Strip club should have been shut down

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
I went to an.austin and.i saw something totally uncommon and.shocked. while i know things often happen in the, generally, unless it is meant to be a ghetto ass club or something like that, touching on stage is obvi not allowed and at most clubs men would get kicked out. This dude was legit rubbing.the stripper's bare tits on weird is that.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Strip clubs are not burlesque shows, with dozens of attractive women walking around almost completely nude, guys are gonna be turned-on and wanna touch and the dancers know they can generate more $$$ and more interest from the custies if they let them touch
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
I'm thinking you don't know how strip clubs work...
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I know ..but many clubs would not have allowed that which is why it was ironic..
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Lmao.i mean, i think.that basing my opinion off of thr policy of many other nearby clubs is reasonable..there are many more outside of my city but the point was to compare it to the standard of the clubs in the same vicinity to justify shut down, and the others dont allow that on stage.
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
to be fair, most clubs do NOT allow blatant groping on stage, you're right there...but not knowing the club it's hard to say. And who knows, the guy might have tipped her $20 and she said go for it.

I've seen guys chastised for slapping an ass on stage, then another dancer lets guys do it. This is within 30 minutes of each other at the same club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Everyone in a strip club is a consenting adult, why should it be anyone's business what happens b/w a particular dancer and custy - for the most-part dancers control how much happens - a strip club is a sexual environment with lots of $$$ flowing, it's not a middle-school dance
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Yea but a lot of clubs have policies where they make it clear to the dancers not to allow it/turn him.away etc or she will be fired. So thats why it just isnt generally allowed..
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Like no one legit gropes women on stage unless theyre drunk..ekther way theyre usually kicked out for it.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
And im not making up the rules, im speaking on behalf of them and the common trend.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Man, I’m glad I don’t club *there*. Fondling and touching while on stage, including boobs, is pretty common here.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
am I surprised to hear this? no. but i totally agree with nicole1994 that its uncommon. i can't recall ever seeing this--not even in the raunchier dives i've been in.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Maybe whichever basic tuscl member is behind mtent, is trying a new persona lol

avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Heavy stage touching is common at the one non-deja vu club here. In fact, common for the girls to climb off stage and give a mini lap for a few dollars tip -- "puppydog" style sales technique for the more expensive dances in the back :)
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
At clubs in akron I can remember on stage 2 girl shows would grab a guy and throw him in the middle of 2 girls...they did nearly everything except actually fuck..
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
I can't wait for Nicole to come back on here the first time she sees some guys discreetly finger a girl onstage while slipping cash in her bottom. ;)
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
LOL how many of you still have girls on stage flip their legs over your shoulders and straddle you while exposing their pussy in front of your face???
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
this is not allowed at my regular club, but I have a girl who will still do it when the bouncer is looking away or preoccupied....
avatar for datinman
7 years ago
how many of you still have girls on stage flip their legs over your shoulders and straddle you while exposing their pussy in front of your face?
I remember the somersault roll ending with the back of her knees on my shoulders and her pussy in my face. I haven't seen this much in recent years. Always fun when well executed, but I have been kicked in the head by stripper shoes on more than one occasion.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
Nicole, are you a member of the pink site ? (aka If not, try it. I think you'd fit in there, especially if you have interest in being a camgirl.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
That’s fairly common at my club, and it’s considerd to be a higher end club.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
"This dude was legit rubbing.the stripper's bare tits on weird is that."

Could be weird for Austin. I've been to a few Austin clubs, and the ones that claim to be higher end don't usually go for that. But there's a club or two in Austin where it probably wouldn't be that big a deal. There's lots of clubs all over the country where it wouldn't be that big of deal. I've been in a few of them this week.

I'm not going to be a dick about it and tell you to go to Stripperweb, but if you're here looking for empathy and understanding that's not what TUSCL is known for.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I see..i mean ya thats the is really rare in austin.I
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
Even if something happens that's against club rules, to say the club should be shut down would require calling the cops and who is going to do that?
avatar for grand1511
7 years ago
Strip clubs are like baseball parks – they all have unique ground rules.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
@max_starr, that has happened to me a few times at nude clubs I’ve been to, a couple in Wisconsin and at least one in my current state of Michigan. Since it happened at these clubs on more than one occasion, I’m sure it is something the girls were allowed to do if they wanted to
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
^ that is, flipping their legs over my shoulders and waving their pussy right in front of my face
avatar for K
7 years ago
A dancer that doesn't allow this would not last more than a few nights at my regular clubs
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I think you are blowing an isolated situation out of proportion. Based on your description - this happened to a single guy. This wasn’t a club grope fest. It was an isolated occurrence.

Leave it alone. Let the pl get a stage side grope and move on.

If you are thinking about dancing, you will see shit in any club. I’d recommend not getting worked up over these things - as it will get management annoyed - the dancers will be annoyed - and you may lose customers too.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I thought she was going to say someone was DATY on the stage. I've seen that before.

Groping tits? Wow, that sure is crossing a line.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
Although his/her profile pics are hot I suppose we have another stripper/stripper wannabe troll looking for reactions.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
TheeOSU - I think you are right. I was hoping this was a girl who was still unsure if she could handle stripping - and she was overreacting because she wasn’t ready for this type of groping.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
seems to be a troll
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Two words come to mind with this troll.
Pink site
avatar for AmeliaSmith
7 years ago
I agree with the other commenters (is this a word?). StripperWeb would be more beneficial to you. Warning: There are a lot of people on there that will tell you to look up preexisting threads instead of helping. I dance in Dallas so if you have any questions for my city, you can PM me.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Yesterday a new dancer told me that she saw a Latina dancer fucking a customer bare back at the bar and she wanted to know if it was OK to do that.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I post bc im curious but also to bc im curious what customerrs think abt various issues..smh that is trolling? Damn
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Then ask a question, spare us your personal opinion, that's why you are a dumbass.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
Nicole, if you are serious and not trolling, take a look at the title of your post. You declare that the club should be shut down. If you were just wondering if the behavior you described is common, you could have just asked that question. But by declaring that the club should be shut down because adults did consensual things, you’re not going to get a favorable reaction here, nor should you expect one.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I was on the edge of whether I thought you were a troll or not...We have so many here. Sorry its a rough crowd here!
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
yeah, what huntsmen said is why I thought you were trolling...trying to provoke an emotional reaction instead of stating a question.
avatar for 623
7 years ago
“How wierd is that” is a question
avatar for 623
7 years ago
I for one am quite interested in the views of dancers or wanna be dancers, so thank you for that input Nicole. We should all search out opinions that don’t agree with ours just to get perspective.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
@ Shadowcat "Yesterday a new dancer told me that she saw a Latina dancer fucking a customer bare back at the bar and she wanted to know if it was OK to do that."

I hope you explained to her that it's customary to leave at least a 15% tip for the bartender.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago

I hope you were looking out for a fellow TUSCLer and got the latina's name so you could pass it along to @GoVikings.

Seriously though, I am interested in hearing your response.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
This girl was on her first day and didn't know hardly any one by name. I suspected a Cuban and did ask and all she could tell me was that she was Latina. I have heard other reports of this but have not personally seen it. I have had many very brief "I'm talking seconds" of cock sucking.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I agree that calling for a club's closure because someone touched a dancer on stage, apparently with her permission, just because it's "uncommon", *is* a little over the top.

Does that actually violate any law that you know of?
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
@623 I welcome nearly everyone's opinion....except that kingoftuscle...I have him blocked.
avatar for bkkruined
7 years ago
Different norms in different places.
In Seattle, everyone sits back, no one is at the rail, no one tips the girl on stage, and no one touches her on stage.
Last visit to East St Louis area (Washington Park Illinois), sit at the rail and put $3 on stage, the girl would come over, motion for you to stand up, grab your hands and put them on her breast if you didn't immediately put them there yourself.
Most clubs are someplace in between, and it seems to very by area (probably local law) rather than club by club.
(and then there was Pattaya, where the girl had me shove my beer bottle in her ass...)
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Well i post here to state mt thpughts also. This was one of those pats. But even my posting my opinion, thats also another way to get public reaction/opinions. Thetes more than one way to gauge the thoughts of others
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
So you legitimately expected the authorities to step in and close a strip club for what you saw? Seriously? Really? No shit?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training

I dont mean to be rude but i suppose i need to be explicit given your above comment.but um hey dude can you fucking read? When someone says i wish xyz would have happened, that obviously doesnt mean that it did or it was going to happen.if i meant that, i would have said oh hey the authorities are going to come. The context which i used the phrase"xyz should have" is exactly similar to the meaning of a more commonly used context which we can all identify with ie "my wife/girlfriend/roomie should have came home last night" or "that pizza i ordered yesterday should have been bigger" . Youve got to be alive for long enough to understand that i knew it wasnt going to.happen, but rather that the activity in the club overstepped the bounds of clubs in similar areas(as understood by a few of the other MEN here) to where i WISHED it would have shut down
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Again, calling for a club’s closure because the behavior doesn’t meet *your* standards, or is “uncommon”, seems over the top.

Did that behavior break any law or regulation that you know of?
avatar for woodstock
7 years ago
"i mean ya thats the is really rare in austin."

@Nicole1994, which Austin clubs have you visited?
avatar for aleccorbett
7 years ago
Your really naive. IT happens all the time. Some clubs advertise that you can touch the girls.

Shit I have been to clubs where girls demand to be touched. Many have told me that they love it.

And what's wrong if they do. all dancers are different. There is nothin wrong if girls want to be touch jesus christ.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Your statement implies that you believed the club should have been shut down. It’s a very simple assertion - albeit a very naive one. I understand what you wrote. So I’ll ask again - you legitimately think the club should have been shut down for what you saw?

Let’s get real here. Based on your logic - an excessively minor infraction should cause a club to be shut down. Is that what you think should happen?
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
This thread should be shut down. Along with the other one.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
1).bc i read online groping on stage isnt really not allowed.iknow experience is alaays different, but the stripper that even worked there said club was more laid back compared to others.she also said if that groping happened at xtc, another popular club in area, dude would have been kicked out. I didnt know groping on stage was that common..guess i was wrong..
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Well, admitting you were mistaken puts you ahead of most of us here. :)
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Ya. Wanted to see what others were like in person but given that they fucking dont allow females in without males which is understandable why not then i could only go off of what i read so ya
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I give you credit for your last couple comments, Nicole. I thought you were going to dig in and make things worse but you showed better for yourself.
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
...Ive danced in Austin and have seen that happen sometimes even at the nice clubs.. which I don’t consider xtc to be one of. If you’re not a troll and actually live in Texas you’re in for a bad time if u start dancing
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
So seeing a PL touch a bare breast on stage bothered you so much you wish it was shut down? So the many other people that depended on that club being open for their livelihood would just be out of luck then? It just sounds like such hyperbole to me. You stated many times that the patron would have been kicked out at other clubs. I've seen patrons kicked out of clubs for even less. Anyway that patron wasn't kicked out. But instead of just saying he should have been kicked out which is "arguably" reasonable, you say the club instead should have been shut down.

Why did it bother you so much seeing a dancer get her breasts groped on stage? You do understand that dancers get touched much more in private dances, don't you? And more than hands are often used. Even at clubs where heavy touching is done in dances, the customers aren't usually allowed to grope the dancers on stage however they want. Usually a bouncer or DJ will say something to the customer. And the main reason the dancer is bothered by it is not the touching on stage, but the fact that the customer is doing it for almost free (only a dollar or so) and setting a precedent for others if it keeps going on. But if the customer is tipping generously or making it rain, the dancer might let a lot more slide.
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