
Cops arrest 2 drunk brothers at strip club

Atlanta suburb
WORCESTER – Early Sunday morning around 1:50 AM, an officer with the Worcester Police Department [WPD] working a paid detail at the Riviera Show Club on Southbridge St when he witnessed a fight in progress in the club’s parking lot. A second officer on Southbridge St also saw the fight and pulled into the lot.

The officers broke up the fight and were later told that 23-year-old Mitchell Lugo had attacked several individuals for no reason. The officers ordered Lugo and his brother, 27-year-old Zachary Lugo of Rutland to leave the area. Officers learned that the brothers had caused other incidents at the club over the course of the evening.

The Lugo brothers continued to scream at the group they were trying to fight. An officer started escorting Zachary from the parking lot when Zachary got into a fighting position. The officer told Zachary that he was under arrest. At this time, Mitchell began getting into a struggle with the other officer who was trying to place Mitchell under arrest. Mitchell got the officer into a headlock before the officer was able to get Mitchell to the ground. The officer countered with punches.

The fight ensued even when other officers arrived, but the two officers on the scene were able to get both brothers on the ground and an officer was able to place one handcuff on Mitchell, who continued fighting with his other hand.

Zachary punched one of the officers and attempted to grab the officer’s duty belt. The officer delivered a closed-fist strike to Zachary’s face. Another officer also delivered multiple strikes to Zachary’s face. More officers arrived and they were able to place both men in handcuffs.

Both Mitchell and Zachary Lugo continued to try to kick officers after being placed in handcuffs. The brothers screamed threats and profanties at an Asian-American officer, using racial slurs and threatening the officer’s family.  

Mitchell Lugo is charged with Trespass, Resisting Arrest, Disturbing the Peace, Disorderly Conduct, Civil Rights Violation, and Assault and Battery on a Police officer.  Zachary Lugo is charged with Trespass, Resisting Arrest, Disturbing the Peace, Disorderly Conduct, Attempt to Disarm a Police Officer, and Assault and Battery on a Police Officer.  Both of them will be arraigned on Monday in Worcester District Court.

“When we conduct these investigations, we gather as much information and as many facts as possible,” said Chief Steve Sargent. “Our members of the Bureau of Professional Standards then review the circumstances, level and the degree to which force was used. The initial review indicates that the use of force falls within the parameters of policy and training standards under the circumstances.  A full investigation is being conducted.”

This investigation is ongoing. If anyone has information about this incident, please contact the Bureau of Professional Standards at 508-799-8694.




  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Is it okay to use the term "brothers" so loosely? Isn't it a bit racist?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The text made it look one way - the video make it look another way - in the video it looked the cops were taking unnecessary shots - they had him down already w/ several cops and they kept on punching him in the face - good thing they weren't black or all-hell would have broken loose.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I thought they were black. The headline clearly says "2 Drunk Brothers".
  • Why do men have a problem with being racist not misgoynistic? Double standards? Hmm. And the only lockrr room talk im aeare od is that whoch occurs in high schools and donald trumps office, and significantly rarely in professional and college locker rooms where sexual encounters are discussed ,but moreso in an objective rather than demaning fashion.
  • And the only locker room talk which i am.aware of **
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I would suggest Nicole that you know zero about what men talk about in the locker room. Misogyny? Stop being annoying. Last I knew Trump paid hookers and Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    These two are well-know local garbage. They seemed contrite this morning in Court though.
  • Oh ya..thx for reminding me it undoubtedly took place in clinton's dumbass admin too
  • tijuana_tim
    6 years ago
    Nicole on your last photo you were a 5 now in this one you’re a 3
  • @tijuana: i love how i look and genuinely wouldnt trade my looks to look like any model at all. You are entitled to ur opinion , so frankly thats cool
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    The text posted by Shadowcat paints a different picture of the situation - than the video (and the women’s account).

    It’s obvious the one brother was very drunk - and he lost balance as soon as the cop attempted to apprehend him. I’m guessing those guys made several bad choices that night. They should have handled themselves very differently with those police officers.

    I’m guessing that any time cops are called to a strip club parking lot - at close to 2 am - they are on high alert for drunken idiots who are out of control. Something about booze - pussy - and fast money can make some guys act very stupidly!
  • @ tijuana..also just bc i said that i wouldnt trade my looks doesnt mean i domt think im.cute cuz i sure as hell do lol and would rather look like myself than tom bradys wife. Whether or not u agree has nothing to with that or some of the really handsome guys that i turned down 4 sex cuz i cant have it since condoms dont protect against pregnancy. Have a nice day
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Hmmm. Condoms don't protect against pregnancy?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I thought she posted the other day that she never saw a dick, if she isn’t a troll I don’t know who could be.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Well if you are in Worcester you have to get drunk, it is one shitty town.
  • They do, but dont protect against it 100% which is what i need to feel safe having sex as a college student who has not yet started her career
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    So your abstinate?
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    No he's abyssinia.
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