That when you see a stripper on stage doing amazing spins on the pole, that the damn pole is actually spinning?
Spent a bit of time last week at Bourbon Street in Phx and talked to numerous dancers. One, Jade, that is excellent on the pole, we discussed how hard some of them work up there. I told her that her moves are incredible. She was explaining about the pole spinning and some clubs don’t have poles that spin, they are stationary. Blew my mind. I mean, it makes sense, but I juts honestly never knew it or gave it much thought.
Sheesh, don't any of you guys "talk shop" with your favorites? Next you'll be telling us you had no idea that lucite heels were an expensive necessity.
It would be nice to spin that smoothly and majestically on a stationary pole, but physics and science just don't allow that. Spinning poles always make tricks look more mesmerizing, but it's about a 50/50 split for the clubs that do have them and the ones that don't.
Actual pole fitness studios have a whole variety of poles that don't just offer moving and not moving too.
I would have put money on it that BSC pole didnt move because one dancer named Kira who does amazing pole work has rough patches between her legs from spinning on that thing. I was shocked when I was touching her down there how calloused it was.
From a lot of the dances I've seen, one would think that the pole is stationary as well. I don't think it's possible to be able to spin like some of the dancers do without the pole itself being able to spin as well
Club Lust in Greenville SC has a spinning pole and a key dancers can use to lock it so that it doesn't rotate. I do not believe the little pole on the side stage spins though. The bouncers advise dancers not to climb up on it very much or it could fall as well. It's more for show than the one on the main stage.
last commentIs this some sort of strip club customer April fools joke?
I noticed for myself a few months ago when I was at a club where the pole had lights and one could tell it was spinning looked closely enough,
Actual pole fitness studios have a whole variety of poles that don't just offer moving and not moving too.
Even with a spinning pole, the moves some perform is really astonishing.
Spinning poles...ridiculous