if a female ...

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
told you that you were very cute but that in order for sex to happen, "you would have to be her best friend " what would be your interpretation of this?


last comment
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
Go away!
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@sir dance or cash what would yall think
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Nicole, you are very cute, but in order for sex to happen you have to be my financially generous best friend. <3
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
They would think how much better this board would be without you in it!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice FYI gwapo ako.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I think that the Celtics win the NBA championship next year and that I would never have unpaid sex with a stripper.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@Sirlapdance Look at that Filipino confidence ;)
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@nice spice- i never indicated nor even remotely implied I wanted to play with or kiss you, let alone have sex with you. In fact, i have only indicated the exact opposite.

....please go find someone else to pay you for services.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice Just look at this Filipino. ;)
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Lol if any one has serious comments would b much appreciTed.thx
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice I'm as serious as a heart attack. ❤️
avatar for woodstock
7 years ago
I would interpret that as we wouldn't be having sex.
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
Here is a serious comment! No one cares troll! Close your mouth!
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
I’m sorry Nicole, I try to be serious but I am just a dumb stripper. :( Please be patient with me as I attempt to be a better thread commenter.

Just like I will be patient with you. I won’t give up!

@sirlap It’s just a difficult mental image cause your avatar is a bloodied white man, lol.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
nice spice why you are being stupidly immature...stop being sarcastic and in doing so trying to convey the idea that i perpetuate a negative stereotype regarding strippers-you are only reinforcing how little you know about me as well as about what i have said as my understanding sophisticated enough to not generalize strippers.

LOL i thought you were cool, rational, and nice.guess not, bc you seem to prefer mocking things i have never stated nor implied on here.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice FYI my avatar is Sir Lancelot from the movie 'Camelot'.

And my wife, mom, and sisters all say I look like an older and more pogi (talaga!) version of Arnel Pineda.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ my bad it was 'Excalibur'!!!
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago

I got that impression cause of your post about refusing to try out dancing cause of contributing to male misogyny.

Which if you genuinely believed, then yes, logically strippers would have to be either morally compromised or stupid to do so to contribute to that.

Now if you were reluctant to dance simply because the idea of lap dancing seems icky to you, then that would be another thing.

I’m about 75% cool and rational and 25% troll...hmm or maybe it’s the other way around. I don’t remember.

@Sir I had to look up who he was. Congrats on the genetics. I’ve been blessed too. My mom was still mistaken for being in her 20s when she was in her early 50s.
avatar for laplap1974
7 years ago
Friends never have to ask nor announce a best friend. This situation is about providing someone financially
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
This is funny shit
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice FWIW as soon as I saw your avatar and you confirmed that you were a mixed pinay I knew that banging body and silky smooth hair has an equally attractive face. And I bet your skin texture is baby smooth. Tala-fucking-ga-ga!!!

avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
She is making excuses why sex wont happen.

I prefer she suck first and ask questions later. I had a couple girls suck first but they didn't ask questions later. Th y acted like they knew what they were doing:
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Why does it have to b caller excuse for no sex as opposed to not giving consent 4 sex?
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I'm us d to females asking for sex not making excuses
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Nicole1994 - You are telling Nicespice you don't perpetuate negative stripper stereotypes or make generalizations about strippers, so I'm curious as to why you said this to me in the odd post you started about me yesterday, and I quote verbatim:

"Your dumbass bitch can stay where she belongs: i.g. Your knees"

^Direct quote from you, but you don't perpetuate stereotypes or generalize? Then what warranted that remark? I will also point out that along with the comment about me being "on my knees" (which txttyfag notoriously says all time), you also, in that same thread, said I had a "false ego," which txttyfag also has said numerous times... hm...

Link to pathetic thread:

Silly troll.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
^ Holy shit, guys!! What if txtittyfag is becoming txtitytrans!
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Bc i dont generalize. Your personality warrants you doing that. I said that bc youre nina dumbass bambina.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Like you don't have a brain so obvi u gotta use something else to get by u know.other strippers have better personalities and brains to carry more substantive convo.

avatar for jester214
7 years ago
Nina, didn't you call that Nicole1994 was a troll over a year ago?

Or was it three months ago?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Nicole you call Nina a dumbass but you're the one that is asking for advice about what a female's intentions are on a strip club discussion forum filled with PLs and strippers. Can you explain your rationale behind this thank you vry mch.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"Your personality warrants you doing that."

My personality warrants me being on my knees? How so? And you can try to backpedal as you always do by saying "because you're a dumbass." (Oooh, burnnnn) So you are still perpetuating stereotypes by claiming a "dumb stripper" must obviously get on her knees and suck dick.


And, yeah, ppwh. I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance between Nicole1994 and txttyfag. Other people here have PM'ed me about it.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Both claim to be from Texas.

Both call Nina a dumbass on her knees.

Both have grammar and type like shit.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Yup. They sure are similar...
avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
7 years ago
@ Nicole1994

"told you that you were very cute but that in order for sex to happen, "you would have to be her best friend " what would be your interpretation of this?"

Context, time, and tone are really important here. Depending on where, when, and how she says it I could interpret as her asking for money, wanting a live-in boyfriend, or putting me down gently. It's all a matter of detail.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Aw. Look at txttyfag getting his panties in a bunch because he got called out. Three posts in a row, Nicole1994-style. Lol.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@txtittyfag why are you so hostile I just made three points and I never accused you of anything. You like to denigrate people all the time and like to make an excuse to do it all the time. You got serious issues whether you are Nicole or not. I was just making an observation and yet you get so defensive about it.
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
Shut the he'll up Nicole you winey bitch
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Kind telling for txttyfag to deflect so much that he disgustingly is infatuated with and starts talking about someone who is dead. Is a Neanderthal responsible for the txttyfag account and all its other aliases? Not civilized at all, save somehow having access to the internet.

*Hits blunt*

avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Again, your typical recycled txttyfag phrases. You are not original and neither are any of your aliases. You bring down the overall quality of tuscl. You may be a really insecure female trolling here for all I know.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Except several men here have actually seen and/or met and spent money on me at the clubs I have worked at... you hide behind the keyboard, I don't. Not to be shallow, but you're obviously ugly. And not to be conceited, but I'm definitely not. You're just mad because you're an ugly girl or boy.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
I know you're trolling, but hypothetically speaking, if I were god's gift to the world of BJs, that would make me pretty damn important. Thanks for the pedestal.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Nina hypothetically speaking only you must have a flat head. And maybe handlebars for ears.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Ok well good thing it was all hypothetical.
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