
Club capacity restrictions

Atlanta suburb
Since Follies received two citations for over crowding they are being much more careful about how many customers they allow in at a time. But it dawned on me that that limit must also include club employees including dancers. Since the club has no way of knowing how many dancers are going to show up for a shift on a specific day, They also have to keep track of how many of them do come in.

This must be a headache for clubs and I can now understand why some clubs don't hire every dancer that applies. Suppose they have 200 dancers on their list for day shift knowing that usually half that many usually show up. So they base the number of customers that they will let in by expecting 100 dancers to show up. If 130 dancers show up , do they limit the number of customers allowed in by 30 or do they send 30 dancers home? Tricky!

This is similar to the problems the air lines have with over booking.

If you regulate dance schedules they now become employees. I don't think the clubs want that . The clubs make money off of independent contractors as well as customers. In some cases they make more off the dancers that some cheap skate customers. So how do you decide which to let in?

Just food for thought.


  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I think this is why some clubs charge to allow certain tables to be used in the club (the perk being those seats are more comfortable)

    And (for better or worse) that’s why some dancers are favored more than others. Using friendliness to encourage employee like behavior without outright making that demand.

    How “restricted” is the club? They could always make it bigger. Or perhaps if they can anticipate LE then give incentives for certain dancers to hide in the dressing room and sneak out
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I am sure there are other clubs that are overcrowded from time to time and maybe some that have also been cited, but I've never been in a club where it was packed like Follies day and night 7-days a week and never heard of custies being denied access to a club bc of overcrowding - although it seems Follies only started restricting access recently after they got cited.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Next time you go to Follies see if you can find out what the capacity of the place is - I'd be curious to know how many people that building is supposed to handle - I would think that info can somehow be found vua the internet but I would not know where to look and a simple Google search did not yield the info.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It may be a blessing in disguise in that it'll force the owners to make the club bigger - but sometimes that can change the vibe of the club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Shadow - was Follies just as packed when you first started visiting or did it just grow over time?
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Papi- I started hitting Follies about 8 years ago and back then it was more crowded than most clubs but nothing like it grew into during the next 7-8 years. Presently the weekday day shifts have dropped on considerably. Some people blame this on old white guys looking for young white girls. The line up to get in usually stars around 4-5 PM when guys are getting off work.

    I did hear that the club has about 400 dancers on their list but the way dancers come and go, it may be less than that.

    Also that previously announced club expansion is not going to happen. Some say it never was in the works.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I wonder if the club is actively also limiting the # of girls per shift - or limiting them more than in the past?
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    If I owned the club I can see telling dancers, first 100 that are here get to dance after that it will be as needed.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    Raise the cover charge to keep the "non-spenders" from taking up capacity. Raise the tip-out for dancers who do not show up for work by a certain time.

    Managing capacity and keeping the fire marshal happy are reasons why many clubs have higher cover charges and higher shift fees for the night shift (especially Friday and Saturday nights). More clubbers and dancers tend to show up during the evening versus during the day.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    For a business stand point you have no reason to complain for what I have witnessed, from a customer stand point you may not like this.

    The most efficient way I have witnessed when it comes to weeding out “dead” customers is making them give up their table if they aren’t buying drinks or have a dancer at their table. “Drinks” can be bottled water or soda, doesn’t have to be alcohol.

  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    ^at a place like follies there is probably guys that want a drink that dont have one.

    This is only a real concern at primetime and clubs like follies. One thing that has nothing to do with the "maximum capacity" is clubs with tables reserved for bottle service shit while everyone is SRO. Sapphire in vegas(and many more clubs) is guilty of this. Just one of the(many) reasons for my vendetta against them. I would rather be in a club that is actually close to capacity than one where they have half the club closed or all the tables reserved making it feel close to capacity.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    Charge a 50 buck cover but give out 4 or even 5 $10 dance vouchers good for that day only. That way anyone who DOES spend money is not really inconvenienced but it weeds out the guys stretching $25 for two hours.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Goldmonger not a bad idea. Only thing is id be pissed if i paid that and found none of the strippers desirable after the fact.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    shit mr gold. ain't no way im paying even half that cover. ( OK... maybe an FKK club.)
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    I can't even remember the last time I was in a club that was even 1/2 full so this isn't an issue for me.

    I think GoldmongerATL has the right idea. $50 cover with $40 in vouchers being applied to drinks, lapdances or VIP time. Keeps out the cheapskates while not costing those who are there to spend money anything more than a standard cover charge.

    Only change I would suggest is make the vouchers good for 30 days. That way if chessmaster's situation comes true and there is nobody worth spending money on you're not out $50 for no reason. Next time you come in you'd pay your $50 like normal but you'd have a total of $80 ($40 from 1st visit + $40 from 2nd visit) in dance vouchers.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I may do that.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    but does that mean I have to sleep in my car for a week???
  • Bbybunny
    6 years ago
    I’m not an employee at my club but we still have schedules to avoid too many dancers showing up for the same shifts.
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    Now that I think of it, that's probably why the club I used to go to when I lived in Omaha limited the number of dancers to 40 when it was new. It used to get real crowded and they always had LE riding them. I suspect that limit still exists, but they weren't ever close to it in the last 5 years of being in Omaha.
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