Old white guys making it rain... and doing it all wrong...
Off again on again PL
So in the past few months on day shift in a mostly white club where there have been middle aged to older white guys trying to do the making it rain thing. Except they get it terribly wrong. They just go up to the stage and throw a handful of dollars at a dancer. Then they never seem to wait and make sure the dancer is looking at them, so then the dancer has no idea where the money came from. And they don't make any attempt to have their dollars land on the stage.
Anyone else seen this?
Anyone else seen this?
'course, it could be that you're right, they're actually making it rain wrong ... that just wouldn't be my initial thought, given how many of us think making it rain is so cheesy. But, you DO have to make sure the stripper knows you're the one who tipped her
I have never made it rain. I hardly tip on stage.
The other day a guy quickly walked up to the stage and threw a wad of cash. He looked embarrassed and almost instantly turned away and went back to his seat. Then the dancer turns around and falsely assumes I was the rain maker.
Fab making it rain on cardi b
Thats exactly who its for. Its for not for the stripper to notice. Its for everybody else to notice.
I'm myself am not into making it rain but many dancers prefer a $10 or $20 stage tip in the form of Dollar Rain over their body versus a newspaper-stack toss. A $50 or $100 rain - no contest - that will make the dancers day.
I suspect the guys who toss the stack and run back are either newbies or shy or wanna be the coolest thing in the club.
I've see some guys rain it well - and one club also offered rain guns to customers that would shoot dollar bills.
However - if a guy is really making it rain - it’s to draw attention to himself. It’s got nothing to do with the dancer.