Miami dreaming

avatar for vincemichaels

I woke up this morning and knew it wasn't a dream as I climbed into my old bomber for a run to the Detwaa airport. Miami, here I come !!

My favorite strip club paradise other than home. Hope to see my Florida buds on this trip.


last comment
avatar for tumblingdice
7 yrs ago

Make sure you suck Scats dick.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

LMAO, not even remotely possible. Shadowcat lives over 650 miles away. Get a grip on reality. It's beginning to snow lightly here at DTW, a great way to start a tropical Florida trip.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Hmmm, last review in summer 2015, Do you even club, tumbling dice ??? Bad, bad, bad, boy. Maybe you are the one sucking dicks. LMAO

avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

Have fun in Miami. Don't worry. The snow will still be here in Detroit when you get back.

avatar for Warrior15
7 yrs ago

What club's are you going to hit ? Tootsie's ? Eleven ? Diamond Doll's ?

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

^ Maybe the VFW?

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

I didn’t realize dudes called other dudes “bad boy,” let alone, “bad, bad, bad, boy.” I learn new things here every day!

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


See ya', if all goes well!

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Sitting in a Mickey D's looking for crazyjoe. Haven't seen him, I'm afraid to go into the bathroom. :)

avatar for warhawks
7 yrs ago

“I didn’t realize dudes called other dudes “bad boy,” let alone, “bad, bad, bad, boy.” I learn new things here every day!“

VM must be a fan of Miami Sound Machine.

Well, he is headed to Miami after all...

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Warrior15, I did a brief stop at Tootsies yesterday afternoon, had to laugh at this Latina's SS as she claimed to remember me then stormed off in a huff when I turned her "Wanna Dance" ?

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

Damn, I won't be able to meet up. I'm flying out to California today on business.

I'm going to be heading out to the Bay area pretty frequently now.

Maybe I'll be able to hit mdb's club for real this time. Or get some GFE DFK in the front room at an underground Mexican hat dancing club before taking her back to the hotel without buying any chump dances.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

^^^Wouldnt that be the San Jose area ? Jes sayin

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Flagooner - very funny! Keep a lookout for Huffy 10 speed bikes parked in front of clubs -

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

San Jose is less than an hour away. That's how far I have to drive to get to Inner Room. Might leave for the airport a bit early to so I can swing by for an hour or so.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Borrow SJG's Huffy and ride over to MamiSan's place. :)

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Heading over soon to Diamond Dolls to meet up with one of my buddies here, it's been a few years since I've been there. Looking forward to it.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Think of it, flagooner, being nuked by MamiSan on your final approach. Oh, the humanity !!

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Had a good time with one of my buddies here last night, heading to the Southern area of Miami metropolitan region to hang with another of our TUSCL people.

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Possibly the worst place to be is near Mamisan’s place on a Huffy bike! She won’t hesitate to jump in her minivan and try to run that bike down!

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Traffic here is always a factor, didn't make it down to see my friend, but I did enjoy Cheetahs of Pompano Beach for lunch. Today, I will meet another of my buddies late in the afternoon.

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

Is NAMBLA having a conference in South Florida?

Just wondering how you are meeting up with so many buddies so far away from home.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Wouldn't know, you are the president of it. LMAO You should know.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


Welcome to S. Florida traffic! Sometimes I can't believe I drove in this mess for 45+ years.

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

^ Is that the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I?"

avatar for Mate27
7 yrs ago

I can’t live anywhere that a person had to deal with all the traffic you guys do.

In fact, I purposely arrange meetings outside of rush hour, and PHX traffic is good compared to coastal areas. I had a guy who grew up in the northeast say our rush hour traffic is a breeze and moved along great. Can’t stand wasting time. Any inefficiency drives me crazy, just like a ROB.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

The traffic here is disgusting and getting worse every year.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


Traffic is one reason I retired. About half my working day (4 hours), I was stuck in it. My average mileage was between 50-60 miles.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago

From US News:

Congestion Rank Metro Area State Peak Hours in Congestion 1 Los Angeles California 102 2 New York City New York 91 3 San Francisco California 79 4 Atlanta Georgia 70 5 Miami Florida 64 6 Washington District of Colombia 63 7 Boston Massachusetts 60 8 Chicago Illinois 57 9 Seattle Washington 55 10 Dallas Texas 54

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

@25, are you referring to the traffic on TUSCL or on the SoFla roads?

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

So Cal has to be the worst but Atlanta has gotten so bad that I traded in my manual 2015 Mustang GT for a 2018 Mustang GT with a 10 speed automatic. Just tired of working a clutch after 4 manual transmission cars.

avatar for Mate27
7 yrs ago


avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

No flagooner/douchester, you obviously choose to be an asshole. You'll get it back in spades, asswipe. You be a jerk, I'll rip your chain out of it's socket in your ass. :)

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Up in Cocoa Beach for the weekend, sunny and warmer, my kind of town. Several good beaches, one where the surfers ride the waves.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

@flag both

avatar for PeterEaster
7 yrs ago

@ Clubber - I would have thought the DC area would be rated higher. During rush hour it's basically bumper to bumper from I-270 in MD south to the Beltway loop and then continuing south on I-95 in VA. Thought I remember DC being ranked #2 or #3. Maybe using different measures.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


The same set of statistics can pretty much be used and presented to show either side of an issue.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Traffic is something I avoid, traveling around the country, I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Miami and points north up to West Palm Beach have great traffic jams. I was stuck in a few yesterday going to meet one of my buddies here, I never made it to the club where he was. It's in the nowhere land by the freeway and if you miss the correct turnoff, you are lost and screwed. I gave up and went to Tootsies, a known quantity. :)

avatar for TFP
7 yrs ago

Flagooner in the Bay Area? Can't wait to read his reviews of any clubs he visits.

Ive been meaning to hit Gold Club Centerfolds in Rancho Cordova as I've heard good things about it. But from SF it's about an hour an half to two hour drive.

Anyhow, VM have a great time in Florida. I can't wait till I'm finally able to visit as I salivate over ever Diamond Dolls review I read. Reviewers scoff at the abundance of fake asses and fake tits and I'm like, gimme all dat!

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

Didn't have a chance to hit a club this trip.

avatar for realDougster
7 yrs ago

"Didn't have a chance to hit a club this trip.'

@flagooner - WTF? Get your priorities straight next time!

(I can hear twenty-five laughing at you)

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

And deservedly so

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


What priorities! Difficult to see a buddy so you just go to a club? So would I! :) But, "...miss the correct turnoff, you are lost and screwed. I gave up and went to Tootsies, a known quantity."

Shouldn't you get screwed AFTER you get to Tootsie's rather than on the way?

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Well, Clubber, when you have 3 choices for the road to the road to the road to the club and if you take the wrong one you end up miles from the club and the prospect of going back and trying again, I opted for the easier way. Tootsies was it's usual crowded activities, so I enjoyed myself.

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

VM - GPS not only stands for "Golden Pussy Syndrome" but also for Global Positioning System. I suggest that you get one and throw away those paper maps. :)

avatar for realDougster
7 yrs ago

VM doesn't need a GPS. His keen sense of direction was honed to a razor edge during his time with MACV-SOG in 'Nam.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

For the amount of times I'd need it, it would be a total waste of money.

avatar for realDougster
7 yrs ago

See what I mean?

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

You’re just making excuses for being a Luddite.

avatar for TheeOSU
7 yrs ago

"VM doesn't need a GPS. His keen sense of direction was honed to a razor edge during his time with MACV-SOG in 'Nam."

Yeah he did say he was a SEAL and Green Beret didn't he. :D

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

No, I didn't. You really should stop drinking Buckeye water. Your hallucinations are getting really bad. Off with this dumbass's head !!! :)

avatar for realDougster
7 yrs ago

@TheeOSU - careful, vm is looking for his trusty Ka-Bar as we speak

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

No Douchester, you are hallucinating, now.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

A fine trip indeed !! I fly back to Detroit tomorrow and if the government slacks off a bit, maybe the next time I come down, I can club with the Donald. :)

avatar for realDougster
7 yrs ago

@VM - forget Florida, I found your next travel destination:

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Nope, wrong again ya faggot. Eat some more shit, Douchester.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago

Don't mess with a GPS device, as such. Not long ago I tried to plug an address in my Garmin, no luck. I just did a d/l of the most recent maps, no luck. NOW, the story is, the time I first tired and no luck, I thought, what about that app I'd downloaded a couple of years ago. Let me try Waze, and Bingo, right to my destination!

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

^^^Google maps works well, I eliminated navigation and use my IPhone exclusively, it works better than the MB Mac system and it plays on the cars screen using the Bluetooth and can be plugged into the USB port as well.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

^^^ that should have read MB nav system fucking autocorrect

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago
avatar for TheeOSU
7 yrs ago

"@VM - forget Florida, I found your next travel destination"

Lol! I know you're not really Dougster and I still suspect you're randommember but I'm starting to like this persona whoever you may be. :D

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Sitting here at Miami International Airport waiting to return to the frigid North. Damn, it was cool on this trip. Normally by this time in March upper 80's are normal daytime high temperatures. The frozen snow in Detroit would have stood a chance down here overnights. We were at 50 before the sun came up today. Stormy Daniels performs this week in Detwaa, perhaps I'll catch her up there.

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

@dickroman Thanks for letting me know.

Knowing that you were traveling to Florida I adopted the Homeland Security Advisory System for my 13 yr. old daughter's protection. We've been at threat level red (Severe Risk) for the past week.

I can now get some sleep and go back to blue (Guarded-General Risk).

We dodged that bullet!!!

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

No, you haven't, flagooner , I know where you lie and live. Your stupid ass is mine, whenever I want to ram several palm trees up it. LMAO Bend over, bitch !!! Who'd want that ugly little thing of yours, she makes everyone puke when they see her.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

lol. What’s w you and ass rape, VM?

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Long story, good story but I won't be sharing it. Internet fun and games.

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