2 questions same topic about s with strippers out of curiousity posted

avatar for Djscudmaster
Out of curiousity answer this
You are getting otc dj os in the club by a very beautiful stripper and other than a ld you ain't paid nothing unless you bought her a drink. Your thinking your going to get some. Next time you meet its either the same as before or nothing or she's ignoring you but smiling when she sees you afar. One moment she approaches you and says she's horny and cant stop thinking of you and wishes to F HS. You plan the meeting but it never happens. She stood you up or as second thoughts. She later quips she's married or involved. Did she just tease you or is she scared was she horny at some point but not more?many opinions here
Lets say She does give herself up and says thanks and either doesn't want any more with you afterwards or is constantly parading you in the club as Her fav costumer showing you off to all her co-workers.
Do you or would you expect more if she's a 10 or one of the best looking dancers in the club or was a great lay?

Now the bonus question? What if this stripper has a pl or someone who regular visits her to see her or she happens to be involved with someone who works at the club? ie owner manager bouncer etc....Answer the do you or would you expect more if she's a 10 or one of the best looking dancers in the club or was a great lay


last comment
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I can't comprehend that all, but basically you're buying a fantasy....she may tell you things like what I've hard...."I could fuck you, really..." "you're a really good kisser." "I bet you're good in bed....are you?" Most of the time, a lot of this is known as stripper shit aka b.s. but she is just doing her job. It makes it kind of a challenge and exciting when one of them actually means it to figure this out... Often times you're going to be let down, she tells all the boys these things.

If the stripper is a 10, less chances of OTC she can make a killing doing lap dances with no extras. If she has a regular or two, or is fucking the manager, I seriously doubt she's easy game.

There are plenty of posts on achieving OTC, good luck.
avatar for grand1511
7 years ago
What language is this so
I can get the correct Google translator?
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
These theoretical facts seem completely independant from each other and you cant draw any real conclusions from them. You sound like you are trying to imply something about ber being a 10 and you getting something for low cost but confused about her random behavior. Lots of strippes do that and just deal with it or move on.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
Say what now?
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
glad i wasn’t the only one puzzled by the OP.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
What the what ??
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
What drivel! That was so painful to read that I gave up before the end.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Go to the ER. You're having a stroke.
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