States with most clubs

Just happened to browse the clubs listings page and per TUSCL the following 3-states are the ones w/ the most clubs:

  1. Florida (193)

  2. Texas (192)

  3. California (163)


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

They also happen to be the 3 most populous states:

  1. California (39,250,017)

  2. Texas (27,862,596)

  3. Florida (20,612,439)

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Somebody’s got too much time on their hands ;)))(

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

I think Portland is the place with the highest per capita.

States 1 and 2, as I understand, have no restrictions based on alcohol. Makes a big difference in how many clubs get opened.

California, well that is just because LA is such a large metro. In NorCal we are seriously deprived.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

"... Somebody’s got too much time on their hands ..."

You know me and my fascination with bigger is better

avatar for lick-that
7 yrs ago

Makes sense. I thought FL once I saw the headline, just from personal experience. We does it

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Hell yea @ Papi how did you put it I think it was big titties and butts rule !!!!!!!!!

avatar for TFP
7 yrs ago

Yeah for CA it's definitely SoCal carrying all the weight. NorCal clubs are severely lacking in both numbers and experience.

Plus so Cal has the coffee shops that are a little like strip clubs. Most open at 7am. You get a coffee and some full nudity. Some girls allow a touch or so if you tip them. Mattie at Cafe Starz is a stunner! Huge tits and nice ass. Tall slender white chick. But you can't touch mostly but only look. Some girls do dance and give you a few seconds of grinding for a dollar or 2.

Yeah, those three states don't surprise me because of their huge populations, as Papi points out. But there are some notables on the list:

  • My tiny home state of New Jersey easily has the most strip clubs per square mile; we have roughly the same number of clubs as PA, NY, and OH, all of which are much larger states. This is probably because of NJ's high population density and low moral standards.

  • Nevada probably has the highest number of clubs per capita, and I guess that's not much of a surprise to anyone who's ever been there.

  • There are also a few conservative states that have a high number of clubs with respect to their populations, namely Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, and Indiana.

  • New Hampshire only has 2 clubs! It's the "Live Free or Die" State. As I've said before, I think they just decided to skip the "Live Free" part and just "Die." That's a shame, really.

avatar for JamesSD
7 yrs ago

Kansas? Interesting.

I know some Midwestern states have a lot of small town "dive bar with tits in the back "

avatar for DR99
7 yrs ago

Michigan is weird not may sc's once you get outside of the city

It's notable that Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan have a relatively small number of clubs. Between CA, TX, FL, GA, AZ, and MI, probably more than half the members of this board come from these six states, so you would think they would all be strip club meccas.

I think Georgia is hamstrung by its laws and rules (I'm told that Follies is basically the only club where you can get any decent action in Atlanta). And Arizona is a vast empty space once you get outside of Maricopa and Pima Counties, so I guess that explains why there are so few clubs. But what about Michigan? There are several major population centers in MI, plus it's a pretty big place, so why aren't there more clubs in the Wolverine State?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Florida has a decent number of clubs even for a very populous state. 193! Sounds like more clubs that i would ever visit in a lifetime. California has twice the population but about 30 less clubs. Texas also struck me as having a lot of clubs (particularly Houston which has over 1/4 of the 192 clubs at 57 clubs) but has less per capita than Florida. Portland by itself has 47 clubs which is more than half of all the clubs in Illinois (71). About half of the clubs in Illinois are south or way down south with 17 or so just around the East St. Louis area (Washington Park, Brooklyn, Centreville, Sauget). New York (113) also has a similar ratio as Illinois (about 5.5 strip clubs per million in population) but more than California (about 4). West Virgina (35 clubs) has the most at 19.5 per million followed by Oregon (74) with 18.5 and then freaking Wyoming (9) at 16.5 and then South Dakota (14) at just over 16 per million. Wisconsin (69) has over twice per million than Illinois at over 12, but from hearsay, almost all of those clubs suck. Indiana (57) is a similar story having near Florida ratios (almost 9 per million), but mostly sucky clubs (for PLs and dancers). Half of the Arizona (40) clubs are all in Phoenix which isn't quite as bad as Oregon with Portland having a large majority of the clubs.

In the end though, it's about quality and not quantity. I'd hate to be stuck in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania or Ohio. While having a lot of clubs relatively nearby (although not that many per square mile which would make another good discussion), there really isn't a whole lot of fun to be had in the vast majority of those clubs.

avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

Most of Michigan's strip clubs--and all of the good ones--are in Detroit and its Wayne County suburbs. Is it just a coincidence that I live in this part of Michigan?

avatar for s275ironman
7 yrs ago

@DIrk - very true statement about Wisconsin. I lived there for a few years. Just about the only positive thing I can say about clubbing in that state is that the clubs there can serve alcohol and have fully nude stage dancing, the only exception being the Milwaukee area which does not allow fully nude dancing. All clubs I've been to in Wisconsin have their dance areas heavily monitored by bouncers and/or cameras. It is stricly enforced that customers can not touch dancers at all. However, if your dancer really likes you, she will give you some heavy grinding and maybe stick-shifting. No chance of getting any extras.

@Burlington - the west side of Michigan is often referred to as "the Bible Belt", because a lot of people, especially around Grand Rapids (which is the second largest city in Michigan), impose their religious and moralistic beliefs when it comes to laws. I grew up in Grand Rapids and right around the time I graduated from college, laws were imposed to ban nudity. A few clubs closed, but two are still open and operate as bikini bars. Whenever I return to my home town, I stay away from the clubs because I can get much better elsewhere. It really is Detroit that is carrying the weight for Michigan strip clubs. If you take away Detroit and its metros, there would hardly be any clubs in Michigan at all.

avatar for aks451
7 yrs ago

Not judging or anything, but I don't quite understand why conservative, Bible-belt Texas has so many strip clubs. I understand Florida with its tourist industry and annual influx of immoral northeasterners, but you'd think with all the high and mighty morality mongers in the bible belt, they would have found ways of zoning them out of existence.

Or is it church on sunday, and boys will be boys the other six days?

avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

Texas is large and diverse. Baptists dominate west Texas. Some counties prohibit the sale of alcohol. But Texas also has big, more progressive cities like Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago

I've been to all three states multiple times, living in #1, and I never went to a club in CA. When in TX I also visited Mexico.

avatar for DR99
7 yrs ago

If you know the SE mi area it's really crazy outside of Wayne county which Detroit is in the 2 big suburbs north of Detroit only have one SC and I imagine the Traffic Light closes eventually either for the land or it just gets pushed to be closed eventually.

avatar for gothamyte
7 yrs ago

I'm into trivia. So I knew this already. Check this out: for some states, Wal-Mart is the top employee in the state. Go online and see how many Wal-Mart are in your state. Then see how many strip clubs there are. Some states may have more strip clubs than Wal-Marts. Hmmmm. There's a state in the NE quadrant that has only 1 SC. Lord, have Mercy.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

@aks451 Not sure if serious.... Almost all the "red" states, the deep south and midwest and rust belt have the higher ratios of strip clubs. Lot of swing or battleground states too; "purple" if you will. It seems easier to start a strip club in a rural town in the middle of nowhere than in a suburb. The next easiest place would be a metropolitan area because of the "casual" demand, but then you tend to get all sizzle and no steak at those clubs with more strict rules and ordinances. The only "blue" states with higher ratios (like 9+ per million) seem to be New Jersey, Hawaii and Oregon (Portland really) and to a lesser degree Connecticut and freaking Washington D.C. I don't think it's a coincidence either that having a decent sized black demographic will increase the odds of a strip club being in the area.

avatar for DR99
7 yrs ago

Dirk is right good luck trying to start a SC in the suburbs of MI. I actually don't even know if you could open a new SC in Michigan that serves alcohol I think you would have to buy an existing license with a cabaret rider and good luck getting one, and transferring it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Even though it was decades ago, I still remember being blown away by Portland. So many strip clubs per block. Never seen that before, except for SF Broadway and Columbus.

Looked like every bar had just added a stage. So there must be no legal impediments.

And of course every club is nude w/ alcohol. Makes it easier for the owners to make money.

Not at home, South Bay is a complete joke. SF should be okay, but Deja Vu has taken over. Must be some legal impediment, besides the high rents, to opening more clubs. And Oakland has an ordinance.

Need to find some way to get more clubs open.

The membership club model should be the key, in all of these places. Some guys won't like it, but most will go along with it. Very hard for LE to regulate what goes on in such places. Just doing SJ and Oakland would be great, maybe a couple of other East Bay metros too. The issue is how discrete, versus how visible and promoting of patronage?

The key is that it is not a retail biz, hence exempt from most ordinances.

San Mateo county too strict and too conservative, SF too expensive.


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