Fuck y’all I don’t wear an earring.
You guys are all just jealous, cause god only made a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair.
And in my case it’s a solar panel for a sex machine.
In alot of countries, if you are a guy that wears earrings, it is like a calling card that you are a homosexual. It probably varies where you are in the US as to whether people perceive it as a gay thing.
The late 1990’s/early 2000’s when I was in high school, it was common for guys to get one ear pierced, usually just the left. If it was the right ear that got pierced instead, it was a sign that you are gay. I never got an ear pierced, or any piercings for that matter. Some of my friends did get their left ear pierced.
I think it depends upon the cultural enclave. I've never gone for anything which could be gender or orientation ambiguous, but lots of younger guys completely accept it.
^the real weirdos usually named Brad seem to do that combover thing where they take the little bit of hair they have and try to brush it up over the bald spot.
G Pirates
You guys are all just jealous, cause god only made a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair.
And in my case it’s a solar panel for a sex machine.
Do you look down on him? I do.
But such guys are often in sales and make more money than those of us who do the 'real work'.