I went to an.austin
strip.club and.i saw something totally uncommon and.shocked. while i know things often happen in the
vip.room, generally, unless it is meant to be a ghetto ass club or something like that, touching on stage is obvi not allowed and at most clubs men would get kicked out. This dude was legit rubbing.the stripper's bare tits on stage..how weird is that.
last commentI've seen guys chastised for slapping an ass on stage, then another dancer lets guys do it. This is within 30 minutes of each other at the same club.
I remember the somersault roll ending with the back of her knees on my shoulders and her pussy in my face. I haven't seen this much in recent years. Always fun when well executed, but I have been kicked in the head by stripper shoes on more than one occasion.
Could be weird for Austin. I've been to a few Austin clubs, and the ones that claim to be higher end don't usually go for that. But there's a club or two in Austin where it probably wouldn't be that big a deal. There's lots of clubs all over the country where it wouldn't be that big of deal. I've been in a few of them this week.
I'm not going to be a dick about it and tell you to go to Stripperweb, but if you're here looking for empathy and understanding that's not what TUSCL is known for.
Leave it alone. Let the pl get a stage side grope and move on.
If you are thinking about dancing, you will see shit in any club. I’d recommend not getting worked up over these things - as it will get management annoyed - the dancers will be annoyed - and you may lose customers too.
Groping tits? Wow, that sure is crossing a line.
Pink site
I hope you explained to her that it's customary to leave at least a 15% tip for the bartender.
I hope you were looking out for a fellow TUSCLer and got the latina's name so you could pass it along to @GoVikings.
Seriously though, I am interested in hearing your response.
Does that actually violate any law that you know of?
In Seattle, everyone sits back, no one is at the rail, no one tips the girl on stage, and no one touches her on stage.
Last visit to East St Louis area (Washington Park Illinois), sit at the rail and put $3 on stage, the girl would come over, motion for you to stand up, grab your hands and put them on her breast if you didn't immediately put them there yourself.
Most clubs are someplace in between, and it seems to very by area (probably local law) rather than club by club.
(and then there was Pattaya, where the girl had me shove my beer bottle in her ass...)
I dont mean to be rude but i suppose i need to be explicit given your above comment.but um hey dude can you fucking read? When someone says i wish xyz would have happened, that obviously doesnt mean that it did or it was going to happen.if i meant that, i would have said oh hey the authorities are going to come. The context which i used the phrase"xyz should have" is exactly similar to the meaning of a more commonly used context which we can all identify with ie "my wife/girlfriend/roomie should have came home last night" or "that pizza i ordered yesterday should have been bigger" . Youve got to be alive for long enough to understand that i knew it wasnt going to.happen, but rather that the activity in the club overstepped the bounds of clubs in similar areas(as understood by a few of the other MEN here) to where i WISHED it would have shut down
Did that behavior break any law or regulation that you know of?
@Nicole1994, which Austin clubs have you visited?
Shit I have been to clubs where girls demand to be touched. Many have told me that they love it.
And what's wrong if they do. all dancers are different. There is nothin wrong if girls want to be touch jesus christ.
Let’s get real here. Based on your logic - an excessively minor infraction should cause a club to be shut down. Is that what you think should happen?
Why did it bother you so much seeing a dancer get her breasts groped on stage? You do understand that dancers get touched much more in private dances, don't you? And more than hands are often used. Even at clubs where heavy touching is done in dances, the customers aren't usually allowed to grope the dancers on stage however they want. Usually a bouncer or DJ will say something to the customer. And the main reason the dancer is bothered by it is not the touching on stage, but the fact that the customer is doing it for almost free (only a dollar or so) and setting a precedent for others if it keeps going on. But if the customer is tipping generously or making it rain, the dancer might let a lot more slide.