Has anyone Skyped with Nicole1994?

He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
I’m interested if anyone has Skyped with Nicole1994? She’s said that she will reveal her identity only via Skype.
I’m curious if anyone has confirmed her identity.
last commentYeah BJ said she did and saw her (Nicole's) penis.
I remember reading BJ’s post. That was funny.
Smh no i havent skyped with her nor anyone else. Also ive recieved zero requests to skype.im sure.ppl will falsely claim they have skyped with me just to say that they saw thay im a guy. If you really want to know u might as well just skype me if u want to since it wpuldnt hurt cuz it would be only for five min. Up to u im.jus sayimg id rather have u see 4 urself than me being portrayed as something im not lolol. If i find what i see as more time necessary to take pic then i will.but idk when. Either way im.offering u something at very little cost and for u to say im.not real just bc u dont want to take 5 mins from ur own time which u spend calling me fake is dumb. U can criticize me for skyping instead of pic, but thats completely different than calling me fake when you havent even accepted my offer at very little cost to determine the truth of that.lmao
You mention it’s at very little cost - what does that mean? Do you charge to Skype with someone?
No..thats why it is little cost, as the only cost involved is only five minutes of ur time.lol
Ok. Let’s do this. I’ll settle this for all the other members of this site.
I have time tonight to have a Skype session. Maybe 7 pm eastern?
It has to be a time.convenient for.both of.us. i could do.tonight but im.not 100% sure. But i know i can do tmrw from 10-3 pm? If not maybe i can do today im trying to.figure out what i need to do today after i cook..
If i end up having time at 7 eastern tonite ill let u know here in advance
Ok. Thanks.
In case you were wondering - no contact with Nicole - or her Skype - tonight...
I've had "her" on ignore for a while now - I think you're 99%-likely just dealing w/ a troll
I finally put him or her on ignore too this morning.
I’m giving her a chance to prove her myself to be a non troll. She claims that she doesn’t have time to take a selfie and post it - but she does have time to Skype?
@cash um i already said idk if.i can do tonight but i can do tmrw during the day? We obvi have to find a time that works for both of us. I just got done with some things then abt to eat dinner then study so tmrw works better. Can we please do tmrw any time before 2 pm texas time ?
Fridays are just a lot more packed for me as a student than saturdays or sundays, sorry.
You're a troll.
Ok ishmael
Good job in TOFTT, Cashman. I was curious about this Nicole person myself and was also thinking of taking her up on a Skype session. But the fact that she is so against posting a simple picture with a date has me thinking she's got some thing else she's hiding.
I'm curious to see how your Skype session goes, so keep us posted Cashman. I'm thinking this is gonna go quite like a guy trying to get a first OTC date from his ITC favorite: gonna get the run around for a long time.
Don’t forget to have her show you her lady penis! :)
You weren’t expecting me to be wearing pants when I Skype with her? That would be silly!
OMG... I just read that shit Nicole posted.. maybe this is a girl.. only a female can be this whiney without her dick in her hand. :P
So anyone skyping? Just bumping the thread before I eat lunch. I'm curious.
^ we are working out a time. He told me to msg him if i can do today but i told him monday works better so hopefully he can do monday..but still working on it
I told him i could do yesterday but he wssnt home when i messaged him to skype that day
^^^^Nicole can't do that because she creates a new thread almost everyday, reminding everyone she is here. But at this point everyone thinks she's a troll so no one takes anything she posts seriously.
This Skype session is basically her only chance to get out of her grouping with Mtent and the rest of the annoying spammers.
I have a feeling "Nicole" will string this out with a series of appointments mishaps and such.
It's already pretty obvious that the picture posting method would be exponentially easier than this Skype charade.
Probably another week. Or as long as people continue to "entertain" him. But you guys are still feeding the troll. So who knows.
I was unable to find a convenient time to Skype Nicole. Hopefully a mutually convenient time will be available soon.
I’m still confused regarding how Skype is more convenient than taking a selfie with some current info.
I put him/her on ignore when he/she never replied to any of the constructive comments made on any of his/her threads, but instead chose to use the space to argue with people. True sign of troll behavior. A waste of time & bandwidth.
Yeah you guys are right. Fuck a skype session. It would be WAY easier to upload a picture with the date. It's literally write the date on a blank piece of paper, take a selfie, upload to the same image site that lovely ladies like poledancer83 and that sugardoll girl used to bless us with their photos. Instead, nope, this Nicole person insists on using a method that takes two people with different schedules to try to come to some happy medium. Says it's easier to Skype but yet is never available when Cashman is.
Yep, a full of shit troll. I mean I suspected it after the fifth dumb ass thread in a 2 day span. Yet I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Much like I tried when reading SJG's posts. But nope, I should trust my first instinct.
"I was unable to find a convenient time to Skype Nicole."