What makes a club couple friendly ?

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99.5% of the times that I go to a club it's with my wife. It's just something that we realized is really fun to do together.It has always been obvious that dancers are more "hands on" with female clientele than with guys.

Somewhere along the line I started seeing the term "couples friendly" popping up on club websites and here. What exactly makes a club couples friendly ? I know for a fact that if a lady goes to the rail and tips well she will get plenty of attention in just about any place across the country so what is different about one that advertises it ?

Just this past weekend we were at several clubs and our favorite girls were not working but that didn't detour us any from tipping well at the rail or smiling and generally being friendly,but I 3 different clubs we only had one girl that came to us and talked any at all. I noticed that was the same for all the other couples in the bars.


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There’s not really such a thing as a “couples friendly” club- only couples friendly dancers.
"... 3 different clubs we only had one girl that came to us ..."

That's mostly it - it's a common complaint of couples that they don't get approached.

A couples friendly club I assume means a club where some/more dancers approach couples vs them being invisible.

Can also mean that the club is not that raunchy/thug and/or the facilities are nice vs a run-down club w/ bikers or gangbangers - i.e. a friendly, comfortable, club.
I wonder why some/most dancers are afraid of couples ? I can say that in my experience a lot of money to be made with couples. A guy is not going to tell his girl no when she wants more money for a stripper.
Supposedly dancers gotta sorta watch their step when dealing with a couple as to not somehow offend/pissoff the female - dancers know they can pretty-much get away with doing w/e to a guy (grabbing his cock, sticking her tongue in his ear, w/e to turn him on and close the sale and get him ro spend as much as possible) - if the woman is there a dancer often feels she has to dial it back bc she doesn't know how the female will react and if she's there bc she wants ti be or bc it was mostly the guy's idea.
1. A club that does not 'discourage' female customers from entering.
2. As PC said, a club with dancer that will approach / entertain couples.
Basically it seems it can be harder-work to entertain couples.

Seems it's best when the female takes the lead and is the initiator (tipping the girls on stage or asking them to join them) - basically a couple often needs to be more-proactive vs sitting-back waiting to be approached
I guess I can see that. I have read that on other sites. My thought is if a girl is really into it (because you can look around and tell the ones that ain't) why they got to steer clear of us couples ?
On stripperweb a lot of the girls say they hate dancing for couples. They say often the woman gets jealous or, amazingly enough, too handsy. They claim lone women are bad tippers.
+1 to what General said. Pink forum strippers hate couples and female customers.
Yeah, go to StripperWeb.com which is a dancer-site and post your question there (this site is 99% strip club customers)
It is a couples friendly club when I am there and your wife cumes over and prays with me until the devil spews out
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
The cunts over on SW are just gonna throw hate at the OP if he posts anything about couples there, like how couples don't belong in clubs, they are cheap and not worth the time, etc etc etc. The usual hate that they spew. Hell I wouldn't send my worst enemy over to that shit pit.

I think it means that the dancer's that shift are encouraged to give more attention to a couple than they normally would receive. I've heard from dancer's avoiding couples like the plague
Oh I have been there and know their opinion on a lot of things. The way I see it is that when my wife is with me I'm more likely to be spending money than when I'm alone.
Oh I have been there and know their opinion on a lot of things. The way I see it is that when my wife is with me I'm more likely to be spending money than when I'm alone.
I always approach couples and women but in defense of the dancers who avoid them... I’d say about 75% have ruined it for the rest
@zoey101.......is that because they were just bitches to you ? Or to handsy
I see couples quite often in Follies and they always seem to do well with the dancers. So I think high mileage clubs may be more couples friendly. It also helps couples to bring drugs besides money.
^some were bitches. I’ve been called names and had a drink thrown at me. I’ve also ended a dance/given a guy his money back after he kept grabbing his wife’s hand and forcing her to touch me after she said she didn’t want a dance and wanted to leave. Couples are just drama. And yeah some girls are overly sloppy and handsy in a very non-sexy and annoying way
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
Sadly, zoey is correct. There have been so many instances of female customers being very bad customers that it has laid a dark cloud over female customers in clubs, especially when they are part of a couple. As a solo female clubber I don't run into these issues too often, but the rare times that I have clubbed with a male friend we were immediately assumed to be a couple and basically ostracized by most of the dancers. It does suck that the good couples are assumed to just like the shitty ones, and treated as such. Maybe as stripclubs become more mainstream and more of the "good couples" start this visiting this phenomenon will fade away.
I have just noticed that in the local area our clubs are very light contact until a lady goes to the stage then the rules all change. I think that maybe gives the pretense that females can get away with much more. Yes in those like contact clubs a girl can make a lot more money if another girl is at the rail. And I also agree that high mileage clubs seem to be more couples friendly than others
The decor and general cleanliness have a lot to do with a club being labled CF. In the early days we would go to any dive but now she would rather not go to a club that smells like bodily fluids where most everything is sticky.
I've only gone to a club once with a woman and she was an OTC date for me. She likes girls and wanted to go to a club. When we got there (NOT her club) she started running amuck chatting/feeling up the dancers to the point I thought we'd get thrown out. It wasn't a great experience for me, but she made up for it later that night.
@lopaw: Don’t hold back there, lady, tell us how you really feel. :)

My ATF used to *love* when couples came in. She was very good at reading females for cues about what they wanted, and being subtle or aggressive depending on what she thought she saw.

Her basic tactic was to virtually ignore the male half, except for telling him, “hope you don’t mind me molesting your friend” or some such, and to glance his way periodically to make sure he wasn’t getting upset. She knew that the way to his wallet was through his companion, and that not guys will spend if they perceive their date to be having a good time.

She knew that a lot of those girls were there only because their boyfriends pressured them into going, so targeting the girl and leaving guy out of it worked in her favor most of the time.

I pointed out to her one day that she was almost the only one dancer there who would actually approach female customers. She said the other girls never bothered to learn what makes a couple come into the club. “Their loss.” :)
My wife and I frequently go to strip clubs tigether. Of the ones we’ve visited I can’t say any one club has been more or less friendly towards us than others. It seems that at every place most of the dancers will willingly approach us but there have been a few that seemed to steer clear. I am fine with that. If you don’t want to give us a dance I don’t want to waste money on you for a shitty experience. I’d say generally the older dancers are more likely to approach us than they baby strippers. They know how to handle the situation. If we’re atvthe rail I always let my wife tip and I can pretty quickly see by how they react to her if she’d be worth getting a dance from. The smart girls know the money is on making my wife happy. If that happens she’s turned on and later in the evening I’m happy. We did have s dancer tell us we were her first couples dance and wanted to know if she did ok. She was cute. But back to the question I’ve never had a club do anything to make us more or less welcome and that includes both upscale clubs and what I call drinking bars with boobs. Just a matter of finding a girl whose also interested in girls or st least not afraid of the situation.
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