
Reading reviews

Avatar for Digitech

How do you use TUSCL reviews? Do you read the new reviews daily, whether you live near those clubs at all? Maybe you only read when you are in a certain area or planning a trip? Or do you have certain clubs thay you always watch for new reviews of? Finally, maybe you like to read reviews by certain members just for their style and don't care about the location?

I tend to watch for of clubs I frequently visit. So when I see a new review of one of those clubs I read it right away. I also use TUSCL to plan trips, or just to read about the most famous bucket list clubs. Sometimes I read review where an autbor expresses a similar taste in women to my own, and I'll check out his opinion on other clubs for leads.


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Avatar for Jascoi

totally depends on my mood. if i feel good i read the depressing ones. (most all the usa clubs.)

if feeling depressed i read the ones of hk, follies and fkk clubs.

Avatar for lotsoffun201

I generally read or skim through them daily. Some make for very interesting reading.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Skim thru the list daily - read all the ones in my area plus clubs in other cities of interest to me - sometimes resd the review of a TUSCLer I know even if the club does not interest me

Avatar for TFP

I try to read reviews of all the high mileage/extras clubs in the US. I have a list of favorite clubs that I check daily and I'm always adding to that list based on the daily reviews I read. I also like to read the reviews of all the clubs/brothels in Mexico/Central and South America as well as the Thailand clubs/bars. Some great trip reports in those reviews.

I skim though the daily reviews and look for reviews that contain the following: 1) a title that hints that extras were had. 2) a review with comments. Usual this means the review was pretty juicy, or was a club ad that was called out. 3) reviews of any clubs in my area. 4) reviews by folks who I know write excellent reviews or folks I know from the discussion area. The main guy who's reviews I look for these days is orangepicture. Tahoecruz also writes excellent reviews, as does Eastcoaster. I've always wanted the option on this site to 'follow' certain members, Twitter style. So when they write a review I'm automatically alerted. Maybe Founder will one day be able to add such an option. 5) reviews of any club I've visited before.

Avatar for rogertex

I read reviews of a new club AFTER I am already in the club.

Go figure!

I'm reading the reviews means dancers are non-existent or no fun.

And the reviews are telling me - don't go to this club.


But some reviewers provide good intel (papi, sc - you guys).

At the club this has proven to be helpful - one time I waited for a specific reviewed dancer - and it was worth it.

Avatar for 623

I start to read every review but usually 20 words in I can tell if the reviewer is an idiot or an awful writer, if so I skip the rest. A juicy title can be an indication of worth of the review but not always.

I read most of these reviews offline by creating a PDF of each days reviews. Takes two clicks on my iPad.

I miss the old style rankings of both the club and the reviewer that were available at the beginning of each review. It was most often a good indication of whether the entry was worth reading. Putting this info at the end of the review really defeats the purpose of having it at all, since, but the end of the review you can almost guess the rankings. Also, it's very tough to weed out the reviews of people who clearly have a different reason for writing the review than to pass on information about the club.

I travel a ton and it is mostly discretionary where I go, so I try to keep up with the country as a whole and when an area is heating up a bit, I'll go there and check out the more interesting clubs. Likewise, when an area is a wasteland I'll seldom be seen near there.

Generally, I use the reviews to gauge the the "state of the SC industry" throughout the country. Always in search of the trifecta; value/mileage, with dancers that are attractive, in a local/club that I will not get mugged in.

Avatar for IHearVoices

Same as Papi and shadow: I check on area clubs, places that are liable to have good stories (TJ), and places I'm familiar with (South Florida and Tampa clubs, Follies, Passions in NO, Ebony Inn, a few Dallas spots). I mostly read to see if there are any major changes that I need to be aware of.

Avatar for s275ironman

I read all reviews for clubs in my area. I also read reviews for clubs of interest in other cities if I am planning a trip there in the future.

Avatar for rh48hr

Same as Papi and shadow.

Avatar for orangepicture

I have 10 clubs saved as favorites, so I read their reviews. If I have some free time, I'll read the daily reviews for all clubs in PA, NJ and CT.

Avatar for flagooner

Reviews? There are reviews on this site?

Avatar for GoVikings

for the most part, i only read the reviews for the clubs that are in my area or a couple hours away.

every now and then, i'll read reviews for other areas but not often

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