
What do you guys think?

avatar for Salty.Nutz
Deez Nutz

There's a dancer that i used to get a lot of dances from, but I havent been getting that many from after some comfort was built and this happened after multiple visits. She started lecturing me that i was unhappy in my marriage (because i go to the strip clubs), and she wanted to see pictures of my wife. i said no. i dont talk about my wife or vent about my marriage, i wear my wedding ring. She said something in the tone of, she thinks she is hotter then my wife. i get a dance from her to get rid of her and she high counts me, old song was still on and she started dancing right off the bat. i tell her that was only 1 song but give her the 20 anyways. The next visit i see her, she sits down on my lap and ask if im mad about last time. i say yes, and tell her im not getting dances from her anymore. She then goes on to say, that shes seen i have been busy getting dances from other girls and shes not a whore/prostitute like them. she then goes on to say that she is going to tell the bouncers that i tried something. i tell her to try me and i anint no bitch. when she walks off, she puts the palm of her hand on my forehead and gives it a little push. it was not a slap or hard enough to move my head, but it was strong enough to where it got my blood boiling.

i was thinking of writing really positive reviews, about how fun she is in the back. Hopefully this gives her extra business and she can leave me alone. what do you guys think?


last comment
avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

damn, don't talk to her or give her a dime...sounds like a ROB

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

Find one that makes you happy. You high count me and I'm gonna low pay you.

avatar for houjack
6 yrs ago

Find another, no need to talk to her any more. Don't worry about doing something to get back at her or whatever, just move on.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

old song was still on and she started dancing right off the bat.

This would have been a good time to say: Let's start on the next one.

The next visit i see her, she sits down on my lap and ask if im mad about last time. i say yes, and tell her im not getting dances from her anymore.

Maybe once she sat down, saying "oooh, damn, I gotta pee! you sat right on my bladder!" and excusing yourself to the men's room would have disrupted her scheme.

Otherwise, a better approach might have been to ask her, "why, do you have a guilty conscience?" I would tell her that I'm mellow, etc., and that each visit is its own thing.

It sounds like you let her set the frame and got roped into answering enough of her questions at face value for her to figure that you were a lost cause for her. If she had some hope that she might be able to sell you dances again, she might have focused more on making it up to you, you could have put on that you weren't quite convinced for this visit, but...

avatar for azdd
6 yrs ago

Seriously? I would be done with her. I go to clubs to escape my real life, not be lectured by a dancer. Whether I choose to wear my wedding ring or not is none of her goddam business.

avatar for PaulDrake
6 yrs ago

If it were me I would avoid her and if she does try to talk then avoid conversing/arguing. If she tries to threaten you hold up your phone and say that you have been audio recording.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago
avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

the funny thing is that i go to the SC because im a drunk. before i was married i would be out thursday through sunday getting shit face drunk. i cut back drastically to once a week, and this stripper starts lecturing me that i probably got in a fight with my wife, thats why you are always drinking here. i wanted to hit her low, but i am just going to ignore her. i have cut back on my drinking drastically, and i know that.

avatar for shailynn
6 yrs ago

Every salesperson has a sales technique (at least they should) and hers is the inferior complex. She’s there to make you feel inferior to her. Some guys love that shit, I’ve read about that before. Guys that have high stress jobs tend to get turned on when the tables are turned on them and someone else is dishing the stress.

Most of us just say “fuck off bitch, I came to the club to de-stress and you’re not helping the situation.”

“I think I’m hotter than your wife.” - she better hope so because she’s probably at least 20 years younger

  • also don’t write a good review about her - and let some other PL fall into her trap. Just ignore her and tell her to leave you alone if she confronts you again.
avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

i tell her to try me and i anint no bitch.

i was thinking of writing really positive reviews, about how fun she is in the back. Hopefully this gives her extra business and she can leave me alone. what do you guys think?

My guess is that she leaves you alone after this. Usually when I get to the point of planning how to short circuit a dancer's shenanigans, she magically stops bugging me.

IMO, it's better if she picks up on you being no bitch than having to tell her amidst of a pattern of appeasing her.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Don't be such a pussy. Passive aggression is so weak.

avatar for TFP
6 yrs ago

Write positive reviews for her? Why? You shouldn't feel guilty in the slightest that she's not getting your money anymore. It's HER fault! All she had to do was keep providing the same number of dances at the same mileage and it sounds like she might have had a regular in you. Instead, she tries to go stripper therapy on you. I wouldn't want that crap either.

Maybe she'll learn from losing your business what she should and shouldn't do with the next regular she manages to get.

avatar for April9424
6 yrs ago

she sounds awful. i don’t get why guys pay to interact with girls like this. shoving, threatening, no social tact or class, tries to cheat you out of more money.. do not write her a good review. personally I’d tell a manager/bouncer about her threat before she has a chance to say anything to them. falsely claiming assault because you don’t want dances is really fucking low of her!

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

she wasnt that bad, there was enough familiarity between us that she would sit with me for about an hour or so. We would joke and things would be friendly until she asked for my number, and i said NO. She wanted it so we can meet up at the club (appointments). i told her we could chill OTC, but she dont play that. i said cool, i didnt want her blowing up my phone. the risk of having trouble at home just to meet up at a SC for dances was not worth it for me.

the thing that got me hot was her pushing my face.

its was only 20, and thats not the 1st time a stripper threatens me.

avatar for Smalltowncpl
6 yrs ago

Not long ago I made a solo run to a local club. There were only 2 girls working one didn't have any tits,and had very few teeth so I opted to chat with the other. She is a very pretty girl so honestly we just sat and talked most of the time. When she noticed my ring she ask if my wife knew or cared that I was there. I explained my situation and she went off on this rant about guys that come to the strip clubs without the wife knowing and how they are the scum of the earth . She talked about guys lying and cheating and just coming to clubs thinking they can get a cheap feel or a backroom bj,and if I was expecting that to move on because she doesn't give extras .......ever. After a couple more drinks she calmed down and offered a private. Next thing I know she gives be that bj that she "never" does and gives me her number.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

"she went off on this rant about guys that come to the strip clubs without the wife knowing and how they are the scum of the earth . She talked about guys lying and cheating and just coming to clubs thinking they can get a cheap feel"

Deja vu, without the happy ending for me.

avatar for skibum609
6 yrs ago

Why you continued to interact with her after the first negative comment is something I cannot understand. Why would you ever get another dance from a pain ion the ass.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

There were too many red flags in your original post to mention. That dancer was playing some shitty mind games trying to get shit on you to exploit. She wanted to fuck with you - but not in a good way.

She now sees you as weak, and will shit all over you. She knows that she’s no longer got a chance with you as a customer - so I’d be careful about interacting with her on future visits to that club. I’d also be concerned she might tell another dancer - and then set you up.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

@LDK, i did not discuss my marriage, she saw my wedding band, and assumed i was unhappily married and started to lecture me.

@skibum609 after the high count lapper fiasco (1st visit) i knew i wasnt getting dances from her. she was yapping and yapping (about how shitty my marriage was) and i suggested to lets get a dance. i was only going to get 1, because after i buy songs strippers will leave me alone. this back fired and ended up paying for 2.

on my 2nd visit she jumped on my lap and asked if i was upset, i said yes, and that i didnt want to waste her time, that i wasnt going to buy dances from her. "She then goes on to say, that shes seen i have been busy getting dances from other girls and shes not a whore/prostitute like them. she then goes on to say that she is going to tell the bouncers that i tried something. i tell her to try me and i anint no bitch. when she walks off, she puts the palm of her hand on my forehead and gives it a little push. it was not a slap or hard enough to move my head, but it was strong...."

avatar for wallanon
6 yrs ago

"i was thinking of writing really positive reviews, about how fun she is in the back. Hopefully this gives her extra business and she can leave me alone. what do you guys think?"

How is she going to know it's you? Not sure how those things are related. I'm trying to imagine a stripper who'd be comfortable enough to hit me in the face. I'm not sure how I'd react to that. That's just crazy.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

^^^if she was a man this is a very different story.

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

she’s jealous.

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

or maybe more accurately.... possessive.

avatar for rh48hr
6 yrs ago

I'd have kicked her to the curb in a hurry. I would consider improving your relationship with the bouncers in case she tries to pull that BS of lying to the bouncers about you doing something. Chances are they know she's crazy but better to be on the safe side.

avatar for Darkblue999
6 yrs ago



My dancer asked me if i have sex with lot of girls. I said no ,only with my wife.She was surprised with that response and can't believe it. She then told me marriage is love, sex is like breathing,you can have sex with me. LOL....May be she was trying to get more dances from me by saying that.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

Wallanon’s point is a good one. Does this dancer read the reviews on this site? Does she know of your username? How do you think a positive review would help your relationship with her?

I think it makes you seem like more of a push over. She acted up - and you posted a great review - to calm her down? The next step is paying her to calm down and do nothing.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

I kind of side with shailynn (excellent !! rundown of her tactics and she prolly gets off on it, too) and also with skibum. I would have already moved on and forgotten about her.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

"i was thinking of writing really positive reviews, about how fun she is in the back. Hopefully this gives her extra business and she can leave me alone"

For clarification i dont discuss TUSCL or i dont believe she knows my screen name. i was thinking of writing real positive reviews, like she does x in the back, when she does not. Are you following me? Its a "clean" club so she could probably get some heat from management. i believe management reads the reviews because, i posted on here before that restrooms were dirty and bar staff was slow, and they cleaned up those areas of the club after my review. i dont think its a coincidence that it happened.

im not going to do the review thing.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

Got it. Not a bad idea! Lol! I like the way you think! It’s passive aggressive - but it’s effective!

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