10 point plan
So you have 10 points, and you have physical attributes on a stripper. You have to divide up the points according to how important that physical attribute is to you.
Physical attributes
•Body Type (petite, skinny, average, slim thick, thick, BBW, fat)
How would you divide it up?
I’m giving 3 pts to face, 2.5 pts to ass, 2 pts to body type, 1.5 pts to Breasts, and 1 pt to hair.
Physical attributes
•Body Type (petite, skinny, average, slim thick, thick, BBW, fat)
How would you divide it up?
I’m giving 3 pts to face, 2.5 pts to ass, 2 pts to body type, 1.5 pts to Breasts, and 1 pt to hair.
For me: Face 2.5 pts, Personality 2 pts, Ass 2 pts, Body type 1.5 pts, Breasts 1 pt, Hair 1 pt
Physical attributes
•Breasts - 2.5
•Body Type - 2
•Face - 2
•Ass - 2.5
•Hair - 1
"you miss the most important part of any woman, her mind and how much fun she is to hang out with."
I don't go to strip clubs to hang out with dancers. I'm there to find a dancer or two or three to have some fun with, and if there's no fun to be had I leave. I talk with dancers for 3 reasons - to learn about the club, to kill time while I look at all the dancers, and to decide if I want her to do private dances or help me find a girl I like better. It's preferable for her to not be a total bitch, but I've had some really hot times in VIP with dancers who otherwise were annoying as fuck.
The other night I sat in a club for about 20 minutes and didn't talk with a single dancer. It was a no touch club with table dances only, so the way that club makes money is guys getting drunk, buying drinks for dancers, and throwing money away to just see a live snatch up close. If I wanted to know something about the dancer on stage I asked the door girl or the waitress, and once I saw the dancer I'd been waiting for to get nude on stage I decided she wasn't hot enough to spend money on and left. For a visual, the dancer looked like Morena Baccarin but too much of her rack disappeared once the padded top came off.
I would divide physical attributes a little differently and it's not some hard rule or absolute either.
Face makes up about 4 out of 10 points and is broken down further something like this:
Eyes and eyebrows - 1 point
Smile/lips/jawline and teeth - 1 point (maybe more)
Nose and cheekbones - 1 point (maybe less)
Hair, ears and forehead - 1 point
Body makes up about 5 points and gets broken down as well:
Breasts/nipples/areola, chest and ribcage - 1 point
Ass/hips/thighs/legs - 1.5 points
Back/spine, neck and shoulders - .75 points
Fitness/abs/toned arms - 1 point
Other extremities like hands/feet/wrists/ankles/nails - .75 points
Skin (smoothness, softness, sweatiness and hairiness) makes up the last point or a little more.
Extra credit:
Pussy - .5 or so pts (might seem like an odd attribute, and doesn't really matter with an attractive woman, but deserves a mention)
Not included but considered is personal hygiene (including feminine), bad breath, BO, smelly feet, greasy hair etc. They're not really physical attributes but can quickly reduce a woman's rating along with intangibles like attitude and personality.
The point value of these attributes are really just noticeable when they're bad. In other words, i tend to assume the girl largely has these values and take them away when i notice something off or worse. Yeah, really neggy, but that's how it is for me. Like i wouldn't give a girl a point for her breasts, but if i notice that her boobs are saggy or her areolas too big or her nipples too small or flat or inverted, then i deduct from her rating. Or if her ass is flat/bony or just too fat and not shapely. Or if she has rolls on her stomach and flabby arms and cellulite, then i deduct. If her nose is too big or crooked or her teeth jacked up, etc. And like figure skating, if certain qualities are excellent and beyond then she gets some bonus added on to her "base" score kind of like grade of execution (GOE) points.
I tend to consider "everything" (as well as the intangibles) when the body/face is concerned and notice these during a dance, and all of these factors are included in my personal (1-10) ratings. The ATF has excellent or nearly so ratings in all of these features/attributes and that is why i consider her a physical 10.
Body type - 5 This is going to cover her ass, hips, tone, back, etc.
Breasts - 2
Face - 2
Hair - 1
The reason I enjoy the clubs is because it is fantasyland. The chemistry greatly enhances my "fantasy". It's like my version of what constitutes a GFE, so it matters a lot to me.
2 - Breasts
2 - Body Type (slim thick)
2.5 - Face
2 - Ass
1.5 - Hair
I am a combo guy and I dont have a particular body fetish.
Im going to simplify it a bit similar to warrior15 but im going to separate by the neck down:
Body(body type, tits, ass)- 5.5
face(face, hair)- 4.5
Far be it for me to judge what gives you pleasure, unless it's taking advantage of a 14 yr old or something else equally as heinous.
I was just explaining why personality is important to me.
Body: 3
Dick sucking skill: 7,493
I also think there is another factor involved here. Even assuming all guys are looking for extras, which is not the case, in some parts of the country, handjobs ITC are rare and fucking ITC is unheard of. If you want to fuck a stripper, it’s going to have to be OTC and that means getting to know her and being comfortable enough with her. That makes the interaction different in a club. LDK fans would have to look at things differently if clubs only offered air dances where they lived. Short of those who travel and club a lot, the rest of us have to adapt to what our local clubs have to offer. That might give us different perspectives on how we enjoy clubs.
I still think that it mostly comes down to each of us being wired differently. It’s like going to the gym. Some are there to bodybuild. Some are there to lose weight. Some are there to train for a sport. Different motives lead to different approaches.