How often do the majority of you frequent the same club per month/week/year ? Any benefit in going more often or to being a fresh face in a new place ?
I like variety and experiencing something new; thus I like rotating among clubs b/c I don't like getting w/ the same girls every time - there are some clubs I visit more often than others and one that I visit the most, but I try to not to hit the same club in subsequent visits if there's another option I also enjoy or just wanna try something different - thus I try to hit the same clubs less often instead of more often.
The main thread page says that SJG was the last person to post on your thread. Be aware that it seems unlikely that he’s ever actually been in a club, based on a lack of anything resembling reality in his descriptions of clubs.
I usually go to my favorite clubs (currently three) about once a week. Others 1-2 times per month. There are advantages to both regular attendance and being a “fresh face”. I just prefer the former.
Being a regular at a club often has its perks - dancers may come to you first - dancers may give you more-mileage either b/c they are more comfortable w/ you or they wanna make sure you spend on them every time you come-in, etc - but being a regular at a club also means the dancers get expectations you will always get-with-them/spend-on-them and then you have to deal w/ that; some PLs seem to be able to deal w/ this easily and others not.
GMD, I deploy a privacy wall where I feel it is needed. But in my 20k of posts I have given countless descriptions of my own experiences in strip clubs.
If you want to know a girl, OTC better. Home, or business trips. Get more bang for the buck, literally.
Well my situation is unique. I pretty much only have 2 clubs in my rotation and even then i only go 1 day during the week for cheap dances. I go probably every 2 or 3 weeks alternating between the 2.
I feel like being a regular in a club has it's advantage. Girls come to you first,you can get a bit more milage in some cases. I'm in my favorite club once a month and that's because my favorite is an hour and twenty minute drive. I have a club close to home I'm in 2-3 times a month
I used to love the thrill of going to many different clubs, but NJ has become very conservative so I have stuck with a pool of 3 clubs. I used to feel wierd if I went to the same club twice in a month, but now have come across regulars who might stop into a club 2 or 3 times in a week. I once met a guy stopped in twice during a day. If you have been in the game long enough you start to learn to stick with clubs who can drive men to do that.
I go to one club and one club only. I have been to a total of about 5-6 different clubs so far, but the first one that I have ever been to is my absolute favorite. I honestly only go to the club because of my ATF. If she one day just quit dancing, then I would also quit going to the club altogether.
My entire strip club hobby is dependent on one person
I guess i have a similar situation to Chessmaster where i'm pretty much just frequenting 2 clubs all the time (at least once a month for both of them). If the girls there haven't gotten long in the tooth for me by now, i don't doubt that i might have for them. Which is why i still keep a keen interest in new girls even if i have clear favorites and it might result in some "wasted" money.
Since I moved to my current home, there are really only 2 clubs close to me and I usually only go once a month to each. For the one club, they have never had more than 4 girls in a night and furthermore, they have 1 who is always there. She's a fun girl, but I might lose it if I saw her every week. The other club I only visit once a month because most of the time, most of their girls don't do anything for me and it always seems like a different group of girls every time I go there. I can have a great time one visit and an awful one the next.
If you were selecting girls and approaching them youself and getting a front room makeout session going, and then taking them home with you and continuing to see them regularly, would you then be going to the strip club less?
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-->"Any benefit in going more often or to being a fresh face in a new place ?"
My SC frequency changes. I've gone as often as 6 times a month, to once every 3 months. But no matter what, I'd say I spend the vast majority of the time at my fave club. Ginormous benefit to going to the same club, no benefit to being a fresh face (unless you're relentlessly after variety)
My favorite opening line from strippers who know im a regular is "Do you come here often?" This comes from girls at clubs where I may stop twice a month to once a week. I personally haven't decided if they have terrible memory or feel bad for flaking on me in a past visit. Im starting to believe the latter. Some girls write me off as a gawker at first. After they see me spend a lot of money respectfully on a girl thier attitude changes.... Strippers cant be that dumb as some girls even memorize my average dance count and tip.
For those who will be in my organization, you'll be getting TJ quality experiences with stripper grade dolled up hotties, every time you come to the temple. And there will never be any charge for this.
last commentSJG
I usually go to my favorite clubs (currently three) about once a week. Others 1-2 times per month. There are advantages to both regular attendance and being a “fresh face”. I just prefer the former.
If you want to know a girl, OTC better. Home, or business trips. Get more bang for the buck, literally.
My entire strip club hobby is dependent on one person
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My SC frequency changes. I've gone as often as 6 times a month, to once every 3 months. But no matter what, I'd say I spend the vast majority of the time at my fave club. Ginormous benefit to going to the same club, no benefit to being a fresh face (unless you're relentlessly after variety)
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate