
I'm a value SCer

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Sunday, August 12, 2018 5:55 PM
I enjoy getting lots of dances from different dancers so dance-price is important to me and I can't do high per dance price places.

But I wonder if $565 for 2-dances is a bit "overpriced" or am I just being too value conscious.

From a recent review of PT's Dallas:

"... Went late Thursday early Friday to unwind after a long drive. Crowd was not bad with a couple of groups on either side of the stage. Got 3 dances from an average brunette to get in the mood. Sat back k and waited for more lovelies to move thru the stages and then two cuties move thru the rotation. Got up and tipped them both on two stages thru the rotation and asked the second one a cute redhead to find me when she was off stage. I sat back and waited. The first left the stage and back to the dressing room to freshen up. Closely followed by the second a lovely red head after her last stage dance. Again waiting. First came out and back to the group on the right side of main stage. A few more songs and red came out. She was feeling no pain from but was still sexy as hell. So I watch her come out and she goes over to the group on the left side of the stage to say her goodbyes as they are packing up to leave. She gets a card from one of them after discussing tats from their actions. She follows to the back talking as they go.
When finished I approach her and ask her about the skybox and decline due to the short length of time and her price. I then asked for some time in VIP and she agreed. As we walked in I placed my cash in my shirt pocket and sat down to begin. First dance she goes topless and it is an acceptable dance with decent contact. DJ gets on and tells next dancer on stage to get ready and red says do you want me to keep going I say yes and the first song continues. About 30 seconds later first song ends and again "want me to keep going" yes of course. Nest song begins and she starts to have more hand contact with neck and chest and the like. As the second song progresses she removes her g string and continues. The second song ends and she asks again and I say we will go at least 5 songs and she said this will be song 6. I said well I guess we are done. I reach for my cash and it is gone. I start to check my pockets and she says what the matter. I say I'm looking for my money and she says this is all I have "the money I got from the other guy and his card." Remember she just left the dressing room and had not danced for anyone since. I am positive the money got lifted from my pocket, but making accusations can be bad for your health. I sucked it up and asked for an escort to my vehicle to get more money so it did not look like I was skipping out on the 2 songs that cost me for 5.
Red probably would have gotten all I had in my pocket if the dances continued as she was good and sexy. But when she overstated the dances I called it quits. Lucky for me I did so I did not dig a deeper hole that I could not cover.
I will return but will be more secure with my money and not pay 565 for two dances. Karma is a bitch and pulling stunts on customers can come back to haunt you ..."



  • knight_errant
    6 years ago
    Smh. I got taken for more when I was drugged by a dancer in Flight Club in DTW a few years ago but in my defense, I was unconscious.

    That guy should've called the manager, should've gotten someone to hold her in place before she could hide/ditch his cash.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Hard to prove the cash she has is the customer's and not hers.

    At times I mark my $$$ for a situation like this but I usually don't - but marking one's $$$ is the only semi-plausible way to claim it's your $$$.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    This is why one can never let their guard-down in a strip-club but at times we all get complaisant and then get bit.

    By habit when I walk in the club I usually place my $$$ where it's difficult for a dancer to get her hands on it when she's either giving me dances or just talking to me.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Fuck that

    I'm with you papa chills
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Well, also keep in mind that a post like that from a band new "1 and 1" reviewer could be a hit job from someone shilling for another club. I've seen two many reviewers too count post glowing reviews of a couple of specific clubs and then trash the shit out of near-by competitors. Sadly bad shill behavior is non-stop in the Dallas club reviews on tuscl. I would have rejected this review if I had seen it pre-publication.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I have another trip to Dallas coming soon and it should be interesting to see how accurate the Dallas reviews have been. I'll be sure to post ample review information and maybe get more active in the review comments for a few clubs.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Oh, and the first sentence in my last post was tongue in cheek. Having compared the Dallas club reviews to what I actually say the last time I was there and seeing the ongoing shill activity since then, I am certain that the reviews will be as misaligned with reality as they were the last time. ;)
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Sucks if the guy had his money stolen. However it's stupid to put $500 in your shirt pocket.

    Also I personally have screwed up probably a dozen times handing someone a $20 instead of a $1 or $100 instead of a $20. Once I even gave a dancer $300 instead of $60. I have a system now $1s in one pocket, $20s/$5s in the other and no other denominations allowed.

    I tend to think sometimes when guys assume they are robbed they just screwed up themselves. But that might not be the case in this scenario.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @rickdugan - Look forward to your Dallas reviews. Stop by Bucks Cab on a Friday afternoon, the late week day shift is impressive for day shift. Sucks you aren't here this week as nicespice is here! I also have come around to agree with you that some of the baby dolls reviews are shills.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    march 2 2018 i posted a related discussion:
  • 623
    6 years ago
    I have found sizable amounts of cash in clubs several times so there is no doubt sometimes guys or girls are careless with it. Most was $300 in Mons many years ago but just two month ago I found almost $100 in a small pile right in the hall by the front bar at Diamond Dolls in Pompano.

    Shirt pockets or shallow pockets in basket ball shorts etc are notorious for having things fall out and are the worst places to keep cash. Maybe a fanny pack would be a good solution ;-).
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    On a side note, I once gave a barmaid what I thought was a $10 bill. She brought me change for a $100, When I said she made a mistake, she said no, I gave her the $100. She could easily have said she made the mistake and kept the rest.

    Now I wonder if when dealing with a customer, the situation matters. Someone she's never seen. Someone she's seen in the club. Someone she's interacted with in the past. Or in this case I was sitting with my ATF so she knew I wasn't a newbie.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    PT’s is my spot. I don’t recall seeing any red headed dancers but I have never been there on a Thursday. The story makes no sense. You get 2 songs and the dancer claims 5 and you would not fight that? That’s a huge discrepancy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I've read many reviews of guys outright getting ripped off and they know it but still pay up - IMO some custies seem to think that the bouncers are gonna beat them up for not paying - many ROBs intimidate/threaten newbs/inexperienced SCers and they cave - perhaps understandably since many clubs hire large intimidating bouncers
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