Giving Details vs Being Vague

avatar for Warrior15
When I do Reviews, I tend to be very descriptive. I'll tell you if I got a HJ or a CBJ or if I LDK'd . Is there stick shifting, is it all OTP. I don't give out the girl's name, but I am going to tell you exactly how much fun I had. When I read reviews, I like to read about these details as it gives me an idea of what I can get away with inside that club. And even more important to me, is there a benefit to paying for the VIP if there is one? But often, I will read a Review that says something like, " lots of two-way touching, I left happy. " They will even say something like " I'll spare you the details " .

What do you put in your Reviews and what do you like to read in the ones' that others leave ? Do you want to hear about what I got ? Or should I be a gentleman and leave it up to your imagination ?


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
How about the ones that say "if you know what I mean"
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
Because YMMV, I just go with whether I liked the place or not with enough detail to explain why. If there's good contact I'll say so, and if I think others would have a good experirence (or not) I'll say so. I don't give a blow-by-blow account.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
This has been a source of contention in the past where some TUSCLers seem convinced their club went downhill or git busted b/c if what was posted on TUSCL.

I can see it both ways:

1) a reviews is to convey information so not as useful if one leaves out pertinent information

2) I can see the merits of nit broadcasting illegal acts

So I'm kinda ok with "I went to VIP and left happy" - although it's not as if that would throw off LE - there really isn't a way where one can be vague and the reader still get the gist of it but not LE (or club staff reading the review).
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
If a member wants more details they can always PM.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
I prefer hinting and not raw information. That protects the girl and the club. Last thing I want is sticking their head my VIP on another raid that was justified on the basis of documented stories (even if they are fiction).

I would expect LEO to take action after there is enough justification to act. Why should I pass the ammo?
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
I posted similar discussion a few weeks ago here:…. Responses included similar to what's above plus more, along with links to 2 prior discussions on same topic.

Links to older discussions where same topic was addressed are here……

Majority says don't give mileage details in relation to dancer name other than standard groping. Some say give not give mileage details at all even if dancer name not referenced and to just say you were satisfied or not. Yes you can PM for details, but getting details from PM likely dependent on how active you are on this board and/or how well acquainted you are with person you're PMing.

avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Most members would probably like to know what a reviewer got at the club but can you believe what every reviewer says? This is the internet and we have desertscrub, etc. So I think it is best to leave out the details. I'll answer PM's provided that the person is a contributing member but won't give names unless I personally know and trust them.

My pet peeve is the reviews that don't mention the cost of dances, VIPs, Champagne Rooms, etc.
avatar for realDougster
7 years ago
I give vague details
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I’m not trying to write a D.H.Lawrence novel here ala JS69 so I’ll just give a bit of a rundown as to what you can expect based on my own interactions. I might euphimise certain details but I’ll not name a specific dancer that treated me well. I will respond to a PM from a member who is known to me. I also have no qualms about outing a ROB.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
I concur on giving only limited information on the extent of what happens in VIP, for several reasons:

- No sense giving LEO or anyone else with a contrary agenda too much ammunition

- What happened between me and an individual dancer in private is exactly that - even without sharing names or other identifying details, I'm not eager to overshare on a public forum

- My detailed experience may not predict the experience someone else may have (different dancer, different pricing, etc). To use the cliche, Your Mileage May Vary
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I would think even saying “I felt the vip was worth the $(amount), I paid,” should be good. Like flag says, you can always on the reviewer. To some degree happiness w services and the amount, is more important than actual services, anyways. I base this off the fact that I don’t charge a lot for vips, don’t do extras, and have plenty of regulars. On the other hand, if a guy paid several hundred w a girl, and was still very happy with his experience, then she is probably doing something right, or he is very easy to please. You can pm him, if you need to know which. I do think area LE might as well read reviews here. I would. It’s not like it’s bad reading.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
@BJ99 - I think you actually hit on the arguments for giving as much detail as possible. The definition of "good value" is wildly subjective, based on such myriad variables as: dancer quality (also subjective), PL's budget, PL's experience with oher clubs (local market and more broadly), PL's goals (anything from just see some pretty gals dance to hardcore extras/OTC recruiting). As you say, some folks are easier to please.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I disagree. A blow job can be relatively shitty, and not worth the money, where as a very sensual lap dance w a sexy girl can be well worth it. It all depends on how much you trust the reviewer’s opinion. I think it’s more important to detail price.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
exact details would be great...BUTT this is an open site with LE, management and self entitled losers having free access.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i don’t want to cause negative actions to befall my ladies.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ exactly. If someone you trust pms you, they can get details that way.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Plus, even I know what it means if justme says he had a good time. There’s plenty of reason to follow along here and be part of the community.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I understand other members desires to know everything. However, I also understand the trouble that can be created by naming dancer names and naming acts performed.

My view is to be as specific to be useful - but to be vague enough so dancers don’t get into trouble.

I understand the challenge of reading my review and deciding if the club provides the value you desire. Since what happens in the back room - and the cost of what happens - add up differently for different customers - it’s very difficult to say a club offers good value - without being specific.

I’m specific with what I spend. So if additional details regarding what happened is needed - a PM would be appropriate. I doubt that I’d give dancer names - as I don’t want another customer to drop his pants and say “Cash Man told me that Trixie blew him like a Hoover last week - for $50!!! Where’s Trixie? I’m hard and ready!!!”
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
And then trixie’s like “oh yeah.. that guy I only charge 50, bc he’s got a tiny dick and cums in under two mins. He’s telling everyone!? I’ll never talk to him again!” ;P
avatar for anon4231
7 years ago
^^ This. It's plausible deniability for the PL and the dancer. That, and MY lap dance experience won't necessarily match EVERYONE'S lap dance experience. I've had great dances from girls who have been totally shat on in reviews, and shitty dances from girls that came highly recommended. I find that my attitude in a strip club (ask before touching, let them know when I'm spending money, etc.) gets me further - at least with SOME girls.

Of course, I like to go into detail on a dancer's appearance and attitude - anything beyond that is between her and the PL she's sitting on, but appearance and attitude are pretty consistent.
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
Why do I suddenly feel like that little boy that got his wrist's slapped by his teacher ? I guess I'll tone it down a little. But I did say specifically that I never mention names. I don't even do that if someone PM's me.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Just to clarify - I hold out for a full 3 minutes with Trixie! Lol! Thanks Bj!
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Lol, I’m sure it’s actully bc you are so sexy and always make her orgasm like three times. ;) it can go either way. Lots of reasons a customer might get a nice deal.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I’m sort of less worried about LE than I am about a dancer’s probabilities of having issues with management. I doubt very much that LEOs really pay a lot of attention to what is posted here.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
That would explain the puddles she leaves after sucking me off.

Trixie seems to give lots of details! Maybe she should write reviews of her customers - lol!
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
@Warrior15 said "Why do I suddenly feel like that little boy that got his wrist's slapped by his teacher ? I guess I'll tone it down a little. But I did say specifically that I never mention names."

I read your reviews after you posted this. High quality reviews I thought. And nothing over the top in those, and like you said no names given. One had a reference to price paid for BBBJ. I ain't the editorial police.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
@ 25, yeah, and coworkers.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Well, Trixie is getting demoted from CF status for talking about me behind my back. The bitch.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Wow, just read this in one of the old threads DeclineToState linked:

"I know for a fact that some LE agencies monitor this board because I was once contacted after mentioning in a review that extras were available in a certain club. Never again."

I'm guessing when he said "contact", he didn't mean using the TUSCL messaging system.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^Sounds like bullshit !
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I doubt LE, or anyone that really wants to know (besides a newb SCer looking for info), needs this board to figure out what goes on in strip-clubs - it's not as if SCs are some kinda secret-society no one would know about o/w - escort sites have been up and running for years - most people don't care what consenting adults do - they go after SCs not b/c they all of a sudden found out what goes on in them, but usually b/c there is some competing-interest (e.g. too-violent (multiple murders); gentrification; low-hanging fruit for politicians looking to make a name for themselves; a developer that wants to build a multi-million dollar upscale condo-complex or upscale shopping-plaza not wanting s strip-club near them possibly devaluing their investment, etc). Also, club staff usually well-knows what goes on so it's not as if they need TUSCL except in certain low-mileage clubs where there may be some rouge dancers.

Many SCs have flourished for years w/ a rep of being high-mileage and extras then all of a sudden are cut at the knees when there is some kind of gain to be made by them not being around anymore.
avatar for DroidX
7 years ago
I don't mind being specific and mentioning names when I get dances. I'm not so specific that I put the dancers in harm's way, but I do welcome those who have questions (specifically trusted members).
avatar for 623
7 years ago
You can't give useful advice/information when saying things like "I enjoyed myself" or "I got what I wanted". WTF would that even mean? Maybe it means "I was able to masterbate in a dark corner"?

For a visit to a new club or city, to make a choice where to go, I need prices, what level of service is available, general level of attractiveness and other pertinent specific details. I do not have any use for names, since that dancer might not even be working.

I also don't need to know if a reviewer "liked" the decor or "enjoyed" the beer selection. Again too subjective, you can find people who "like" most anything.

For clubs with hundreds of reviews mentioning names WITHOUT specific menu details could help frequent attendees to a specific club.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Warrior15 your reviews are fine. The general rule seems to be if you're gonna be detailed, don't use names. I happen to like the reviews that give details, makes for better reading and a better idea of what could possibly be your same experience in the club. Of course YMMV.

So don't tone anything down, Warrior15. Especially when your reviews are about TJ clubs, where all that stuff is legal.

avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I've gone both ways in my reviews throughout the years. Recently I have gone the route of being descriptive without giving explicit details or names. If someone wants more info they can PM me. Then it's my choice to give more info or not.
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