
Uh-oh . . . I think I'm falling in love with a stripper.

I don't do taglines
New member here. Decided to join for the sole purpose of getting feedback on my new conundrum. First, I'm 51, married, in good shape for my age and considered attractive. I'm also married and my wife and I aren't getting divorced but our relationship has morphed into more of a platonic one over the past year. Lots of reasons for that which I won't go into here. I recently stopped by the local club one afternoon about a month ago with absolutely no intention of doing anything more than having a beer, maybe throwing some ones at a dancer or two, and leaving. What happened was anything but that. I had the pleasure of meeting an incredibly attractive, funny, enthusiastic, smart and interesting lady who I'll call "Andrea." I was taken aback at first site - because she looked like she could be the twin sister of a woman I had a 4-year relationship with back when I was in my 20s. This woman is one of those ones you'll never forget - incredibly mind-blowing sex, but many, many MANY problems outside the bedroom and I consider myself quite fortunate to have escaped that relationship with only a broken-off engagement and a major broken heart, which healed after awhile as hearts always do. Anyway, back to "Andrea." Besides being my ideal of feminine beauty she was also a very interesting person and though she's only 22 we found we had quite a bit in common and spent the better part of 90 minutes sitting at the bar, talking. I bought her a couple drinks. I even used the obligatory "Your boyfriend is a lucky man" line just to see how she'd respond and she responded with "I don't have a boyfriend - I don't have time for one right now. I was hooked. I don't know what came over me. I'm definitely not one of those guys who makes a hobby out of dating - or trying to date - strippers. I don't spend much time in strip clubs, though I've known and hung out with some back in my younger days as a perk of being in a band and partaking in the late night club scene. After I said goodbye to Andrea that first afternoon I did what I would otherwise describe as being unthinkable and a waste of time and money. I purchased a $50.00 floral arrangement on my phone and had it sent to the club care of "Andrea Andrea" (because the recipient line on the order form called for a first AND last name.) Oh and I included my phone number in the note I left, with some "pie-in-the-sky" platitudes about it being only shortly after Memorial Day weekend and that I hoped to get to know her over the summer. She texted me back a couple days later thanking me profusely for the flowers and we made arrangements to see each other again at the club. That was four weeks ago. Over the past four weeks I've visited her four times, buying her drinks, getting VIP/Champagne room dances, giving her back rubs and foot rubs, discussing all sorts of topics and finding that we really do enjoy each other's company. And yes, I bit the bullet and asked if we could see each other outside of the club and she said "yes." We're supposed to get together tomorrow for lunch at a restaurant which features a particular ethnic cuisine we're both fond of. I've also made an entre into asking her to go to a professional sporting event with me and she's given me a firm "maybe." I'm not gonna lie - part of me feels like I'm 18 again - in more ways than one - and is on top of the world. Another part of me wonders how much time it will take until everything fizzles out and I admit that I can't sustain this kind of relationship - whatever that may be - at my age, with my marriage, work, etc, etc. Still another part of me wonders if I should just come clean to my wife - and if that will end in divorce, or understanding. I guess the reason I'm writing all this is because I'm seeking answers. Or at least, advice. What happens if we do go out to lunch tomorrow. If she blows me off, or comes up with some sort of excuse, I think I'll know that it's a charade. But if it actually happens, then we will have reached a relationship level that is more than just stripper/client. Do we continue meeting outside the club. Do we continue down the path of inevitably broaching the subject of a sexual relationship? I have made a point of being the ultimate gentleman at all times with Andrea over the past four weeks, but still our flirting has gotten more and more suggestive. And we've also begun to share intimate details about each other's lives that I would never imagine happens in the "usual stripper/client" scenario. I know I'm not special. I also know I'm not made of money. Have I lucked into the ultimate scenario - a once-in-awhile thing with a stripper young enough to be my daughter that is mutually satisfying and doesn't interfere with either of our lives? Or should I run - not walk - as fast as I can in the other direction and never see this woman again? For the past four weeks I've been putting a lot of effort into playing this thing cool and doing what I sense are the right things to keep this a growing "relationship" (I hate using that word - especially unless and until we actually start seeing each other outside the club.) And ultimately, I know that there is a shelf life for this sort of arrangement. I'm not getting a divorce and marrying her. That's not gonna happen. Is this just a brief distraction from everyday life? Is it a feather in my cap? Is it doomed to fail?


  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > New member here. Decided to join for the sole purpose of getting feedback on my new conundrum. First, I'm 51, married, in good shape for my age and considered attractive

    At your age, you should have learned how paragraphs work. Could you have Andrea or your wife type this up, hitting enter a few times in strategic locations to break up the wall of text?
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Do you really know anything about her other than that you're attracted to her? Its her job to make you feel good. She knows she can't get you to come back and get dances if she treats you like shit or admits that she has a boyfriend. Its like any business, an employee isn't gonna treat you bad when you're a customer. If they do, you're not coming back.

    The only way to make her think of you as not just another customer in the club is if you make her see you're there for your own hustle or you know her hustle. It changes the dynamic. You then have to escalate it to something more personal. Otherwise, you're just being sold a fantasy.

    Having a few things in common doesn't mean that she has feelings for you or that there's even any potential there. Women don't think, you can't convince them of shit. Its all about how you make them feel and having them think of how you make them feel when you're not around. You're not going to get that if you see her once a week in an environment where she's just hustling and you're one of how many men she hustles.

    If you take her out, don't mention her work, don't think about anything, make her have a good time and enjoy herself. The next time you see her, remind her of something funny that happened during lunch or how she felt then. Bring up her smile or whatever. Don't ever mention any experience you had with her at the club. You want her to see you as a person in the real world and her real world feelings.

    If you really want to bond with her during lunch, if she likes any drugs, get some and use them with her before lunch.

    But honestly, I think you need to be really careful.I'm not being an asshole, I'm trying to give real advice. From my experience, strippers that young don't usually like men your age cos they think you have money and they can see you OTC to get you to come back for more ITC action. If after lunch she wants to see you ITC, be weary.

    Also remember this, there are more ways to use someone than just for money.

    If she really likes you.

    She will

    1- Make plans to see you on her days off
    2- She will keep in touch
    3- She isn't going to make it all about money. It will be more about spending time with her.
    4- She will start to open up and won't put on an act. If she's down or pissed off, she'll let you see how she really feels.
    5- She's going to get possessive and jealous. She might mark you with hickies and shit.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    What ever you’re thinking do the exact opposite, and condense this shit.
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    Thanks PhatBoy99 - as for your list of 5 things - she's already doing #s 3 and 4. And as for your paragraph about having "your own hustle' - we've already been over that too. Fingers crossed for tomorrow . . . we'll see how it goes.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Oh no—not another one!
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I hope it goes well for you. And don't mention your wife to her...
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I don't know even where to begin.

    1. You're falling in love with a stripper. This is not unnatural. But it won't end well. You're having a mid-life crisis, and you're going to make a fool of yourself and lose your money and your marriage.

    2. She doesn't have boyfriend. Right. All strippers have boyfriends. He is most likely an unemployed drug addict with 2000 tattoos. To you he would appear to be a loser. But she loves him, not you.

    3. How likely is it that an attractive 22-year-old would fall for a 51-year-old? She is playing you in order to get your money (which she will spend on her boyfriend).

    4. There have been many discussions about dating strippers on TUSCL. Read some of them. Read the stories by one of our members Gawker. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    5. My advice: Run, Forrest, run!
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    Thanks again PhatBoy99 but I wasn't going to. Man, there must be a lot of suckers out there who make a hobby out of trying - and failing - to date strippers LOL!
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ @ppwh +1


    I read about 10 lines and gave up. I'll try to get to it next time I take a sitter break.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Before that though.

    "First, I'm 51, married, in good shape for my age and considered attractive. I'm also married and my wife and I aren't getting divorced but our relationship has morphed into more of a platonic one over the past year..."

    That could be me except for the part about good shape and attractive.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    She’s a stripper. It’s her job to let you live a fantasy. Apparently, she’s good at her job.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Ha... Personally I think this might be a troll account but since you've done an otherwise convincing job and put in some effort to make it look real

    It's a really bad idea and she is just hustling you, but none of that matters because it's not about her it's about you. You obviously want out of your marriage and you're acting out in a way that will surely lead to a divorce. But what you haven't calculated is that it will also lead to a loss of reputation and respect that you seemingly nice work hard for many years to attain. at 22 years old I don't give a shit how much she has in common with you but you guys don't have in common is emotional maturity and physical Vibrance.

    I usually am anywhere between 12 to 14 years older and than the strippers I'm fucking. And that 12 years absolutely makes a difference and I still in my thirties bro.

    think it's been a while since you've had some decent sex I can make any man fall head over heels and lose their shit because sex is a drug and she is your dealer. But don't mistake a very enthusiastic friendly dealer as anything but a dealer.

    I say go and get high AKA get your nut more than a few times but keep your mouth shut dude don't lose your marriage don't lose your reputation and do not Bet Your Good Life on the stripper.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    You need to wait for our resident know it all, SJG to give you advice. Once he shares, do exactly thenopppsite and you will be good to go.
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    Thanks Meat72 - best post on this entire thread! And alright, I'm sorry for not breaking up my long-ass topic post into paragraphs. And no, this isn't a "troll" account. Who in the hell would troll TUSCL?!?!?!?
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Hank...Asks for advice and then vehemently ignores solid advice, and instead focuses on the confirmation bias of his I'll conceived plan to bed then wed a stripper damn near 30 years his junior

    Ya, that sounds like a solid plan what could possibly go wrong?
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    Hey GACA - I didn't come on here to get into arguments with people - there's Facebook for that. But since you persist . . . how can you make fun of me when you obviously cannot read. I never said I wanted to "bed then wed" a stripper - in fact I specifically stated the exact opposite. Learn how to read, and learn some basic grammar while you're at it (it's "ill-conceived", not "I'll conceived", idiot.)
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Hank... Me thinks thou douth protest too much.

    Guess I'm hitting to close to home :(
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    you having a problem with my grammar is racist, I'm African-American you bigoted Xenophobe
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Actually, better advice would be to fuck her in the mouth.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > But if it actually happens, then we will have reached a relationship level that is more than just stripper/client.

    This level is called stripper/regular.

    > Another part of me wonders how much time it will take until everything fizzles out and I admit that I can't sustain this kind of relationship

    The usual length of a CF relationship is about three months.

    > Have I lucked into the ultimate scenario - a once-in-awhile thing with a stripper young enough to be my daughter that is mutually satisfying and doesn't interfere with either of our lives?

    Possibly. It hinges on how jealous her boyfriend and your wife get if you decide to bail her out of jail.
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    Oh jesus. Hitting TO close to home? Don't you mean hitting TOO close to home? And how do I know you're African-American, you're an account on a strip club review forum - not a real person!!!! And don't you dare insinuate that I'm some kind of tRUMPkin, there GACA . . . I'm the least xenophobic person you'll ever meet.
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    Meat72 - if that comes to pass it would probably be pretty great. And after spending 15 years of my life as a professional musician I must admit I've had more than my share of great ones . . .
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Okay, I read it.

    My advice: Enjoy it for what it is, but turn off the fantasy once you walk out the door. The further along you string this, the more likely your wife will find out if she doesn't already know.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Troll fight yesss, almost as good as a stripper fight.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    I only have one question: has she given you a blowjob yet?

    No? Your heart and wallet are in for a rough time.
    Yes? ... what’s the problem, go get more.

    (7 Habits of Highly Effective People, habit # 2: begin with the end in mind. What is the end goal regarding this girl? Marriage? Sex? Indefinite platonic companionship?)
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    FTS - thanks for the honest comment. And I think my biggest issue with this whole thing is that I didn't follow "Habit #2" from the get go - and I still don't know the answer to that question. That's the problem.
  • GACA
    6 years ago

    Calling me a troll is racist, I'm African-American and prefer to be referred to as "Dat Nigga" thank you
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    As someone who actually *has* fallen in love with a stripper (when I was not much older than you, and she was not any older than your girl), and had that affection returned (a few of my articles might make some interesting reading), let me say that you should probably run if you have any desire at all to remain married.

    My circumstances are somewhat different than yours in that I'm in an open (though I think the more accurate term would be "poly-amorous", even if I'm the only one amoring) relationship with my wife. She knows what I'm about, and doesn't have a problem with it. The girl for whom I fell knows I'm married and doesn't have a problem with it. I truly believe that those things are the only reasons I've not experienced some kind of drama or marital catastrophe.

    You don't have that luxury however, and you'll actually be cheating on your wife (assuming your marriage vows are, explicitly or implicitly, near the American standard). This will sooner or later manifest in both of your relationships and probably end up poisoning both. Divorce is a messy business both financially and emotionally. Are you prepared for that?

    Are you prepared to find out that your new love interest doesn't actually reciprocate your feelings and is only playing along for the money? That sex isn't on the menu and all she really wants is a sugar daddy who will spend time and money on her?

    If not, then you should *be* prepared.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I thought you people prefer to be called sir !
    Notice I got a you people in there too;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^That was for GACA not you Ninja
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I don't agree. It can make his wife want him more if she finds out. But of course the point is for her not to. I'd also add that no matter what she says or does, as long as its part of a paid interaction ITC I wouldn't trust her.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    FatBoi seems to be stuck in the last century.

    OP, if the reasons for the platonic nature of your marriage are in the realm of “it’s boring”, you might ask your wife if she’d like to bring in someone else. :)
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    You might want to contact @Dadillac if you want to get scared straight.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Hank, here’s my suggestion, for what it’s worth.

    Think about what good could come from going on a date with this stripper. Maybe you have a nice meal with an attractive young woman. Maybe you have great chemistry on that date. Maybe you have sex with her.

    Now think of the downside - or downsides. Your wife finds out. From what you’ve mentioned - your wife is a good woman. Does she deserve to feel the betrayal? Even if she doesn’t divorce you - she will never trust you again. You will never be as close again. This will remain a wedge that exists from you being as close as you are now.

    You aren’t a rich man, and half of a non-rich mans money hurts a lot. Think about the total cost of this piece of pussy - as you’ve paid her on each visit already. Now add the cost of your potential divorce to the total cost of seeing this dancer. Is it still worth it?

    I know the temptation is there. It can be very strong. But - it’s not worth it. You should spend that money on your wife - and invest that time in your marriage.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    if she would leave just because you cheat, she's not that into you
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    One more question. You realize that she’s expecting you to pay for more than just her dinner and drinks? She will expect to be compensated for being your arm candy. This is a paid otc dinner date.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    If she asks you to pay for her time, tell her that makes her sound like a ho and you're just taking her out. But buy her something, go to the mall or shit.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    dont be a sucker, play her if she tries to play you
  • b0ssh0gg
    6 years ago
    I agree with many if the posters here on this point- if you think that you intend to stay married get away as fast as you can. This can only end badly.

    If you are prepared to lose your marriage and possibly get your heart broken then I would tell her that if you are going to have a relationship with her then it needs to be a normal relationship and not a provider-client relationship and only see her outside the club. Never see her there again- Period. Ever.

    Take her to dinners, hotels, trips but do not under any circumstances giver her cash, pay her bills, give her access to your bank acoount or credit cards. This will be a short fling if it works out at all so don’t get overly hopeful for a long term relationship. Have fun while it lasts but always prepared for it to end abruptly. Last but not least- practice safe sex ALWAYS! Cheers!
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Hank67.... Just do this, think of meeting her outside the club as the first time you're meeting her. Forget about everything that happened in the club and forget about all the jaded advice you're getting on here. Why she's meeting you is irrelevant. Its your chance to make her feel something and get her to want to see you again.If after your date she wants to continue seeing you OTC just go with it. If not I would give it one or two more chances then give up.But Im serious about using the drug of her choice to bond with her, drugs are the easiest way to hook up with a stripper.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    And don't worry about your wife! There are obvious problems that are making you want to try with this bitch. There's nothing wrong with that, you're a man. If you wont get it at home, get it elsewhere.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Who is MuchachoGordo dolling out advice
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @Hank67 - I am a little less jaded than others here that I don't think this is some complex long term romantic hustle where she intends to take everything you have. But I would agree with everyone else in saying that this girls is NOT interested in actually dating you. She enjoys being around you to some degree but she really wants you to continue giving her money. In your heart of heart you know if you stopped giving her money/gifts she would stop spending time with her.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Gaca, Im giving him real advice that will actually help him.

    PaulDrake, it hasn't even left the club yet. Let him get his feet wet and see. yeah you're probably right but its always worth a shot smile now cry later
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    PhatBoy99 - troll status incredibly likely
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Troll by who and why? Just cos I don't have a mistrust of strippers and dont look down on them and cos i actually give relevant real life advice. LMFAO
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Im gonna help all of you guys who want to date strippers. This weekend Im going to post exactly how I meet my bitches and how you can do it too. Im 100% serious about this shit. Its not as hard as you think!!!!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    This is heading into imbecile territory, fat boi youtre a Dumbass hank you are a knucklehead both of you are trolls GTFOH
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    I wrote an article in 2013 about the pain (and pleasure) of falling in love with a stripper. Despite my intention to end our 4 year trust then, I'm still seeing her ( since that was written my wife passed away and my ATF is currently living with me. Her presence in my life has caused me to make many bad choices, has cost me well over $300k, and has damaged relationships with my children. However I've had a fucking ball, have enjoyed sexual nirvana I never had previously anticipated, and vacillate between thinking of ways I can get her out of my life to wondering if we can find a new sexual position without wounding each other.
    Only you can know whether taking it to the next level is stupid or extremely stupid. If I had it all to do over I honestly don't know what I'd do. I was 63 when I met her and am 72 now. I'm unsure if I'll make 73 and am unsure if I want to make 73.
    In my case her drug use and abuse has been a major negative factor. Her promiscuity has been tittilating and disturbing at the same time. I've recently made the worst decision of my life and am too embarrassed to admit it ( even here) but expect I will 'fess up when it causes me to either be incarcerated or otherwise exposed to public ridicule.
    Good luck, sucker.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    just cos you dont like something someone says doesnt make them a troll and youd never say that to my face puto
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    gawker.... you have to take control of her drug use, limit it
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    You’ve treated her like a gentleman? Bud that’s the first of many mistakes. Listen, I’ve been there and done that. Of course I’m 52 and divorced but that’s a different story. I too fell in love with my incredible stripper. Was just about the best three years of my life. Of course I paid for that pleasure. I wouldn’t change a thing but I didn’t have a wife! You want to go down this road? Keepbitcstrictly business. Set spending limits and don’t get attached. Good luck I feel you won’t listen but you’ve beennwarned
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    PhatBoy99 - it ain't for lack of trying. I've forced her to go to drug detox 3 times in the past 4 weeks. She has bailed and relapsed every time.
    She readily admits that if she doesn't kick her habit she'll be dead soon. She shoots 3 to 4 grams of heroin daily and has no idea how much fentynal is mixed in.
    She recently overdosed in my living room and got 2 shots of narcan in the ambulance and 6 more at the hospital. The Dr. told me she tested positive for heroin, fentynal, amphetamines, cocaine, and benzodiazamines.
    I brought her to a secure detox program on Monday of this week and will not go to pick her up before she completes the protocol. Then she MUST go to a 10 day inpatient program. Then, within 2 days she is to move about 1500 miles away to spend a month with her father who is an addict in recovery. After that we'll assess where we stand.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Gawker, that's really bad. I know its hard when you have feelings for someone self destructive. Those are tough drugs to kick. My girl does coke at work when it gets real busy or she really needs to hustle hard, and I pretty much just portion it out for her, to make sure she takes as little as I can get her to take. And lots of weed, but thats not that bad I guess. But yeah when it comes to that many drugs, its hard. You know, its not her who hurts you, its the addiction.... and you have to look out for yourself when it gets that bad.
  • Hank67
    6 years ago
    Wow - this thread really blew up while I was busy living my life tonight lol! And thankfully, the level of the commenting was appreciably higher quality. Thanks for all the advice and I think I understand this place now: All the sincere, nice people on here aren’t on during the day because they actually work for a living. The daytime is filled with jaded losers who probably live in their parent’s basement. Except for Phat Boy - he was on here today AND tonight. Just for the record Phat Boy - I don’t think you’re a troll.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Wow! That escalated quickly.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    yer fucked man.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Hank, thanks. If you have any questions about strippers or whatever, feel free to message me. I hope it goes well for you
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