
OT: Tax Time almost here. Anyone making strip club deductions?

Heaven! (Why is it so hot in here? And why does the bouncer have a trident?)
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 1:53 PM
Digging through the paperwork and forms and wondering does anyone claim strip clubbing as deductions and how? Do you ask your ATF for a receipt after her dances or VIP? How about claiming her as a dependent? Any thoughts or amusing ideas?


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Strippers are certainly a liability and not an asset. I remember that lesson from accounting class. So if you’re writing off a stripper as a deduction do you to take depreciating all in the first year or spread it out over the 3 years the relationship lasts?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Send 1099s out to any dancer you paid more than $600. to in 2017.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Take a client.....if you have one with an open mind................eat there, talk a business....something along the lines of "how's work?"
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    On a different note and a bit more serious typically the guys who pay taxes tend to cut back on their trips to the clubs in April and it leads into what can be the slow season...taxes, end of school, summer, etc. I've mentioned this on here before. Some agree. Some do not but overall since I started going back to clubs, 2016, there are not as many club patrons and there is a definite decline in the male species known as the "whale".
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I’m in sales and I’ve always thought April was a horrible month for sales no matter the weather. Only thing I can blame it on is... TAXES
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Get the girls to fill out a W-9 form and get their SS#. Independent contractors.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I think $14,000 to a single girl is where you legitimately have to include your expenses on your tax forms.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I have asked a question like this several times before. I don't see how you could deduct it, but then it really depends on the IRS. Claim it as a business expense, entertaining? I find the more interesting facet of this to be, has anyone ever put his P4P women on the pre-tax side of the ledger? Hired communications consultant? Photo model? Some other kind of contract employee? But understand that this is outside of the strip club. Subletting her apartment, checks going to the landlord? Some otherway of paying her bills? SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ I believe that most of the biz travelers are getting the motel bill paid pre-tax. If they were the CEO, that money could just be added to their salary. But making it a biz expense makes it pre-tax. SJG
  • Pox
    6 years ago
    I have a very close friend that writes off his twice a month $250 a visit Escort. She goes down as a Life Coach/Communications Consultant.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Strip clubs are my biggest tax deduction. I tell the IRS I gave the money to Charity.
  • realDougster
    6 years ago
    Tuition and Fees Deduction. Aren't all strippers in nursing school?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Jackslash, I'm a little bit skeptical of your claim, charity deductions require receipts and the federal number for the charity. About Life Coach and Communications Consultant, that's the sort of stuff I mean. But there are still documentation issues. I would not try it without the assistance of a knowledgeable tax preparer. And even he cannot really know the whole story. SJG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't want any form of paper trail or payment record to exist between me and the strippers I interact with. And that "life coach" thing sounds great until you get audited. Then it's less great.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I got mine back this morning.......sh8t I hate paying taxes............there is a lot of lap dance money going to some ugly ass people in DC and not strippers.........
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Sadly - the only profession where the expense of strippers can be a deduction is being a painter. The support of single moms - one dollar at a time - still isn’t a legit deduction. Even though some of us worship and have quasi-religious experiences at strip clubs - the money we spend isn’t considered charitable.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Women who work at a strip club might also be employed in some other capacity by a business, and hence that is one of their expenses. Putting a mistress on the payroll, don't people do that? [view link] If done carefully and knowledgeably, seems like it could work. SJG
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