Ive always wondered..

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
What strip clubs near the ghetto = "inner city" and projects are like...lol. interested in hearing ur experiences if u have any

-before any dumbass or delusional prick comments nehatively, im offerring to Skype for ten mins for anyone who wants to know if im "real" lmao smh.


last comment
Skype and show my face**^^. Not that any one wants to but thats what ill do for those that do.
I've refrained from engaging, but I'm bored this morning. Why not post a little pic of you holding a sign saying TUSCL 6/10/18 or something and settle it. You obviously have no issue showing your face on here, so include that.

And a lot of strip clubs are like that, they're not particularly special.
Strip clubs near the "projects" are the same thing as the projects. i.e public housing. The Projects Strip Clubs are completely government funded, this allows the dancers to all live in the Projects Strip Clubs for a fee of $5 to $15 per month, depending on how much money they make at the club. The lower earners pay $5 per month to live at the club. The top earners pay up to $15 per month. This includes room and board, so they also get meals, and beverages. Each girl gets her own twin bed, in a room with several bunk beds. If they are over capacity, the lower earners who only pay $5 a month to live there must give up their bed and sleep on the floor. They don't care because it's the projects, so they all get together happily at the end of the night and sing songs, mostly derived from a mixture of both slavery days' songs, and the original Broadway show and movie, "Annie." This keeps them jolly.

They are served two meals per day, breakfast and dinner. This is covered by their payment of $5 - $15 a month.

Breakfast usually consists of biscuits n gravy or grits with a side of eggs, and chicken and waffles as a specialty on the weekends. Dinner usually consists of each girl getting one piece of fried chicken, fried catfish, or a pork chop, depending on the day, and two sides. The sides are usually alternating between baked Mac n cheese, yams, black eyed peas, mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing, potato salad, and of course collard greens.

Lunch is not commonly served but Ramen Noodles are heavily stocked so girls can heat those up by themselves if breakfast didn't fill them up.

Things can get tough near the end of the month when the Projects Club Owners' SSI checks are running dry, so at the end of the month the meals usually all consist of pig's feet or chitterlings accompanied by a side of lard.

They get free koolaid with every meal, because it is the projects. Henessey and Ciroc are available any time after 12pm for just 25 cents a shot. The girls usually mix that with the koolaid for a nice Projects Cocktail.

Their showers are limited to 5 minutes per girl. Sometimes the girls have to shower together to preserve water and heat, but they don't mind, because it's the projects. They each get one towel that has to last them typically two weeks, so they are shit out of luck if they lose it or get it dirty, because then they are fined $1 for a new one. They are given one cotton blanket and pillow to last them two weeks as well. They do their own laundry, and sing the same jolly songs that I mentioned earlier to make the laundry process fun. They also have to clean to earn their keep, and they sing while they do that as well.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
Apparently NinaBambina was more bored than Dolfan.
^Nina that was hilarious
@nina bambina..thats crazy. Governments fund strip clubs? Lol
Nvm^. But why even make such a weird ass comment. Anyway..on the the next
"@nina bambina..thats crazy. Governments fund strip clubs? Lol"

Yes, girl. Only the ones in the projects though, since projects are government funded. Everyone becomes a family in these situations. It's hard not to when you sleep, eat, and shower together. This creates a bond between the girls as they exchange stories at night of their experiences living in the ghetto. There is of course a housemom, sometimes two, who live in the Projects Club as well and alternate shifts. Their names are usually Mammie, Boss-Lady, or Ms. Hannigan. They keep the girls in check if they get out of line. They usually don't, though, because everyone is always happy in the projects.
Yes, i am awarre of the definition of projects in that they are govt funded.but idk why youre saying strip clubs are govt funded (govt doesnt directly provide funds for thess types of facilities ), you might mean indirectly. In that case, the govt wouldn't be funding those clubs, but rather such indrect use would instead entail people abusing govt funds and misappropriating them for strip clubs.
No, Nichole, only clubs located IN the projects get this government money. The gov't pays for the basics --- electricity, liquor licenses, soap... The club owners and managers use their SSI checks to cover the rest, and even that often isn't enough which is why the girls pay up to $15 per month to live there. They cannot afford a cleaning service because it is the projects, and that is why the girls are also given chores to make sure to club "shines like the top of the Chrysler building."
Lol Nina is still high off that Warriors championship. Some hilarious reading right there!
I haven't even told you the worst part yet: how a girl gets into a Projects Club.

They audition on stage, and if they pass the audition, they are taken upstairs to one of the Project Stripper Bedrooms. Since they are new, their room and board fee starts at $5/month. So, the current housemom rounds up 3 of the top earning girls, gives them $5 in quarters and they drop the quarters on the ground. The newbie then must pick each of the 20 quarters up off the ground while the 3 top earners beat her. If she is able to collect all the quarters despite the beating, she has earned respect and is welcomed into the happy home and gets her first month free and a pack of Ramen Noodles.

That's just how we do things in the projects. Why ask about it if you're not going to listen?
Nina, I love you. Will you have my babies?

Wait, never mind. In my swooning state, I’d forgotten for a moment that I was snipped.
@ Nina that was funny as fuck,you keep that up you might win a date with flagooner.
My impression has been there are shitty dives everywhere and there are upscale clubs everywhere.
There is a misconception that the govt. funds these clubs. In reality the owners get "breaks" to provide the services there.

They are "exempt" from taxes and utilities and are provided public defenders when necessary. The leases are typically $1 annually to comply with federal zoning regulations.

The owners do have to pay for the Hennessey (wholesale with no taxes), insurance premiums (but those are heavily subsidized under the Affordable Projects Stripclub Insurance provision on page 937 of Obamacare), and under the table pimp payoffs.

Fortunately the program is well regulated so corruption is confined to South Chicago.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
ha ha ... nina u r talented !
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
not sure I will be able to enjoy the Dirty Catfish the same knowing that clubs like this are out there!
Nina, you should write an expose article about the Projects clubs.
We need more Nina!!!
Stories of girls who jump onto laps and then start licking your neck and nibbling at your ear, defying you to start coming on to them and start making out with them.

Then they take to back rooms. In some clubs, they don't even bother with back rooms. They just go to couches in darkened corners to finish what they have started.

Nina FTW!
avatar for rane1234
7 years ago
Ever seen the purge? Id stay in the burbs if i were you
Lol thanks guys.

Nicole1994, did you get the information you were asking for?
Nicole your hot! Please come to ky!
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