Searching for male escort to go to Follies

avatar for MAASXX
So...I’m at a club that is the embodiment of everything I dislike about dancing and want to transition to Follies...a more profitable version of that. However, Follies has given me a lot of shit in my attempts to audition so I figured I’d go covert : get in, talk to the manager, get hired. That’s where I’ll need to get a male escort so I can ge inside. If you’re interested, please message me with your availability for this week (I’d prefer to go in for night shift but hey, whatever floats your boat). I’ll send you pictures of me and we’ll talk from there

And what do you get in return? The ability to look at hot girls, hang out with a hot girl, and....nothing lol (please do me this solid. I’ll throw in a free lap dance if I get hired)


last comment
I'm not anywhere near Follies, but it is much loved and much talked about. If you don't mind my asking, what is this club that is the embodiment of everything you dislike about dancing?

Can you tell us what these things you dislike are?

avatar for MAASXX
6 years ago

Extremely loud club that’s pretty hood and customers treat it more like a social gathering than a place to patronize the dancers that are entertaining you
If I lived in ATL I'd be happy to take you but alas
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
avatar for MAASXX
6 years ago
Lol there needs to be a blacklist for forum trolls...though I usually ignore them anyways
Follies doesn’t deserve you come to SoFlo we’ll treat you right ;)
Well thank you Ebony for posting that. Not familiar with Georgia or this Goldrush, I don't know what it is like. From you name I am imagining you as Afro-American.

There used to be a real interesting site called Black Strip Clubs dot Net. It took reviews. Most everyone was saying that at night time the black strip clubs tended to become like regular night clubs. That is, the dancers became secondary, and the place filled up with groups of guys, and some women customers too. The guys would be throwing money at the dancers, but otherwise not that interested in engaging with them. More about male bonding than anything else.

I am slated to do some traveling, and in most places I will be going first to black clubs, and always on the day shift, or when they first open.

There had been this club in Newark NJ, Sights, which I had read much about, a membership after hours club. They did not allow alcohol and said that theirs was for appreciating the art of nude dancing.

It sounded to me like anything went, front room, back room, walking a girl out the front door with you. I would have liked that very much.

Never been to Follies, but on this forum it is much loved.

avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
"From you name I am imagining you as Afro-American. "

No she's Swedish you blithering idiot!
SJG said "Not familiar with Georgia or this Goldrush, I don't know what it is like."

This is also true for anything more than 100 yards from the mental health facility where he resides.

SJG said "From you name I am imagining you as Afro-American."

Because her profile picture provides no clue at all.

Also, 'Afro-American'...?
avatar for MAASXX
6 years ago
No my dad let me borrow his LinkedIn photo...and I’m Japanese
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
^^^ Sense of humor... check.
So Ebony, looking to Follies as more the kind of club you want.

Goldrush is this?…

2608 Metropolitan Pkwy SW
Atlanta, GA 30315

Here they list it as black, and that is what your description sounds like, a black club on the night shift…

Here read this, a discussion about Deja Vu, and my recommendation for a Local Regulars business model.…

Maybe you would like better a club run like that?

avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
Hey creep, with your worldly view and amazing powers of observation and deduction perhaps you can recommend a Japanese club to her.
She's not Afro-American - she just overdid the tanning-bed
Can San Jose guy get any more stupid?

Good luck ebony729 - I’m sure you’ll find someone to take you in.
Shailynn always has extra space available with him, in his mom's attic. And guess what, he will be starting his first day of high school next week.

avatar for MAASXX
6 years ago
Thank you, shailynn!
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
For the umpteenth time the creep has been shown to be an oblivious out of touch idiot yet all he can do is respond with a juvenile comment after his ass has been handed to him, again for the umpteenth time as he continues his attempts to pass himself off as mister know it all in his posts.
Can someone say masochist?
Ebony, do you like clubs with free from front room interaction, with money of course.

Or do you like just 'wanna dance' places?

avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
Can someone say masochist? Lol
@Ebony729 - Among TUSCL members, I believe @juicebox69 is the only one with professional (i.e. paid) experience as a male escort.
^^oops, just re-read your original post and realized you're looking for a different kind of male escort. Never mind.
avatar for MAASXX
6 years ago
^^lmaaooo you guys are hilarious

But when the time comes, I’ll be sure to make the appropriate thread (once upon a time I had seriously considered a getting a male escort so you never knoooow)
@Shadowcat or goldmongerATL, get Ebony729 in there!!

Love this thread! Plenty of folks in here to warn Ebony729 not to take SJG seriously. Amazing how he wants all kinds of info from other folks but when you try to ask him a question he starts rambling on about a privacy wall and some other shit.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
The more I read about Atlanta from Ebony, the more depressing it seems.
avatar for woodstock
6 years ago
Spice, we need you here in Texas.
Many of the regular Atlanta/Follie’s posters are day shift guys. As you may have read, day and night shift are polar opposites and it sounds,like you are really wanting to work night shift. Good luck.
@Ebony thx for having written some reviews. Some of the peeps on here take up a lot of space w/o contributing even one or two reviews here or there aka the foundation of what this site is about and how the majority of us found it. Good luck some good advice for ya on here.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
Male escort? I can't believe places are still getting away with that. One lawsuit and *poof* - illegal policy gone.

Come visit LA. We don't do that stupid shit here. And we have plenty of clubs for dancers of all shapes , colors and sizes. And we have cookies!
avatar for MAASXX
6 years ago
Stalker...? Wtf why are some of the guys here so weird. It’s just a review site and yet some of you guys have misconstrued it into a dick measuring/ “who can fuck the most strippers” contest.
There’s nothing to stalk??
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