
SC scanning Driver License

Large Dayton Club "Cheeks" has just started scanning Driver License in a data base. How common is this around the country, how dangerous to patrons.


  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    If there are other options I would go elsewhere. If not, I don't know what I'd do. I wouldn't feel comfortable about it, and I'm generally not paranoid about this type of thing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Seems to be becoming slightly more-common - I live in South FL where there are about 50-clubs in the region and only one that I know of scans ID but have not had mine scanned the last time or two there (was on dayshift) .

    The excuse seems to be safety and wanting to know whom was at the club if something happens - also perhaps if one skips out on their bill I guess - or just wanting data as everyone seems to want these days,
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    In my area a club will start scanning licenses then about a week or two later they will stop. So I just go somewhere else. And if they know you they generally give you a pass. At one club that seems to scan consistently I kept coming in once a month and refusing the scan but in a super polite way. After a few months the door girl falsely started recognizing me as a regular and started waving me by.
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    Agree with Papi that it is more prevalent on night shift.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Have not heard of anyone being adversely affected by this - but w/ so many data-breaches happening, strip-clubs having one's personal data is not something most people are comfortable with
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I've heard about it on here but never seen it myself. I would not like it and would probably just go some where else. I have no worries about leaving a trail. I just think it is none of their business.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "I have no worries about leaving a trail. I just think it is none of their business."

    I feel the same way. I dont like it, but thw few times i have had it done, it was so quick i didnt have time to react, as ny natural instinct is first thing look around the club when i walk in. Looking for the dancers. So im not watching the door guy/girl looking at my id.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ^lol! Spell check always changing shit when you dont want it to. Then when you turn it off, you need it.
  • hotdog0007
    7 years ago
    To easy for clubs to sell info to any outfit that will pay them. God only knows what will be in your mailbox someday soon, not to mention that LE could be knocking on your door after a raid and computer system seized from the clubs that scan ID's
  • hotdog0007
    7 years ago
    By the way, the club is Cheeks. I would definitely advise all to avoid at least until they change their policy.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Many of the clubs in this area do, at least for nightshift. I would definitely cross that club off my list. If all clubs did it, or the only good club did it, I guess I'd just deal -- like some of you, I don't care about leaving a paper trail, I'm just against it on principle.

    I do know that a number of guys have reported that at the smaller clubs, just grease the bouncer a $10er and he'll let you through without scanning. Obnoxious, but another option for those of you who really want to go to a club that scans, but can't risk the paper trail
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Just read an article about Facebook. They allow users to download a file with all the info they maintain on you, plus the advertisers who have access to that info.

    The file includes everything you’ve ever posted or done, all your contacts, etc. Even if you’ve deleted it. And, they will sell it to anyone and everyone.

    If you are concerned about SCs having DL info, you should be terrified of what Facebook has and who they let see it. I stopped using Facebook years ago for this very reason.
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    Also TYPING in your DL number is just as bad as scanning, FYI!
  • max_starr
    7 years ago
    put a sticker over the bar code.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    This kind of thing has been talked about much. They might be doing this for either their own insurance, or for their landlords. Likely it does make the place safer. So I would go along with it.

    But likely there is still an even greater reason. Though they may not be telling you this, they may consider the place to be a 'membership club'. This is the business model pioneered by Swinger's Clubs. As the place is no longer a retail business, it is exempted from all laws about public lewdness and public sex acts. It is exempt from all laws regulating strip clubs and adult entertainment, as really it is no longer any such thing. :) :) :)

    It does not get them out from under the state law against prostitution, but that is a body of laws which has always been very hard to enforce. And in such a non-public venue, it is likely impractical for LE to enforce.

    Now as a non-retail place they are no longer eligible for an alcohol license. So they cannot sell alcohol.

    They can allow BYOB, or they can follow some and go for the greater safety and sanity which come with not allowing alcohol.

    I can appreciate why some would object to having their info recorded. And I believe this is why it seems that some clubs do not really tell people that they are being made members.

    But I feel that it will make the clubs much better. I would look for anything goes front room, any thing goes back room, any thing goes walking a girl out the door and to a motel, or just taking her home with you.


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  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    "put a sticker over the bar code."

    Then they won't let in. No scan; no entry, from what I hear.

    There's one club in this area that does that (maybe two). I don't go to that club.
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    Several clubs have done this over the years, and a many of the times I remember this occurring was after getting busted for selling to underage customers. Usually if a club does this I skip them until they stop.
  • DeclineToState
    7 years ago
    If club requires a scan I won’t enter and will move on. Clubs near me that scan say oh we delete the info after period of time. Bullshit. They keep it. I might have given benefit of doubt but stated amount of time that info kept before deletion varies from doorman to doorman even at same club.

    I’ve gotten in every time except one by doing the following, in this order: (1) showing door guy a few hundred bucks in my money clip with stated intention to spend it; and (2) greasing him $5. One time door guy said $5 not enough, was about to reach for another $5 but then thought ya know screw you and your extra shakedown, peeled off a $1 (toilet troll change) to make a point and that got me in.

    Reason I’ll never enter if scanned is only time in life I ever used credit card in club (to buy single round of drinks, was running low on cash, didn’t want to break from girl I was with to use ATM), within a few days card was fraudulently processed in same city and had to endure replacement card nightmare. Had to have been an inside job. I get it credit card scan different than license scan but still, I simply don’t trust them with my info.
  • fcsid
    7 years ago
    Been wondering about this myself.

    The SC pickings in my area are very thin. The only place I tend to go does scan. Been giving a thought of handing over my passport instead of my drivers license. Its got my photo, its government issued, its got my birth date on it. All the information they need. It just doesn't fit in their scanner.

    Wonder what they would do.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’ve not experienced a scan yet. If they wanted to scan my DL - I’d decide to go elsewhere.

    It’s difficult to trust a place where almost all of the employees use fake names. Trixie, Bubbles, Mrs Blondage, etc... why should they know my real name and info? Maybe I should walk in and show them a photo of Long Dong Silver and let them scan it!
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    There’s one club her that does it, Godfather. Last time I went, I just asked, “Is that really necessary.” Guy said “nah,” took my cover, and let me in.
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    ^thanks for the heads up gmd, I was looking at possibly hitting godfathers when I am in Louisville next weekend. Scratch that one off my list of clubs to try in the 'Ville.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    If they scan I scram, why should I give my real name to Tricia, Bunny, or anyone else that starts of with a fake name. For me that’s a non-starter.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    If it happens to me I'll tell them that I would get kicked out of Witness Protection if I allow it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ don't patronize the staff
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Seems like it’s the same as when liquor stores, or bars, do it. It’s kodtly for drinking age liability, but can be used to flag you.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Well flag you too.
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