
Senator John McCain

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
1) what y'all think about ivanka trump showing up ..appropriate , inappropriate , or indifferent ?

2) personally, I though prez Bush gave best speech

Troll out


  • RandomMember
    6 years ago

    Pretty sure this was the only funeral of a political leader that I watched from start to finish, and it was terrific.

    Think about it: McCain planned and crafted every moment of his own funeral from start to finish. He invited two former presidents and made sure to exclude Trump. His daughter Meghan was teary and terrific. G.W. was clumsy and trite (as always) but there was something likable about him. Obama stole the show with a terrific speech that was candid and heartfelt.

    RIP McCain. I bet he's up there smiling at creating a resistance during his own funeral. Trump's approval ratings are in the toilet as a write this and hope it holds into the midterms.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    You couldn't have paid me to watch or attend. Didn't like him when he was alive, don't care that he's dead. I doubt Trump gave 2 shits he was snubbed from the funeral of a guy he hated.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Trump wouldn't like it if he was snubbed by a mentally retarded 3 year old. At the same time Trump would deny that being snubbed by anyone bothered him. Such is the nature of an egomaniac.
  • 623
    6 years ago
    And you forgot narcissist so he would never admit even to himself that he was snubbed. He lives in his alternate reality.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    People complain about Trump for having no class celebrate a classless act by McCain.
  • @general sorry that McCain wasn't as much of a dick to Mexicans has trump has been...

    And although u are not rude to me , I'm pretty sure if you know I was a Muslim dude as opposed to a Muslim female, you would not like me.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I just gave a Muslim guy that worked for me a reccomendation Wednesday for a new job, he was a talented guy to work with and 100% of what I said about him was true. He got the job and txt me that he was so greatful for my reccomendation. He immigrated to this country years ago legally, so I have no problem with him or who he prays to. If he immigrated illegally it might be a different story.

    The point of a wall isn't to keep everyone out, it's to funnel them to the ports of entry where we can do background checks and make sure everything is on the up and up if they are seeking asylum. If a parent drags their kid across the desert, 1st, they probably aren't a good parent, 2nd they are illegally crossing our border. I don't know why it's so offensive to treat someone breaking the law like a criminal.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    To all the Trump haters, can u at least admit the economy under Trump is better than the economy under Obama? Blame the "Bush" recession if u want, but all I'm wondering is do u think the economy is better now than it was a few years ago?
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Oh, and Nicole, I don't care that you are a Muslim either. I wouldn't care if u were gay or trans or black or purple. Most of us republicans only care about ourselves and our friends and family. We typically don't wish harm on anyone, we just dont care one way or another. Now if you try to jam your beliefs on us, or forcs us to take a side in a vote, we are going to do/vote whats best for us and not a tiny % of people we've never met. Maybe that makes us heartless, I'm fine with that classification. But honestly 99.9% of the time we just want to be left alone.

    I'm sorry Nicole if a % of republicans have been mean or raciest towards you because of your religion or color of your skin. There's bad apples on all sides, but most would rather walk past you and never give u a second thought vs going out of their way to discriminate against you.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Im not the most avid trump supporter, but also dont hate him as well. He's a peculiar and sad guy. If I was 72 and a billionaire Id leave the country build a town in the Dominican Republic or Brazil and ferry in 18 year old virgins to sleep with every day. Thats not to say everyone in Washington isnt a basketcase as well, but to be ranting on twitter every day at his age and with that wealth? And dont pretend that he's doing it to "make america great again". He ran for the presidency on a dare and misunderstood that the ineptitude and short attention span of this country would put him in power.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Trump talked about running for president for over 20 years, and said something along the lines of if the country ever got bad enough I'd consider running. So his intentions were pretty clear then and now. On his worst day in office, which to liberals is every day, but on his worst day he's still a better president than Hillary. Mostly because he is president and shes not, but she was a bad choice. Not that a communist like Bernie was a better choice.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    Comrade Trump too busy making Mother Russia great again to attend funeral. Also needed to change adult diaper thinking of close call in 1960s when he almost drafted.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    While Trump's super pro business attitude has helped the economy it was on an upswing before he was elected, I really don't think he's influenced that very much either way.

    Honestly I don't really think he's done much positive or negative. Conservatives scream he's making America great again while finding ways to duck around his lies and his truly idiotic behavior. Liberals yell that he's burning the country down, which is obviously not happening. Neither are correct and there's so much hypocrisy on both sides.

    Can we all agree to needs to get of twitter?
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Twitter his platform to fight back when he feels he's being unfairly blasted, and twitter let's completely control the news topics of the day if he so chooses. The media is so retarded that they fall for it every day, why would he ever give that up?

    And I dont follow Russia's economic news, but I doubt anything Trump is doing over here is making their economy stronger.

    And a 1960 draft comment...pretty lame attempt at humor I guess, but at least now all of us know you're a douchbag liberal. 25 will probably blow you once hes done molesting his kids.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "Twitter his platform to fight back when he feels he's being unfairly blasted"

    LOL if we can justify Trump's non-stop tweets as it being a platform to defend himself, I better not see you, or a troll, or any of my haters here complaining when I respond to their false accusations in their attempts to "blast" me.

    That is so ridiculous. If Obama tweeted like that during his presidency, you'd be non-stop about how uncouth it is.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't have read Obama's tweets if I hated the guy. I usually changed the channel when he came on. It's easy to do. But the second part of my tweet comment is probably the more accurate. If trump tweets that Nina sucks, that's the topic of the day. Everyone hates him, but everyone hates him anyways. The next day he tweets that Nicole is a troll, everyone hates him, but everyone hates him anyways, point is he's controlling or maybe just trolling the topic of the day. If I had that power, I'd never stop. Nicole basically has that same power. How many of her posts have generated over 100 comments? She's doing the same basic thing.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    I didn't say that he would stop, his egomania would never allow it. And yes, for him it's probably a handy tool.

    But I think, and most of the people I've talked about it with many of which are ardent supporters, think things would be much better for him, the GOP and the country's image if he quit using it.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    When Trump makes a tweet, the responses are directed at him.

    When Nicole1994 makes a thread, usually half the responses are off-topic, or bickering between people and the discussion gets derailed. That is why so many of her discussions have a high amount of responses.

    I'm not sure why you are trying to draw parallels between Nicole1994 and Trump. If you are a Trump fan, it actually hurts your argument, as Nicole is not a part of this particular industry. So you're basically saying Trump is about as qualified to be president as Nicole1994 is to be commenting on a strip club forum.

    Lol. Cool.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    ^That was to the General.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I'm just saying trump and nicole both know that on certain forums they can drive the narrative, trump for a day or two, nicole for an hour or so.

    A businessman is way more qualified to run the country than a college girl, first off shes not old enough to be president. Having said that, I'm not personally a big fan of someone that is in their 70s or 80s making decisions for me, someone in my late 30's. At least a president is limited by 2 terms, these old ass senators and congressmen/women need to just keep dying off. I think Congress should have term limits, grandfather in anyone currently there so maybe they vote for it, but after they die off, limit their replacements to a few terms.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Dickwad you need to leave me out of your disgusting perversions, your parents were probably a piece of work, I am so looking forward to you showing up at the Miami meet in January I will make you crawl motherfucker. So fucking sad, you pathetic turd.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ one thing to keep in mind sicko, anytime you think you’re man enough try me you’ll find yourself in deeper shit than you ever imagined, you fucking keyboard coward.
  • JackAstor
    6 years ago
    Though I care more about the 58K who came home from Vietnam in bodybags and the close to 1600 still uncounted for , McCain the war fighter and former POW was a steadfast American. I was for him in the primaries leading up to 2000. I personally witnessed him say something on the steps of the South Carolina Statehouse which he later flip flopped on after being defeated by Bush and his bitterness came out over what he called dirty tactics y the Bush campaign . Since then it seemed to be one thing after another from McCain the politician that I didn't agree with . The last and possibly the worst flip flop was his thumbs down on ObamaCare after he campaigned on repeal and replace. McCain the Politician was all about McCain the politician and put his own ego and hatred for Trump in front of the American people . FUCK THAT !

    I feel bad for any heartbroken daughter who just lost her father ; however, IMO, Megyn McCain picked the wrong time and place for that BS. She said " People born into privilege " like she wasn't the daughter of a woman worth 100 million !

    Little reported fact about McCain after he became sick is that he took that fake dossier to the FBI not knowing they already had it. He obviously didn't bother to look into it deeper or was part of it all along. Again, FUCK THAT !!

    McCain was part of the swamp period .

    And Fuck smug ass Obama . That worthless POS !
  • bman77
    6 years ago
    Well stated JackAstor. McCain the vet and POW should be honored for his service but how he conducted himself as a politician, especially in his last several years was anything but honorable.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    There was a reason I voted against McCain in the last two Republican Senate primaries in Arizona. Far too often, he sold out his constituents in order to get praise from the national press and build his “maverick” reputation. Then, for 6 months before each election, he pretended that he was a principled conservative. He wasn’t. He never was.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    oh 25, that's adorable how you think you'd win in a fight when you're face would be destroyed by my fist. I guess you want me crawling like you're kids were the first time you started molesting them. what a suck fuck, they were little kids, they can't even defend themselves. similar to how you're not going to be able to defend yourself when that first punch lands and the blood releases from your nose onto that shirt you bought from walmart. maybe after the facial reconstruction you'll look another 10 years younger, and when you drink every meal from a straw for the next 6 months you'll probably lose a little more weight. Walk away faggot, hope I forget about you and your child molestation, die of cancer like the piece of shit you are, and literally save face.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^LIsten up Mofo you have threatened me a number of times here you are one sick fuck, if you persist in making terroristic threats, I am going to turn this information over to founder and ask him how he wants me to handle this.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    What did I think? Personally I thought it was long winded and didn't watch more than what I saw in the news. I don't enjoy funerals. Watching one for entertainment is not fun. As far as Trump goes, he was probably glad he didn't have to sit through it. Other politicians looked bored. Cain died. I see no reason to dwell on it. I'm glad they honored a vet but I don't care for funerals in general. Nothing but long ceremonies. I don't care to attend weddings either, another long ceremony. Say a few words and get it over with. Save a car or two in expenses.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Terroristic threats, hahaha. You've told me to bring it, if you're starting to get scared it's understandable faggot. When we meet, you'll regret it. That's all there is too it, you child molesting fuck! At this point is would probably be easiest if you kill yourself, way less pain than what I'm bringing you.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Guarantee one thing jerk, no matter what you think it’s not going to end well for you!
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    We know where we both stand, I'll beat the shit out of you, and apparently end up in jail for senior abuse, I'm cool with that, and stop calling me a jerk, that's bullying you child molesting piece of shit.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ you’re right about the second part as for the first part we’ll see, my guess is you’re just a donkey and donkeys bray all day and night.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    No one should celebrate his death, but anyone who feels so should be free to acknowledge that he was not a war hero, he was poor senator, and part of the Washington swamp and deep state. Therefore, good riddance to the career politician and swamp thing.

    His hypocrisy was bad enough to match Obama's or Clintons'. He treated his one-time rival like a prince, claiming it was owed to the office, but then paid for fake information in attempt to undermine a legally elected president who he didn't like. Not McCain's first act of treason, and a clear case of sedition.

    His refusal to step down while sick and unable to serve as a Senator is the clearest demonstration of his lack of character and arrogance. He may be the best argument yet for term limits for congressmen.

    However, he refused to let his death interrupt his partisanship and divisive legacy. His funeral was the most (atrociously politicized event since the Correspondents Dinner. Shame on everyone who participated. Regardless of what you think of Trump, any reasonable person would agree that it would have been hard to pick a worse forum for partisan rhetoric.

    General- I've got 25IQ blocked, just as his kids do (from what I understand, they hate him even more than I do). If you've become his latest hard-on I suggest you do the same. He's a weak old SJW in West Palm who makes tons of tough-guy threats from behind his keyboard, but hides behind FL senior abuse laws when you finally corner him. He's a broke and busted old man who will die penniless and alone. He's just not that worth getting worked up over.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Hows the porch monkey thing working out for you make some new friends at the local KKK meeting. lol
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Personally, I thought it was pretty classless to use a eulogy to spout anger at someone instead of just focusing on a tribute to the departed.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Do you point out all the classless things Trump does?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    That's not the topic, and I would never get a chance to do anything else if I were doing that. He is a classless boob, but that doesn't mean you should stoop to his level.

    But, that is the justification that retards use.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Uh, yes I am.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Let me ask you a real question in the year and a half that this man has been president has he ever visited the troops serving in war zones even once, I don’t remember any, yet McCain regularly visited the troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, and I believe in Africa as well, I mean you want to talk about whataboutism, what about that those troops he leads as COC have never seen Trump in any theatre of operation. Then we can talk about class, Bush did, Obama did, not saying Trump is a coward, but deferments for bone spurs , c’mon boy you can do better than this.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Coming from a person with a lot of military background in my extended family on both my dad and mom's side of my family, I find Trump more insulting to the military than I could've imagined any president ever being.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    LOL. Typical retard response. What does that have to do with anything I wrote?

    I said it is classless to use that forum to bust on our President. I didn't say anything negatively about John McCain. He didn't give his own eulogy, did he?

    And as an actual military veteran, though not a hero like John McCain, I will strongly disagree with NinaBambimbo's assertion. Obama intentionally aimed to cripple our military might and is much less thought of in that regard than Trump. You may personally find him to be more insulting, but that isn't based on anything than your total dislike for the person.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "You may personally find him to be more insulting, but that isn't based on anything than your total dislike for the person."

    That is completely untrue and based entirely on assumption. I have met people who I can't stand in personal life who I can still say respect the military.

    Trump offended and hurt the feelings of a soldier's widow whose husband died in Niger, after being silent about it for almost two weeks, and then tries to disparage her feelings to make himself look good on Twitter rather than simply apologizing and trying to make things right.

    He accepted a purple heart from a vet and said, "I always wanted a Purple Heart. Now I have one." (Apparently the veteran said it was a replica but Trump said it was the real thing).

    Regarding McCain, in the primaries he said, "he's not a war hero," and "I like people who weren't captured."

    Disparaged the Gold Star Khan family.

    Chastising Gold Star families and mocking POWs is insulting the military. If you don't think it is, then YOU DON'T THINK.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    How is that a typical retard response, I thought you were talking about class, how in the hell can you be such a clueless fool, I made a fair point and again you go on again about whataboutisms, that's pure unadulterated bullshit, has our president ever shown one drop of courage to this military that he is Commander in Chief of, by showing up in one single outpost, where he has MEN serving under fire, on his orders, dying on his watch. That is extremely relevant, especially for a man that has claimed John McCain was not really a "hero" because he was shot down. Like I said C'mon boy grow a spine.
    Your response was typical of those that haven't got a leg to stand, on changing the subject as they always do. Anyone questions them their first response is to question your patriotism. That is McCarthyism at its finest.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @Nina. I agree with you on those examples, but more military will tell you that they feel he supports the military much more than Obama ever did.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Retards generally don't understand that their responses are retarded.

    Your point had nothing to do with my claim that using a eulogy to hit out at someone is classless.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "@Nina. I agree with you on those examples, but more military will tell you that they feel he supports the military much more than Obama ever did."

    And that is a prime example of why veteran mental healthcare is so important.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I guess knowing the pulse of the U.S. military is but one more topic that Nina is recognized by herself as being the all knowing expert.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    Actually, I think Swampy John did write his own eulogy for his daughter to deliver. McCain was a champion for the military, but that does not erase his status as Songbird John while he was a guest of the NVA, staying in the VIP section (such as it was) of the Hanoi Hilton. However, no one in his right mind would try to rationalize that Obama or either Clinton was a champion of the military. Trump has done more to improve the military in the past 18 months than in the 96 months preceding him.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I guess I didn't hear the same eulogies you did, who was it that mentioned Donald J. Trump ?
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I never claimed to be an expert. I said Trump has disrespected the military and supported it by facts, you agree. I said mental healthcare for veterans is important, which is an opinion, but is something that I believe is important and something that I think the country has lacked for as long as I can remember. My dad's older brother who served in Vietnam has severe PTSD. You wouldn't know by interacting with him regularly, but he still wakes up with horrible nightmares and night terrors.

    So we can agree to disagree about veterans mental health, which I believe should be improved, but the things I wrote about Trump were all true and I never claimed to be an expert.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Uh, his daughter.

    Are you so obtuse to not recognize that the comment about making America great again was about Trump?

    C'Mon you can't have your head buried that deep up your ass.

    There were quite a few comments by others that were certainly aimed his way but not nearly as blatantly.

    Look, I respect McCain's military service, but I was less impressed with his political achievements.

    I will say something else though. Politics is no place for being thin skinned, and most of the politicians that got beat by Trump are showing themselves to be on the same level as Nina in that regard.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    BTW, nice troll thread Nina.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "BTW, nice troll thread Nina."

    I am a woman who believes in discretion but when I messaged you asking you not to try to make people think I am Nicole, do you remember your response?

    I have the screenshots saved in case you forgot.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Well she was right America is great and talking about thin skinned please give me a break.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I have the PM Nina. The reefer smoking must have affected your memory. I wasn't going to make it public that you basically admitted defeat and begged me to ease up. Here is what you pleaded of me:

    "Please stop trying to pass pics of Nicole off as pics of me. I don't find her attractive and as a stripper, my looks are obviously one of the more important parts of my job... There are men on here who lurk and sometimes want to meet me, and I don't want them seeing that pic and thinking that thing is me because they don't know she's a troll.

    I'm not quite sure if you still really think I'm affiliated with Nicole, but I am not. She is not someone I would associate with IRL, ever."

    I acquiesced and agreed not to. My comment here had nothing to do with pictures.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I think mental health for strippers and sex workers is incredibly important, txttyfag.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Except when he was running for re-election in Arizona, McCain made no apologies for any of his views, even as they ultimately drove down his approval rating, among Arizona Republicans, to just 20 percent—with a whopping 68 percent disapproving. Indeed, according to another poll, McCain was the third-most unpopular Senator in the nation.

    Yet to the Establishment, such unpopularity is a badge of honor; that is, if a political figure is willing to “stand up” to the dopey masses, well, that’s a good thing. So it’s little wonder that John McCain received the John F. Kennedy “Profile in Courage” award, that annual liberal smug-fest. And now, maybe Meghan McCain will win it, too.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Finally flagooner that you didn't include YOUR REPLY TO ME.

    "Sure. I don't want to mess with anybody's livelihood. That crosses a line and isn't cool. I'm just having fun.

    I hope you don't take offense to my posts. I like to stir things up a little, but it's all intended to be in fun.

    And, yes I know you aren't Nicole. Known it since you first backed off the claim. You just seemed to get frustrated by it so I continued. BTW, I did believe it was you until you confessed though. That was well done."

    Emphasis on you saying you didn't want to ruin anyone's livelihood and that what you did wasn't cool...

    Has nothing to do with defeat. It was me trying to be a mature adult about a subject that is important in my area of work, and ask politely instead of hurl insults.

    How is you posting a picture and lying and saying it's me a "win" in your book?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^You extreme Right wingers think anyone that disagrees with your smug pronouncements is a liberal, that’s kind of funny coming from a bunch that’s running the deficit int the trillions.
    Real word for you all is jerks.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Nina and Nicole shouldn’t be confused as the same person.

    It’s more understandable if there’s confusion between Nicole and I being the same person. Founder said we looked like twins! :)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Fraternal or identical?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    He didn’t specify :p

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "Nina and Nicole shouldn’t be confused as the same person."

    Thank you.

    My actual twin went by Luna at the clubs we worked at together.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    And the funny thing is I didn't like working with my twin sister being I didn't want to be associated with her, either. Haha.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    You, Nina, are a delusional little tramp.

    "BTW, nice troll thread Nina."

    Please explain how in your warped perception of reality that impacts your livelihood?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Anyone who thought I might have been confused about whether you were really Nicole must have Down Syndrome and thus wouldn't likely have the means to.

    Oh, wait, you were confused about it, weren't you.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "Please explain how in your warped perception of reality that impacts your livelihood?"

    Dude you were the one who brought up livelihood in the private message you sent me that I posted after you posted mine. Do you really not remember what you said to me via PM?

    This, and your teen-angst "no one understands me" played out emo shit makes you look stupid... I don't believe for one second that you were joking about thinking I was the troll for so long.

    You should get your head examined because obviously there is something wrong with your brain. The circuits just aren't connecting.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Yes Nina. You are right.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Nina, this is just one of your posts on the thread before you came crying to me via PM.

    "Hence my JOB. My face and body are MY JOB. Get a JOB and you will understand that once you're established at your JOB, you don't want to be portrayed as someone else."

    There were quite a few others before that. I think that clearly refers to your livelihood.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    And again, you're the one who brought up livelihood and said, "I don't want to ruin someone's livelihood." Then you go and do the very thing that you said crosses the line. Therefore, if you are saying that my comment about the importance of my job indicates a reference to my livelihood, then that means you are now deliberately trying to "ruin my livelihood" as you referred to in your message to me. That's just sick, dude.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ????? You must be high.

    How am I doing that exactly?

    I give up. Your utter stupidity is too damn frustrating.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I know the point of the internet is so we can try change each others minds on basically autonomous forums, so I'll try to do that some more.
    I think what Trump said about McCain not being a war hero was a true statement in Trumps head, but delivered poorly in his words. Think of it this way. If you had 2 pilots. One did a bombing run and destroyed the enemy target, and one was shot down and captured, which one was more beneficial to the war effort? Which one, if you had to choose do you "like" more? I think he also was trying to make a point that McCain is the man he was because of his POW status. Had McCain completed his mission successfully, we might not know who he is today. So as morbid as this sounds, McCain being captured might have been the best thing that happened to him from a career point of view. Trumps a guy that if you punch, he unapologetically punches back, right or wrong, you don't swing at Trump unless you are ready for whats coming back at you.

    Same with the Kahns. Kahn said "You have have sacrificed nothing, and no one" which is a statement that could be made about probably 99% of the population who hasn't lost a kid in combat. But he didn't say it about 99% of the population, he said it about Trump. I'm sure Trump said, who the fuck is this faggot, 1 tweet and I can make 50% of the country hate this asshole, and a day later a lot of people were saying fuck this guy. Trump's going to catch shit no matter what he does. If he apologizes the media will turn him into a pussy that backed down, so he might as well be a dickhead that never says he's sorry.

    I think it was Abraham Lincoln that said, "There's 3 kinds of people, Dick's, Pussy's and Asshole's. Pussy's don't like Dick's, because Pussy's get fucked by Dick's, but Dick's also fuck Asshole's, that just want to shit all over everything"

    Trump's the first Dick I see fuck so many Pussies and so many Assholes in the same day. I find it fun to watch, plus I get to keep more of my money, so win win.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    The man was captured and tortured for years because he chose to serve his country. That sacrifice is what made him a hero.

    You gonna tell me Louis Zamperini wasn't a war hero? Or all the other POW's?
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    no idea who Louis Zamperini is. But just because you get captured, and even tortured DOES NOT make you a war hero. See Bowe Bergdahl.

    I'm sure most POW's served honorably. But 1 act shouldn't define your entire life, but often it does. What if a POW came home and killed his family. Is he a hero or a murder? What if of one POW came home and became a Senator, and then years later he became a bad Senator? His he a hero or a bad fucking senator?
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Lol, you're ridiculous.

    I can only imagine if Obama had suggested McCain wasn't a hero back in 08', you'd have been calling for his head.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I hated McCain in 08, I said in another post that I felt like a whore to the republican party when I voted for him in 08, so suck a dick Jester. some people don't earn the respect from others. Trump probably hasn't earned your respect, why the fuck is it such a big deal that McCain never earned my respect. I didn't like McCain 10 years ago, didn't like him 10 weeks ago, didn't like him 10 days ago, and I don't like him today. I don't even fucking know you, and I don't respect you. If I knew you were in the service, I'd say fuck you to your face because you sound like a dumb fuck, nothing to do with military service or hero or anything, respect is earned.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't think it's cool to bad mouth someone right after they died unless they called you a chump for getting lap dances, or molested some 14-year old, or something else just as heinous.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    BTW, looking good Nicole
  • General.

    I don't think republicans are racist.

    I assumed you were since you were the one who made a stereotype about identity politics to Begin with which made me think what I did, such as when u talked about democrats the way u did( I 4got what u Said) in my post in which I stated I wore burqa 2 trump rally

    Soo um...sorry for using that comment to draw further assumptions abt ur political views
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    Omg! XKCD is awesome!
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Nicole, I typically think republican vs democrat is logic vs emotion. logic says we can't let everyone come into the united states, we need some form of order, a wall funnels people to ports of entry. Emotion says I saw a picture of little girl crying while her mom was being arrested and that's wrong and we need to change the laws. Logic waits another day and finds out that little girl that made the cover of Time was never separated from her mother, and that whole narrative was built on a lie. Emotion says, well, maybe she wasn't separated from her mother, but I'm sure others have been, and that's wrong and we need to change the law.

    I also think Republicans are for individual responsibility, and democrats are more for a nanny state where someone else provides what is needed to "survive" A heartless republican wants someone to get a job and earn money. Where a loving democrat wants to provide food and housing to make the person's life easier, perhaps with a hope they will get a job someday, but there are few things that really motivate them.

    Republican's are more of a "sticks and stones can break my bones but works can never hurt me" kind of people. And Democrats are move of a, you can't say that, your words can cause physical harm to someone, kind of people. Or like, we shouldn't call people pretty or handsome, everyone should be called good looking. WTF, who cares, says the republican.

    Finally, I think republican's are for capitalism (making money), and democrats are for socialism\communism (taking money from those that make it, to provide for those that can't make their own money).

    that's what I believe because that's some behavior I've witnessed. I put a lot of liberals into bad buckets, and give conservatives a pretty wide open range. I know you've witnessed some republican's being raciest towards you, so you can believe we are all raciest, that's fine (I know you said you don't, but it's ok if you do). if someone thinks I'm raciest it doesn't really effect my day because I know I'm not. if I pigeonhole a liberal unfairly, that also doesn't effect my day, because I still don't really give a crap about anyone but my own friends and family, and I know my words don't have magic powers allowing them to manifest into actually physical harm.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I can't argue with that.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I can't argue with that.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    John McCain pandered to everything on the Republican Right, up through his Presidential bid. In opposing Trump, he has done a lot to redeem himself.

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