
I want @countryman

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Hey boy will u let me holla @ u? Lololol


  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    You can send him a PM.

    It’s going down in the PM.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    Haha. He can't stand you Nicole. Waiting to see where this goes!
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Galiziabob that's why she made the thread. For one he said he put her on ignore so she probably wants to see if it's true. Second, she's a troll so all she does is make threads trying to prevoke responses.

    At this point this place is overrun by trolls.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Hell no you dumbassed ladyboy! Why don't you change your avatar and put a mask over that goofy assed big nosed face of yours! You are probably a 50 something virgin setting around with a jar of vaseline! I want you to take a long look at my avatar! You will never get a beautiful woman like that! You are going to be fucking your hand for the rest of your life you stupid ass troll! Please i beg go crawl in a hole or play in traffic either way! Just please go away!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Hell no you dumbassed ladyboy! Why don't you change your avatar and put a mask over that goofy assed big nosed face of yours! You are probably a 50 something virgin setting around with a jar of vaseline! I want you to take a long look at my avatar! You will never get a beautiful woman like that! You are going to be fucking your hand for the rest of your life you stupid ass troll! Please i beg go crawl in a hole or play in traffic either way! Just please go away!
  • 1) in just as pretty as her
    2) how can I be a lady boy if that is me in my pic? Lol
  • I'm just as pretty**
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "At this point this place is overrun by trolls."

    You're damn fucking right, TFP.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Just as pretty as her? That is the funniest thing i have ever heard! There is no one on here that would agree with you troll!
  • @country man can I holla @ u plz thx
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Countryman your avatar chick isn't even dolled up yet still looks way better than Nicokeyes with all that makeup on.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    ^I was thinking the same thing.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    Nicole you do look scary.....seriously. That most recent pic of yours does you more harm then good. Give us a pic like Nina. Then at least we won't be as mad when you troll.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    The only good pics from this Nicole character are the ones showing off her ass and legs.
  • I have other fave pics that were taken bettwr but just cuz talk dont like this pic doesn't mean I should change it cuz i feel gorgeous in my current pic and I'm happy with the cute guys who have liked it too.

    Sorry to dissapoint ppl lololol
  • I have other pics that are of better quality but just cuz y'all don't like this pic doesn't mean I should change it cuz i feel gorgeous in it pic and I'm happy with the cute guys who have liked it too. ..

    Sorry to dissapoint ppl lololol
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    It's cool. The real dancers avatars are way better than yours anyway. They don't disappoint, thankfully.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    She wasn't dolled up because we just got out of the hot tub! Lol pics do not do her justice
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Countryman she's a natural beauty. Contrast that to Nicokeyes. Imagine her without makeup... nevermind...
  • Sir dance why are u when talking about me lmao ? Wow I'm talking shit about a 20 yr old who isnt starting any drama with any one else on this thread lol wow you must be so cool and mature.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    Nicole looks like a street girl I like in TJ.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Nicokeyes LOL all your pics prove my point.
    In now your yet again latest avatar pic you have to cake on even more makeup and still you cannot hide those cokey eyes. My point is that you absolutely depend on makeup in all your pics because, unlike the chick in Countryman's avatar, you clearly are not a natural beauty. In all of your pics you are heavy on the makeup and it is only because of this that you look as mediocre as you do. Without makeup you are going to be a scary bug eyed coke fiend.
  • Dude..you're so ducking lame. Over here talking about women's makeup lmao wtf
  • Again idgaf what ur point is..u over here focusing on my looks when this post isn't even about that and more so, it had nothing to do with you. Like I'm a 20 yr old female who doesnt know u nor has said any thing negative to u in this post and all your comments focus on "my coke eyes".. With ur lastest comment talking about my latest avatar.

    ....you dont like me yet ur dumbass wants.to scroll thru my avatars?

    ...you're not a high schooler yet u want to talk shit about someones looks in like ur last 10 comments ..lmao if youre gonna talk about something trivial and superficial as that , at least do it when an action on my behalf a
    Has warranted such a comment.from u, which wouls on my be thr case if I were to talk shit first lol.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    You've been a 23 year old female all this time, now you're a 20 year old?

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Sometimes I’ll usually conveniently switch my age around too.

    Usually when I don’t feel like drinking at work.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    yeah... I sometimes add ten years to my age so I'll get a comment that 'you don't look that old'
  • I never switched around my age..I obviously meant a woman in her 20's.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Nicokehead1994, why are you here if no one likes you?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Nicokeyes LMAO You're in here talking about how gorgeous you think you are and that you are, to quote you VERBATIM, "just as pretty" as the chick in Countryman's avatar and I'm just posting that I disagree with you and giving you specific reasons why. Just like a high school girl you talk stupid nonsensical stuff about your good looks compared to a better looking woman and now you accuse me of acting like I'm in high school when it is you. LMAO I'm staying on topic and just because I disagree with you, you get your panties in a wad about my posts.

    Plus if you don't like my posts, ignore me! I'm not even necessarily posting to talk to you. I am posting to everyone posting in this thread and a lot of folks agree you are coke eyed no matter what pics you post.

    And I am just pointing out facts yet you are LOL so immature and sensitive about it. Your eyes are really baggy and you still cannot hide it with all your excessive make up. You can disagree with this all you want but the more different pics you post the more and more I keep seeing it. And I'm sorry but I just know from looking at it that it's a makeup cover up. I'm not trying to be in high school about talking about it. I'm just being factual but LOL you respond like a high school girl. LMAO you are 20 but act like you are 16 just because you can't take criticism that you aren't naturally pretty and you wear too much make up. LOL come back and post when you grow up.

    Not hating. Just saying. LOL.
  • Oh..so my response to someone talming about my looks deserves criticism as opposed to then on here who initiate and thus invite themselves to such a conversation?

    You have already shown how your character is that of a high school student.

    Now please stop digging yourself a deeper grave by demomstating that you have the brains of a high schooler as well, by conflating my actions for having responded to comments ABOUT ME LMAO with someone who talks about their looks as a way to initiate the conversation..

    Of course if someone is going to talk about how I look I'm going to respond with my beliefs lmao.

    While I could ignore such comments, it is for this reason as to why I dont respond to every single comment regarding my looks.

    And clearly, my only actual post about my looks (when I said I liked my profile pic) was only one post and probably the only singular time I have initiated such a convo...and me saying that is giving u the benefit of the doubt.

    ..bc you cant even consider that post as an attempt to have a convo revolved around my looks when it was made after many comments were made at me first about what others think about my looks.

    Nicole 1994 has dropped mic . Nicole 1994 out
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL Nicokeyes anyone including yourself can just read all of your posts and mine throyghout this thread and they will clearly show you are a rambling, incoherent, and contradictory cokehead. You just dropped a mic on being just that.

    Also maybe you should get some sleep and then my posts will make more sense to you. Your eyes without makeup would look really buggy and tired which is why you can't make sense of my posts.
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