
losing cash.

mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
Friday, March 2, 2018 9:28 AM
(i tried to post this as a discussion butt it hasn’t been published for over a month. again i am a substandard writer. oh well.) ever lose money in a club? i'm not talking about being overcharged or Rob situation from a girl. and I'm not talking either about just a buck or two falling out of your pocket. but I am talking about losing a wad of money. a couple of months ago I lost $400 of 20s rubberbanded together out of my pocket in one of my favorite usa clubs. lost it somewhere between the bar and the vip and back to where i sat in the showroom after leaving the vip. when i sat down i pulled out my phone to check my time and noticed that my 'big money' wasn't in that pocket. i still had my wad of ones in the other pocket... i checked my seat and the floor around me and retraced my steps back to the vip booth... the floorwalker and i looked over that booth well. checked around the gaps of the love seat... no money. just some condom wrappers and a used condom (uck!)... moving the table and looking under the love seat and behind it... nothing. then i asked the floorwalker to get the dancer i had vip'd with so i could ask her about the money... she said she didn't see it. the way she reacted and responded seemed pretty genuine. (either she is honest or a dang good actress.) then the floorguy said he would check her bag and stuff in the dressing room. well... it wasn't in her stuff. well... so the money is gone. 400 bucks. that's a lot of lap dances or a couple of epic vips that i did not get to enjoy. and my fault for not checking my stuff as i leave each place where i sit, change postions, get naked in vip, or pulling phone, keys or money out of a pocket... i hope that whoever found that money had a real need of that money. hopefully for their family and kids. or donated it to a good charity. but probably just did with it as i was gonna do with it... dances and sex.


  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    oops. i tried to submit it as an ARTICLE. sorry. (on january 2.)
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Who ever found it would have no way of knowing who lost it. They could ask the floor guy, etc but no way of knowing if they were telling the truth. So the finder might just as well keep it. I found a wallet in Follies a few months back and turned it into the manager/bouncer without even looking inside of it. The bouncer said that he knew who it belonged to. So My good deed.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I’ve lost money a few times but never that much. It takes a lot of concentration to keep your money straight when you’re high. But I’ve used the same system of strip club money management for years so that’s hekps me keep it all straight.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I once "lost" $200" - it was actually the: doorguy at a dive club that picked my pocket w/o me noticing while he patted me down but I didn't put 2-and-2 together till the next day when retracing my steps
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    I always check my pockets for mobile,key ,wallet and cash before and after dances. I never lost money inside club
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    That sucks. I had about the same amount disappear from my pocket during a club visit about 6 years ago. I am pretty positive that I was pick pocketed by a dancer. But even if I had just dropped it the feeling would be the same. It burns to lose a chunk of cash with absolutely nothing back for it.
  • wildbourbon
    6 years ago
    Sorry to hear about the loss! Amen on having a money-management system you use every time in the club. Here's mine 1. Wear pants with at least one buttoned pocket. 2. $20 to $40 in $1 bills go in my right front pocket. 3. $60 or so in $20 bills goes in my left front pocket. 4. All my extra money and my ID go into the buttoned pocket. This is usually around $400 so I have enough to buy whatever I want in the club. I never take my wallet into any club...just cash and my ID. I also usually leave my phone in the car and I have photography business cards I hand out if a dancer wants to contact me.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    It sucks to hear you lost you money. That’s never good. Sadly, nowadays I’m ok with losing cash. It’s the identity theft that worries me more. Still $400 is a good amount of strip club fun to lose! You take your pants completely off in VIP? Do you hang them up - or do you fold them and lay them across a chair or sofa? If you lay them down - it could make it easier for things to slide out. By hanging them from a hook - the pockets should remain in a position that holds the contents. My recommendation - for future visits - if you plan to take your pants off - is to find pants that have either button pockets - or ones that have a concealed zipper pocket. It’s very easy for things to slip out of pockets when getting a dance. It’s even easier when you take your pants off.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I've lost two benjis on two separate occasions. Once at an atm on a very windy cold winter night (not club related). The other i think fell out of my wallet at a VIP that i think the bouncer swooped up immediately afterward because i went and searched a little later. Both instances still bother/anger me to this day, particularly the second one. At least in the first one, i can hope that someone worthy got it, although i always wonder if it's still stuck in a bird nest or something...
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It's good to have a system/routine for keeping one's $$$ safe, although sometimes one gets complaisant or distracted. The dives I go to, the dances are floor-dances on one's barstool - I thus put my $$$ deep in my socks where it would be harder for a dancer to get-to - also, I either wear shorts or lounge-pants for SCing which tend to have shallower looser pockets where the $$$ can more easily slide out of my pockets (and it has). If I get dances on a sofa or low-chair, I don't like having my $$$ in my socks b/c some girls while on me RCG seem to bend-over and hold-on to my ankles while grinding on me and cause my socks to slide down. Anyway - after getting pick-pocketed twice (once by the doorguy, once by a dancer), being cognizant about securing my $$$ is usually part of my SCing mindset.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Cash stolen out of fancy SF Union Square clothing store dressing room. But not a strip club. SJG
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    Tough break. Lesson learned for sure. I keep money distributed in about three different pockets and my wallet, too.
  • PeterEaster
    6 years ago
    "some girls while on me RCG seem to bend-over and hold-on to my ankles while grinding on me and cause my socks to slide down" Lol, Papi. Whenever I get dances from this one fav, I always end up with my socks bunched down on my ankles because she does the move you describe. I never thought anything of it, but now I wonder if she might have been searching for my $ stash this whole time ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ as long as she walks you to the door it's all good
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Once in middle of a private room session with a girl I'd been in private 3-4 times before, I hit the john quick after LDK and while in there I realized shit I'd left my money clip in the room on the table under my phone and the outer shirt that I'd taken off during VIP. Finished my bathroom business quick and upon return to my great relief I found she hadn't stolen any $$, but I'll never make that mistake again regardless
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