I think it’s important for prostitution to be legal throughout the USA. That is a huge oversight - and something each political candidate should support.
Criminalizing a profession is one of the worst ways to deal with something! Legal prostitution should be up there with legalization of pot.
What makes you think it's any more difficult to tax prostitution than it is to tax any other service-related industry? Also, here in NJ, there's no sales tax on hair cuts, dry cleaning, and medical treatment, and yet all of those things are fully legal. Plus they seem to have found a way to get most barbers, dry cleaners, and doctors to pay their income taxes.
Flagoneer what’s wrong with the legalization of both? The legalization of weed is important for medicinal and other reasons. The legalization of prostitution is sensible on basically every level.
Criminalizing a profession is one of the worst ways to deal with something! Legal prostitution should be up there with legalization of pot.
You lost me when you said
"Legal prostitution should be up there with legalization of pot."
What makes you think it's any more difficult to tax prostitution than it is to tax any other service-related industry? Also, here in NJ, there's no sales tax on hair cuts, dry cleaning, and medical treatment, and yet all of those things are fully legal. Plus they seem to have found a way to get most barbers, dry cleaners, and doctors to pay their income taxes.