
Old Playboys

Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:15 PM
Was cleaning out some storage containers in the garage and came across some Playboy magazines from around 15 years ago or so. Some were the regular magazine, the others were those Voluptuous Vixens special editions where it's front to back cover naked women on every page. In this age of internet porn, those mags just don't measure up. I enjoyed flipping through them and reminiscing one last time before depositing them in the recycle bin. How many of you still have some of your old nudie magazines (not just playboy) stashed away somewhere? Do you ever look at them anymore if you do? If not, do you have any plans on what you'll do with them? If you already got rid of them, did you just throw them out or did you try to sell them? What magazines did you collect?


  • Eve
    6 years ago
    When I was 14 or 15 years old, I was living with my grandparents - whose restrictive and conservative house rules rendered me a socially awkward recluse for quite some time. My grandpa was/is a barber that would subscribe to these magazine packages so that they would send him one of each type every month so that his clients would have something to read while getting their hair done. Well, I was checking the mail one day and noticed that one of the magazines that were sent was within discreet plastic wrap. I opened it and it was a Maxim magazine. For the longest time, he would automatically throw the adult magazines away in the trash without even opening them, and I finally discovered why they were in that packaging in the first place. They kept sending Maxim for a little while, and then they started sending Playboy - which was raunchier in comparison. So easily intrigued by the borderline or completely naked women with every other flip of a page, I made it a priority to check the mail as soon as the mailman came so I could look for the magazines and sneak them in my room before my grandpa could find and trash them. And yes, I have a towering stash under my old bed at his house still. I've thought about sneaking them out occasionally during my visits to his house, but there's a lot. Definitely enough to interrogate me about if he ever cleaned the house or planned on moving out and found the stash under the bed. So I'd have to take them in sections. Hah!
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I used to have a bunch, but when I moved, I basically trashed my porn collection. This includes DVD's as well.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I think I was about ten when I found one of my father's Playboy magazines. Oh gosh, did that open up a new world for me !
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    You might still be able to get a little something for them on eBay from a collector.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I was not interested in playboy - I started enjoying penthouse - and quickly moved to hustler. I grew up in two very strict and religious households - and porn mags were not allowed. My friends dad worked in a variety store - and he’d bring home a variety of porn mags. His tastes began with hustler - and moved well beyond to some impressive filth. This was back in the 70’s - so it was very different than today’s porn availability. My friends dad also had porn movies. Not video tapes - but actual reels that had to be loaded on a projector. Many of them were a single scene - and many didn’t have sound. It took a lot of coordination to watch them. We would watch them in a tool shed in my friends backyard. He’d steal his dads movie projector - we’d run an extension cord out from the house - and project them on the wall of the tool shed. We also stashed a bunch of hustlers under that old tool shed - lol! Those were the days when you needed to work at being a pervert!!
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    All mine had their pages stuck together.
  • mal_hodgson
    6 years ago
    My dad had a charter subscription to Playboy, so he had almost every issue from issue 1 (1953 with Marylin Monroe) up through the sometime in the 80s when he finally cancelled the subscription. I still remember when I first found the boxes he stored them in in our basement in the early 70s when I was around 12 or so. What a goldmine that was! I still remember a couple of, um, “favorites” issues that a I snuck into my room. Unfortunately the whole collection got pitched sometime before I could retrieve them as an adult. A collection like that could have made me some money these days. A couple years ago I bought all the Playboy issues from the 50s and 60s as a digital CD box set when I found them for cheap at a Half Price bookstore. I’ve also got a subscription online so I could look at the issues from the 70s. I actually enjoy them for the articles now(which was always the joke back in the day, “I buy Playboy for the articles”), and the old ads are fun to look at. It’s also interesting to watch how the look of the playmates and the centerfold photography evolved over time. My favorite period is the mid 60s to early 70s. Earlier the photos look pretty old fashioned (but Hugh must have really like girls with huge knockers in those days). 80s had to much airbrushing and strange poses for my tastes. What is really crazy is the cartoons. All the way through the 70s at least they are so sexist (bosses hitting on secretaries, old men with little young girls, etc). The #METOO gang would absolutely flip out if you tried to publish them now. He also had a charter subscription to Sports Illustrated which I have continued un-interrupted in his name since I took it over some time in the mid 80s. I hardly read it anymore but the charter subscription rate is so cheap and I’d hate to cancel it.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Yep every Black Friday this website has dirt cheap magazine subscriptions. You could buy a years worth of playboy up to 3 years out for $3.75 a year. Yes, $3.75 a year. I subscribed for about a decade until I finally didn’t renew, my office was filled with magazines from various subscriptions I never even read. I thought fuck I just killed a lot of trees!
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    you guys should have saved them for me.
  • Gmoney24
    6 years ago
    I finally recycled mine from the late 80s and 90s a year or so ago, but also perused the old centerfolds one more time. Looking at the great centerfolds and then realizing many of these women are now in their 40s. Wondering what happened to many of them. Karen McDougal was always one of my favorites, but she’s been in the news fairly recently, lol.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I thought this was gonna be a thread complaining about shailynn he an old playboy;)
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    Yeah, my dad used to collect them in the 60s, 70s, and early 80s. We still have all of them but unfortunately they're probably not worth much anymore. I used to sneak a peak once in a while. I agree with Gmoney24: some of the first women I ever saw nude In the pages of that magazine are probably in their 70s or even 80s by now! I wonder what happened to them, too. (And I wonder if they ever got around to shaving the bush: bearded clams were very common in the 60s and 70s.)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I probably got rid of my few mags, only a handful, back in the late 90s I believe - I was not into buying a lot of porn - I got a 1-yr subscription to Playboy in the early 90s when the ebony (actually mixed-race) Rene Tinison won Playmate of the year and the subscription came with a VHS tape I wanted to get. In the mid/late 90s I bought a couple of Black Tail magazines that I kept for a little while
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    The bearded clams were very prevalent in the beaver hunt section of hustler. Very hot girls - very little grooming!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    @Cashman1234, The girls in Playboy from that time period were about as well-groomed as the average 17th century French brothel worker. I remember the first time I saw a modern issue of Penthouse in a bookstore as a kid. I basically thought to myself "oh, so that's what's under all that hair." I also had a huge crush on Tanya Roberts after seeing her Playboy spread. Talk about a hairy snatch! And she was only around 20 years old when she posed for those photos, but by the time I was jacking it to her she was probably well over 40!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Tanya Roberts was in Charlie’s Angels. She was hot. I just did a quick search - and somebody is trying to sell that Playboy issue on eBay for $15.50. Porn is so much easier to locate now. Today’s perverts don’t know how hard it was!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    When I've had to discard things like that, yes that final flip through is very important. :) :) :) SJG
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    She was also a Bond girl ("View to a Kill") and the radio hostess on Cinemax's "Hot Line" series, among a raft of other roles.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    I subscribed to playboy for many years, even picked up most of the special editions along the way. I amassed a significant number over the years. When it got too cumbersome to store I thinned the heard, trashing lots but keeping some that were favorites for one reason or another. Still have 2 file drawers as an archive. When they stop publishing nudes a few years ago, so too stopped my subscription. Which was quite a shame because the quality of the girls really increased right when they stop doing nudes. @mal: a 2nd hand CD set is a great idea for the right price. thanks for the idea.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    What's interesting is how much money those playmates made just for showing some tittie back in the day. Crazy how times have changed.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    soooo.... how tall of a stack would all the REGULAR issues of playboy be (assuming in great shape?
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