutaTester
6 years ago
Love watching the strippers on stage molest the civvies. Some civvies are shy. Some get into it and get stripped down. I remember more than one getting stripped of her top and staying that way, showing off, after the stripper moved on. Even if the civvies are 4s or 5s, I just gotta watch when a stripper pulls off a civvies' top. Their reaction is always priceless.

OTOH, I had a CF blow me off for a female customer as she was bi and into the female client. She later apologized.
avatar for shailynn
6 years ago
This one club I frequent in Pittsburgh always seems to have smokeshow civilians on the weekends. I just sit there and fret when the female clientele is hotter than the strippers.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I'm usually more friendly as far as touching the customers if it's a paying female or her man or friend is paying. I know a lot of strippers complain on the other forum about grabby female customers, but I don't get those as often as the respectful ones that keep their hands to themselves. Maybe I'm just lucky.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I don't like touching men from stage. It's easier to do that with females for me.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
I touch men on stage, that’s what the men are here for....
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
I dislike interacting with women in the club, it is my least favorite thing besides stinky people, hagglers, and wasted people.
avatar for rockstar666
6 years ago
Too many female PL's make a spectacle of themselves. Men are stereotyped as behaving badly but they have nothing on women.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I keep hearing this, but so far I've been lucky with mostly well behaved/respectful female customers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I can see perhaps the dancer being into her.

Other times I see the young female custies acting as if the club was a house-party - but for the most part I just see them sitting there looking at the stage and not doing much else - sometimes there'll be a dancer sitting at her table in convo - but for the most-part IME they don't seem to be active participants.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
My only problem with females at the club is when they act super entitled with me or I can tell they are shit talking me while mean mugging. But like I said for whatever reason I don't encounter rude/shitty females that often.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago

Think it’s ok to touch you however they want Bc they’re a girl, they love to smack your ass hard, it’s soooo *cool* to them.

They haven’t had many lap dances (or any) and they girate around awkwardly making it difficult and annoying to dance with them.

They often wear a dress and no panties (which is totally unnecessary??) and you can’t dance on someone like that because they can’t open their legs. Imagine getting a dance with your legs together, guys.

Whether clothed or not, their vagina ALWAYS stinks, I can smell it no matter what, even through jeans, I wonder how guys fuck them at all! Gross.

They don’t tip, they want to spend the least. They will offer you one dollar on stage.

UNLESS they are there with Daddy, those kinds of girls are the only kind I like in the club, they throw caasshh on stage, they tip, they let their man get dances.
avatar for ShackWes
6 years ago
Hahaa American patrons sound nastyy...it must be a state to state thing culture/mindsets differ
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Ok a lot of women actually tip better on stage than men. I have given dances to women and never had one be all disrespectful and super grabby during a dance. The only time I've dealt with ridiculously grabby females is on stage but they are also tipping more than the men so I will live with it and just move out of reach. I will agree that usually women who come in to the club w/ their man are more lucrative though. But a group of women can also be money.

I guess my experiences with female customers have been very different.
avatar for rockstar666
6 years ago
PinkSugarDoll: Interesting comments. Last week I went to 3-4 clubs in a row as m/f G/F was checking them out and had auditions. Often the dancers came over after she went to see the manager and chatted me up; not quite the 'wanna dance' thing at all. My g/f is bi, but neither of us bought dances. This was a 'business trip' and I only had $200 for the night anyway. Lucky for me, I didn't pay a single cover charge since I was with her. My definite impression was that many dancers want to dance with her, or us. Oh, she was wearing panties...at least at that point!
avatar for jsully63
6 years ago
My wife will come with me to a club as she gets turned in watching the girls. If we are at the stage dancers will usually come right over to her. I think the smart dancers can see we are there as a warm up and the gladlyvflirt with her to drain my wallet. They know that if she goes home happy I’m happy to spend on the dancers.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@blahblahblah23 it's my observation also that female customers often tip on stage very well.
avatar for ShackWes
6 years ago
I feel if the place has more of a casual vibe less of a “gentleman’s club” women are much more open with their mind also wallet however It seems like dancers either love or hate female customers imo attractiveness plays a big part also
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
#1 strip club customer in the los angeles is a woman. she is also absolutely the top reviewer on a LA local website. we also enjoy her here on tuscl.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
(insert ‘metro area’ after los angeles.)
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Yeah, why are they allowed to whip their dick out?
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I’ve had more bad than good experiences with female customers. The ones who end up being the nicest usually turn out to be ex dancers, personally know a dancer, or is considering becoming one.
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