Drew Barrymore’s Estranged Niece Stripping For $25 A Dance: ‘We Get Treated Badl

Detroit strip clubs
"While Drew has a fortune estimated at $125 million, her niece dances under the name Daisy Duke at the Pirate’s Cove strip joint, sometimes taking home as little as $50 a night for full-frontal nude performances."
Are any of you surprised when people don't support estranged relatives?
Full frontal nudity. Does she not expose her bare ass as well?
I’m sure there’s a drug addiction issue with that girl. I’m pretty good with math - and unless she’s doing private dances for $1 a dance - $50 is fucking ridonculous!
From Blythe's Instagram:
"Trailer park trash meets toddlers & tiaras. I'm a dog mom, a chef, glitter whore, and a dancer. I'm grass fed & free range. Outlaw country!"
If her hustle is GPS for being Drew's cousin, I think I'd look elsewhere