I'm done with this
Explosion in my pants
Is a thought I've had occur a few times recently.
Each time, a variable number of days go by, my balls fill up, and then I think "well, I can afford to...." and the next thing I know I'm either headed to the club or texting a fav to meet up.
Anyone else think they're done, for whatever reason, then realize later that no, not done.
Each time, a variable number of days go by, my balls fill up, and then I think "well, I can afford to...." and the next thing I know I'm either headed to the club or texting a fav to meet up.
Anyone else think they're done, for whatever reason, then realize later that no, not done.
Over the years my biggest issue was feeling concerned about the amount of $$$ I was spending and that used to be my main motivation for wanting to quit but the desire to go was stronger - but in the last couple of years I've SCed very regularly and recently had gotten to the point that I was kinda going just to go and it felt like the same-ole same-ole and it wasn't/hasn't-been doing much for me - lately my SCing had been going not so much bc I wanted to or needed to, but going bc I could and it had mostly lost its luster - I'm currently sorta in standby mode and trying not to go unless I really have a strong desire to go vs going just bc I can and maybe don't have anything better to do.
We have an "appetite" that we've learned to satiate with clubbing. You'll never quit until you can find an alternative appetite suppressor.