
Ever get a air dance and dancer thanks she fucked you up lol

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Sunday, August 26, 2018 5:55 PM
Some times I try super hot hoes just because we'll she is a ten... most times its air or mild touching and she is banking on her looks to much to pay the bills... I guess it works enough for some Well I've had the pleasure to have some dances and witness a girl giving that I'm hot as fuck look bitch face and air dance the fuck out of me lol.... at the end she'll be like you wanna keep going ? I love saying Nah bitch you didn't even get my dick hard LMFAO Love her look of total disgust and rejection LMFAO


  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Hell ya. I don't even make it through the song though. I drop a 20 on the table and say thanks for your time and thanks for wasting mine. Lol
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    LMFAO I'm so using that one
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I've gotten laid off that one so have at it.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Please share the story of how this went down home slice
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I want the rewind and play by play
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Waisting 20 on a airdance that is why i have no interest in u.s clubs anymore
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Juice, simple and no great story. She was so shocked that I said it, she followed me around like a puppy dog and she kept saying 'nobody talks to me like that.' She just needed a good hair pulling and spanking after dealing with all these (as daddy calls em) beta cucks so I obliged.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Countryman - you are a decent guy so don't take this the wrong way, I personally have no desire to share a bed with a gal that sees 100 dicks a week. I like the game, that's just my preference.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Lmao pistola is like the PL loser version of a dancer I who claimed she made $755 and never allowed customers to touch boobs (here’s a hint, the clubs in my area are high mileage). And on top of that, she also looked a customer dead in the eye and told him that “my time isn’t free” and automatically gave her $100 of his own accord.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Not saying either are wrong, but the likelihood is about the same.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^honey it's ok that you're a 5.8. We can work on that together and get you to a solid 6.27. Most guys here are infatuated with you, I'm not.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    You do look better than Nic94 so there's that. Lol
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Too bad both of us are out of your league anyways so it’s not like it matters. ...Also you do realize Daddy Tricks is a troll making fun of you, right?
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Out my league says the gal living with roommates who grinds on D to pay rent... lmao Oh I realize more than you know. DTs posts are funny tho.
  • Nice spice +25 Who the fuck would be ok with seeing 100 pussies but doesn't want the girl to see same number of dicks... Lmao pistola do u and ur dumbass chauvinist male friends really think the greatest way to insult a woman is by attacking her looks?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Oooo, I’m so ashamed that it takes only takes 18 lapdances for me to make rent. Just because you would have a hard time finding people to tolerate you, doesn’t mean we all do. :)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Nicole, you’re being generous. I’d be surprised if he had true friends, instead of lonely acquaintences and coworkers who occasionally put up with him.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Awwwww. Y'all mad? That's cute. *pats each on head and hands out animal crackers.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I’ll gladly accept animal crackers as long as they weren’t roofied.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Those kind of girls dont last long in NJ. However, if Rosario Dawson gave me an airdance looking like the gif below Id just whip it out and handle business on my own. This is a rarity tho. [view link]
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I don't use roofies, just shots of Silver Patron or Don Julio.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Well this thread blew up LMFAO
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Sorry, don't like neither of them gals lol. One is an idiot the other acts like her shit don't stink
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    And you also don’t seem to like Amelia, who says way more real shit than you as well.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^dont mind her at all, that is called sarcasm. Sorry you can't discern it. She's real. And what I say is real whether you believe me or not, idgaf
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    No my good man. We had an excellent conversation yesterday where we talked about that *all* the bitches were ruining this board with their stupid whining. Except Zoey might be allowed to be bottom bitch. Don’t feed into nicespices fragile self. She’s probably just having her lady time of the month
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    That's like the story where the blonde PL once got an air dance and thought he was now a member of the mile high club.
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