
Can you wear athletic pants or sweatpants in Hong Kong Tijuana?

I didn't see anyone mention clothing in the reviews. The website doesn't indicate a code.


  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    are you fucken retarded, or just stupid
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I think they want you to be wearing clothes. But dress code ? Not that I'm aware of. Be comfortable. But also be aware that at night, it can cool down. I was wearing shorts one day and had to change to long pants at night.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I don't think people go to TJ to get dry humping and cum in their pants.

    Front room makeout session, sometimes the girls really don't give you any choice in the matter, well documented.


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Hey San Jose Retard why don’t you do down there and find out. Your mom could use a break.
  • Mtent
    6 years ago
    @Warrior15 what kinds of shorts? Most shorts have a rough material but I was considering it
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    Yes you can. First, it's Mexico wear whatever the hell you want. It's a brothel. Pay money get fucked.
    Second. The guy I mentioned in my review that was taking 2 girls upstairs that were 10s, the guy that is there everyday for over a month. He was wearing gym pants, athletic pants. The girls don't care. They are there for money. I wear cargo shorts because I want loose pockets. One for my passport. One for my wallet. One for my dollar bills and one for my cell phone. No one gives a damn.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Hey Shailynn, are you suggesting that you are engaging in sex acts with your mother?

  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Seriously, a dress code at a Mexican brothel???? You’ve got to be kidding.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    I’d suggest wearing a “Make America Great Again” red cap and Trump t-shirt. Then take a couple spins around the block, too.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Not having been there, I would suggest dressing nicely, but with the thought in mind that girls are going to be jumping onto your lap and climbing on you at stage side. And then how much walking you will be doing outside.

    But there should not be any issue with undressing fully and completely.


    YouTube Shooting

    Led Zeppelin, 1969, Danish TV

    And about A-Hole Idiot Trump:
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    JAprufrock wins this one. Hilarious !!!

    Mtent - Be comfortable. No one there will really care what you are wearing.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My experience with women is that they are very much influenced by how a guy dresses. And this is not a place where you will be getting dry humping or fucking them with you pants around your ankles. So allowing for the outdoor walking and warm weather, I would still think dressing nicely is important.

    Yes the girls make money, but that is never going to completely determine their feelings about you and the situation.

    Of those here with HK Bar experience, do you get your girl(s) in the Miami VIP Room, or out around the main stage?

  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    It's a brothel, in Mexico. If your white and speak English you have dollar signs all over your body. The girls don't care.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The girls will be getting money. But in my experience this alone is never really enough to get them to fully open up to you. They have to know you, or feel that they do. The best encounters are always mostly civilianized.

    Our own very OTC oriented Latinas from our underground Mexican Bar circuit are always this way.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Still drooling over those slim hat dancing boys eh creep.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ Still posting garbage there TheeOSU

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Lol creep
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Your lamp post is waiting, Night Saint TheeOSU.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    No thanks, keep your lamp post up your ass where it belongs creep.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    That's right, I forgot that TheeOSU is too much of an ugly shit to stand under a lamp post. He would scare away all his clients.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    AWWWW come on now creep. Maybe if you start some new threads about why your wife left you, you can release some more of your pent up hostility.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    TheeOSU, I wish we were face to face, as then I would ask you if you came here because you wanted to die.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Oh still an internet keyboard tough guy threatening to kill people like you have before huh creep?

    FTF you would be dealt with, Lol
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    TheeOSU, you would be removed by either police, by an ambulance, or by the coroner.

    Which it would be would depend on the nature of the threat I saw you as posing, and by whether or not you obeyed my commands when I placed you under citizens arrest and ordered you to lie face down on the floor.

    You are here on this forum being a jackass, I guess because that is just what you really are.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    That's right creep, speak freely, let it all out. We know your wife destroyed you when she walked out on your stupid ass. Tell us more about your dominance fantasies that didn't work with her. You know, the fantasies you do with the teddy bear that mom bought you when you were a little creep.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    TheeOSU, demonstrating that you are a jackass, completely disrespecting this forum by going on and on about stuff which you know nothing about, and that f2f no one would let you go on about. I certainly would not.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Lol creep! You disrespect TUSCL with all of your self indulgent off topic threads.
    I know, it's great therapy that takes your mind off of the hurtful day when your wife walked out on your psychotic ass and left you and teddy alone to face the world. So go ahead you Stalin wannabe, get it all out, then go upstairs and heat up some left over gravy. It will help you sleep better and soften the nightmares about your wife fucking other guys while you sit at the computer with teddy in your lap.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    TheeOSU, consider that you have been places under citizen's arrest and ordered to lie face down on the ground.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Lol, is that what you used to tell your wife? It didn't work with her but I bet it will work with teddy.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I treated my wife very well, and even though things did not work, I still was careful to be fair with her, and I always held out the olive branch. Having to have her removed hurt me greatly. But it was necessary for survival.

    You TheeOSU are going on and on about stuff you know nothing about. F2f I would be fair and legal with you, but like I said, it would either be Police, and Ambulance, or the Coroner who would remove you from the premises.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Lol creep, datta boy, get all of that pent up hostility regarding your wife out and tomorrow will be the first day of your new life with teddy.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My wife is long gone, long removed from my life.

    You are the creep right now TheeOSU. I don't need to psychoanalyze you, but if this were face to face and you were someplace you were not supposed to be, you would already be under citizen's arrest, and have been ordered to lie face down on the ground.

    Police would already be in route, but if you were refusing to comply with my commands, or otherwise being threatening, I would have to take harsher actions before the police arrived.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Backing off your murder threat eh creep? Good move, and we already know that you're not here to psychoanalyze anyone except yourself. Unlike you're wife, we're here to help you work through your insecurities and fantasies albiet they are pretty sick but hey we're all anonymous here, right Lloyd.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Wow, if all of Mtent's retarded threads took a turn this exciting, I'd stop calling you nincompoops for responding

  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    At the risk of getting back on topic, I would suggest you wear whatever you are comfortable in. I think the only guideline would be that you wear clean clothes (whatever you choose to wear) and that you have good hygiene. Yes HK is a brothel, and your dollars will speak loudly, but keep in mind you are not the only gringo with money in there. If the girls need to choose between going upstairs with a someone that reeks of BO and looks like a transient or someone that doesn’t, what do you think she’s going to pick? It’s a pretty low threshold, but it does exist.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    At the risk of getting back on topic, Mtent is a troll and is more interested in reactions rather than answers or information.

    SJG, on the other hand, is just creepy as fuck.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
  • FMKB24
    6 years ago
    Yes you can. I actually went for the first time a few weeks ago & I saw a guy wearing basketball shorts & another guy wearing sandals. I don't think there are any dress codes.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So for those who frequent the HK bar, do you get your girls from around the main stage, or up in the Miami VIP room? Any difference?

  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    Main stage, back stage area and staircase. Haven't been when upstairs has been in use except the small 2nd floor which is just chairs and booths. Plenty of girls downstairs to choose from.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I know its like girls everywhere, always ready for instant action. I mean, its beyond fantasy.

    Reason I ask is are the Miami VIP Room girls willing to go even further right there where you are seated, maybe because it is more secluded, or maybe because they think you are a big spender? Any advantage to that VIP Room and VIP membership.

    The reason I look at it like this is because my own interest will be to select and engage with a girl, and then treat her to an entire night of sex, plus lots of talk, and some sleeping, and some food, and then to keep in communications and contact with her regularly. She will be my girl in TJ.

    Now while of course, beyond a point, one just has to accept how things go. But the further things can go, like right where we are seated ( DFK + FIV + DATY say ), and the more time spent their, the easier it will be to get her to go for Toda La Noche, because she knows me better. Just wondering if the 3rd Floor Miami VIP room might be better for this.

    And then, only a few TUSCLer's have admitted to sessioning with TJ Street Girls. In many ways they are the most interesting because they are the most free of agents. Ideally one might take them some place first, paying them of course, but say a restaurant or a bar, and then try for the same thing, Toda La Noche plus continuing communications and visits. Maybe like one of these hooker bars, front room friendliness welcomed, like say Las Chevalles?

    The street has advantages, like lots of light during the day, and not loud. But there are still better places to get friendly with a girl than the sidewalk. Anyone have experience with this?

  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    Well, let's not let the gals that are pimped by some guy on the street pretending to be their brother. It was one of the ending moments of a trip to Tijuana. I smiled and turned him down.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    hahaha what the fuck did I just read. San Jose Lloyd Schoene trying to put someone under citizens arrest that doesn't like him. He is a progessive for sure, what a fucking psycho faggot.

    Is that how he abducts his victims makes them think he can place them under citizens arrest then boom they are cholorformed tied up and in his basement. Wew what an ass clown.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Well of course you never even talk to any intermediary. If the girl is hot looking, she will be out there, not the pimp.

    They say most TJ girls don't use pimps.

    But of course you want to get to know the girl, like her living situation. And you just have to trust you gut when dealing with people.




  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    I don’t think there is much difference in what you find in the Miami Club and the main club area. Main difference is it’s quieter and a little more secluded. If you’re looking to talk at any length it’s probably easier. As far as mileage, I’ve seen almost everything out in the main stage area. I think your seduction chances with street girls are pretty low. Most of them are very mechanical and focused on ending as quickly as possible. They are not looking for chit chat, or getting to know you.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    You’re doing it wrong. You pick a lady and you ask for arriba not a lap dance.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    I am not the one to really answer well I guess because I have been very fortunate worth the girls I have taken upstairs. They have all turned out to be fantastic girls, GFE experiences, staying with me a long time. Maybe it will be different in 2 weeks when I go again. Hopefully not!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    It does sound like that Miami VIP Room might have some advantages.

    As far as street girls, they are widely reported on as doing TLN's, even with guys they just met. But, you have to get to them late at night, like maybe 4am.

    I would not want to do that, or even be out there at that time.

    Obviously the key to the street girls is, besides having money to spend to buy up the girl's time, to have some place to take them too, before retreating to the hotel room.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    Anyone have experience taking TJ Street Girls into bars or restaurants?

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    So street girls and all in TJ use Whatsapp?

    Why, what does it do? Does normal text messaging not work across the border? Does this make it free? Is there a cost?

    Its it because people want to be isolated from their cell phone registration?


    Comparison, but I'm still not getting it.


    Markus Reuter

    Bangkok Freelance Ladies

    Oakland CA, doxy spotting





    5 pics of this girl

    The place which has the best such pics is Mexico City
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