
Man Building Polyamorous Organization seeking followers

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On the Thursday episode of Dr. Phil, Phil presented a man creating an organization based on individual enlightenment involving multiple women as his polyamorous partners with no visible means of financial support.


He has no job. The women and children are encouraged to panhandle for cash. He decries traditional lifestyles and is convinced he is the future King and represents the future for all mankind that are wise enough to join his organization. He hopes to add women of multiple races and nationalities to his relationship.

Dr. Phil gives him a pedestal to spout his rambling, at times, ranting diatribes before politely pointing out that he may have trouble securing followers and is, in fact, guilty of abuse and neglect of his children.

I watched this entire episode with my s/o laughing my ass off the entire time. Most pointedly, he reminded me of a like-minded friend we have in our secret PL world. Any guesses?


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Avatar for TFP

LMAO as soon as I read just the title of the thread one name came to mind immediately.

Avatar for TFP

But at least this guy could make it on to Dr. Phil. SJG can't even make it to TJ.

Avatar for Jdobbs84

I had the same name pop into my head as well. Lmao. I wonder if they all ride huffy bikes around everywhere they go to?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

about Eye's Wide Shut, talking to us through the mask only runs for a couple of minutes. Deals with the occult and initiatic aspects


I read in a book about the making of AI, that Kubrick used to often dress like Fidel Castro.


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