States with most clubs

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Just happened to browse the clubs listings page and per TUSCL the following 3-states are the ones w/ the most clubs:
1) Florida (193)
2) Texas (192)
3) California (163)
1) Florida (193)
2) Texas (192)
3) California (163)
1) California (39,250,017)
2) Texas (27,862,596)
3) Florida (20,612,439)…
States 1 and 2, as I understand, have no restrictions based on alcohol. Makes a big difference in how many clubs get opened.
California, well that is just because LA is such a large metro. In NorCal we are seriously deprived.
You know me and my fascination with bigger is better
- My tiny home state of New Jersey easily has the most strip clubs per square mile; we have roughly the same number of clubs as PA, NY, and OH, all of which are much larger states. This is probably because of NJ's high population density and low moral standards.
- Nevada probably has the highest number of clubs per capita, and I guess that's not much of a surprise to anyone who's ever been there.
- There are also a few conservative states that have a high number of clubs with respect to their populations, namely Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, and Indiana.
- New Hampshire only has 2 clubs! It's the "Live Free or Die" State. As I've said before, I think they just decided to skip the "Live Free" part and just "Die." That's a shame, really.
I know some Midwestern states have a lot of small town "dive bar with tits in the back "
I think Georgia is hamstrung by its laws and rules (I'm told that Follies is basically the only club where you can get any decent action in Atlanta). And Arizona is a vast empty space once you get outside of Maricopa and Pima Counties, so I guess that explains why there are so few clubs. But what about Michigan? There are several major population centers in MI, plus it's a pretty big place, so why aren't there more clubs in the Wolverine State?
In the end though, it's about quality and not quantity. I'd hate to be stuck in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania or Ohio. While having a lot of clubs relatively nearby (although not that many per square mile which would make another good discussion), there really isn't a whole lot of fun to be had in the vast majority of those clubs.
@Burlington - the west side of Michigan is often referred to as "the Bible Belt", because a lot of people, especially around Grand Rapids (which is the second largest city in Michigan), impose their religious and moralistic beliefs when it comes to laws. I grew up in Grand Rapids and right around the time I graduated from college, laws were imposed to ban nudity. A few clubs closed, but two are still open and operate as bikini bars. Whenever I return to my home town, I stay away from the clubs because I can get much better elsewhere. It really is Detroit that is carrying the weight for Michigan strip clubs. If you take away Detroit and its metros, there would hardly be any clubs in Michigan at all.
Or is it church on sunday, and boys will be boys the other six days?
Not sure if serious....
Almost all the "red" states, the deep south and midwest and rust belt have the higher ratios of strip clubs. Lot of swing or battleground states too; "purple" if you will. It seems easier to start a strip club in a rural town in the middle of nowhere than in a suburb. The next easiest place would be a metropolitan area because of the "casual" demand, but then you tend to get all sizzle and no steak at those clubs with more strict rules and ordinances. The only "blue" states with higher ratios (like 9+ per million) seem to be New Jersey, Hawaii and Oregon (Portland really) and to a lesser degree Connecticut and freaking Washington D.C. I don't think it's a coincidence either that having a decent sized black demographic will increase the odds of a strip club being in the area.
Looked like every bar had just added a stage. So there must be no legal impediments.
And of course every club is nude w/ alcohol. Makes it easier for the owners to make money.
Not at home, South Bay is a complete joke. SF should be okay, but Deja Vu has taken over. Must be some legal impediment, besides the high rents, to opening more clubs. And Oakland has an ordinance.
Need to find some way to get more clubs open.
The membership club model should be the key, in all of these places. Some guys won't like it, but most will go along with it. Very hard for LE to regulate what goes on in such places. Just doing SJ and Oakland would be great, maybe a couple of other East Bay metros too. The issue is how discrete, versus how visible and promoting of patronage?
The key is that it is not a retail biz, hence exempt from most ordinances.
San Mateo county too strict and too conservative, SF too expensive.