
Going to Antarctica

Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:06 AM
Any suggestions papi? I like the high mileage places


  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    If I can’t rub noses, then I’m just not going to buy a dance. Make it hail $30,000.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^^ I thought tubing noses was an Eskimo thing, they’re in the Arctic not the Antarctic. I think penguin strippers are in that region.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Yeah, either penguins or a bunch of female scientists.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Maybe you can visit the secret alien base in Antarctica and get them to create an alien strip club for you so you can get your groove on with the Tau Cetians. The large hole in the ice is strictly off limits even to many military pilots down there. Maybe you need to steal a flying saucer first if you know where a crashed one is over near Roswell and sneak in there. Maybe plant a virus with a laughing alien symbol. That should work just like it worked in the movies. Let us know how it goes. I would not suggest stealing any of our top secret triangle flying craft. Military folks might shoot to kill if you try to steal one of our own flying saucer ships.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ or maybe not. C'mon get serious. TUSCL is not an appropriate place to be posting inane drivel.
  • warhawks
    6 years ago
    Polar bears like it rough. The neon g-strings really reflect off the snow and ice during the midnight sun, so bring sunglasses/googles.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    chessmaster, you should PM the lion guy. I suspect he can put you in contact with rickthepenguin!
  • likes2look
    6 years ago
    You will love it. In Antarctica there is a beautiful woman behind every tree.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    Go for the all nude outdoor club at the South Pole in mid June! Only trouble is that it's a little dark and drafty.......
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