Reviews done by dancers for their own club.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Are they all just shill reviews? Any value to them for customers?

I think that you can't just treat them all the same. Some of them will sound like management talking and some sound like customers. You've got to read them to decide whether to accept or reject them.

Ones that tell you prices and services available are usually pretty informative but they usually do not touch on mileage.

Some of them are just advertisements promoting themselves but leave out the real costs and services. A lot of these are done by Stripperweb dancers that we all know aren't worth the paper they are written on.

Does participation on the discussion board make a difference? I think not. I would believe some and others I would not. I'm not going to get into personalities. We all have are own opinion of those dancers that post on here.

So there is not a simple answer. You've just got to read and evaluate each one separately.


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avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I read one yesterday, and rejected it. It was about management and the club work environment.

My view is - if it doesn’t provide useful information to clubbers - it gets rejected.

The dancer who posted that review stated that she was only posting to get vip status. I don’t care if she was only posting for vip - as long as the review provides clubbers with good information.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I try to evaluate them based on what message they are trying to convey, sometimes they miss the mark but they are a counterpoint to a male perspective. That’s my take on it.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
The ones stating informative stuff (prices, cover, parking, etc) are generally useful. Rarely are reviews from dancers useful to customers since they don't touch on the things we care about like dance quality and mileage.
avatar for Longball300
7 years ago
I have no problem with them; recent reviews by Lofn and Linzee were very good and informative to dancers and customers. Just like everyone else on this board the dancers have good and bad reviews; not everyone is a master. The only reviews I reject are those that are obvious 100% shill or so vapid as to not provide any useful information.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
I wouldn't reject a review if it is useful info for dancers and not for us.
avatar for Lofn
7 years ago
^^^Thanks Longball. I try to include info that's useful to both customers and dancers. Mileage and dance quality is harder for me to assess, since I don't buy dances at work, I can't objectively evaluate the ones I sell, and I'm not privy to what goes down in rooms.

avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
Self reviews are seldom worth much in my estimation--especially if there is benefit and more so if the benefit is monetary.
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I think you gotta read em and decide on a case by case basis. Frankly, even if they are of no use to customers doesn't mean they aren't a worthy review. I mean, we lean pretty heavy towards the customer perspective here but that doesn't mean we completely reject the dancer perspective as spam. If a few dancers were to hold a conversation about dancer topics in the discussion board I'd consider it on-topic. The same with a review, if its a review that focuses on dancer specific areas of interest I'd still consider it worthy and on-topic, even if I have nothing but a very passing curiosity in the content. If they manage to provide some customer specific useful info, thats a total bonus.

That said, there are definitely some dancer reviews that read as "please come in to my club and give me money" and that's not useful to anyone but the club and that stripper, that's simple advertising. If that's what they want, they need to fork over some cash to place a banner ad on the site. I'd reject those.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
I know when I write more detailed reviews I try to put info in them that is useful to dancers (customer makeup, fees info, etc). I don't see why this site shouldn't be useful to dancers.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
I agree that it will always be case-by-case, hut there is also less of a clear distinction between info useful to dancers and info useful to customers than you might think at first.

Example: if I know the dancer's house fees, tip-out, etc, that can be useful if trying to negotiate a VIP fee (or at least give you a better perspective on what ballpark dollar range you need to be in).

I've also found that having some knowledge of the "behind the scenes" situation at a club can help build rapport with a dancer even if it doesn't have a direct economic impact ("Yeah, I heard the new day shift manager is a jerk"; "I can't believe they make you carry a prop around even when not on stage" etc.)
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
lofn. your reviews and comments are good and useful. thank you for the info.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
TUSCL reviews are pretty-much the best-resource for club info and one would assume a good # of dancers read them to get info on various clubs - some dancers write reviews where their intended audience is other dancers and those seem legit and somewhat interesting to learn some things from the dancers' POV
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
depends on how honest they are. if you work somewhere for a while you get a sense for what’s going on and for how much. but dancers are rarely honest about that for various reasons.

I’ve thought about writing reviews for clubs I’ve gone to as a customer but I get treated way differently than a guy would so I don’t bother.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Dancers not being honest who’d a thunk such a thing;)
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