So with all of the recent happenings in the Motor City, I am looking to the experts for a little help. I have a couple of clients coming in for meetings at the end of the month, and we usually we go out a couple of nights to a great steakhouse and then to the 8 mile corridor for a little entertainment. I was speaking with one of them yesterday about the recent happenings and he sounded like I kicked his puppy.
So, I am asking the Motown regulars if I should plan on hitting the east side clubs, or the Dearborn/Inkster/Taylor clubs? Recommendations on clubs would be greatly appreciated.
Collisium still has curtains up as well as Flight Club. I suspect the talent level in both clubs has gone up since PH has been closed. Those are recomendations for most reliable talent and full menu's.
Some of the clubs in the suburbs (near the airport or in Dearborn or south of the metro area) still have private VIP areas and offer decent value entertainment. A few suggestions, broken roughly into three tiers:
Top tier club: Flight Club:
Medium tier clubs: Landing Strip BTs Dearborn Subis Cricket Hustler
Lower tier clubs: Bogarts Henry VIII, North and South
If you are looking for clubs with curtains and you want to avoid the (slim but always possible) Detroit Vice raids, then the clubs outside the Detroit limits are for you. (Flight Club, Landing Strip, Cricket, BTs etc).
Penthouse has its curtains down. So does Legends. So no more private areas in those two clubs. Bouzoukis has a open area where dances are held as it’s been for years. I’ve heard Coli is still business as usual and Players has a weird beaded VIP areas that some like and most don’t.
In my opinion, I see this as a phase. It’s happened before where Detroit politicians play all tough and things change for a while. But then it goes back to business as usual.
Both Henry VIII South and Bogarts have paved parking lots. He won't scratch his rig unless things get out of hands when he is teaching the hoes how to drive the rig. :)
Flight Club and Penthouse are so similar that, if you're not a regular you were magically dripped into one or the other, you'd have to think for a moment which one you're in. Of course, now, the big difference between the two is that Flight Club has curtains upstairs.
For the time being, it sounds like Flight Club has become Detroit's new destination. I mourn Penthouse, but for now, at least we know where the talent has probably landed.
"In my opinion, I see this as a phase. It’s happened before where Detroit politicians play all tough and things change for a while. But then it goes back to business as usual."
I've read this phrase now for the last 3-4 years in regards to the clubs getting raided and things dying down which is one thing. We are now talking about virtually all of the clubs now having no private VIP areas including just now the mighty Penthouse Club.
Here is my question: When is the last time a Detroit club was forced to remove their private VIP curtains....only to have put them back up? Can't think of any examples I've read these last handful of years now.
To the original poster: As a periodic out of state visitor to Detroit clubs I would steer clear of anything in Detroit. The only clubs I have ever visited are Penthouse, Coliseum, and Flight Club which is outside of Detroit. Next time in town I will only be visiting Flight Club, and may think of branching out to perhaps try BT's Dearborn, Cricket, or Landing Strip.
Now that you mention it, I can’t think of a good example about the curtains coming down and back up in the time I’ve been clubbing either.
Most of the time it’s been the Club was shut down due to “liquor violations” for a week or two.
I still remain skeptical that it will last though. The politicians and cops will want their kickback money and they won’t get it if the clubs close down.
It seems though the clubs have been without the private VIPs for years now....except for a select few: Penthouse, Coliseum, Legends, and Players. And of this group Legends and Penthouse no longer have. Players has the beads which reportedly in another thread will be coming down and Coliseum, who I’m willing to bet at any moment we’ll hear removed their curtains. In other words, business as usual is no private VIPs - not the other way around.
Regarding bribes - if there was any club that could pull that off it would be Penthouse, but that is no longer the case as we know. Would love to read reports here soon of Penthouse and others adding back private VIPs. Otherwise, no private VIPs this is the new business as normal in Detroit.
^^^ I agree completely. The beads at Players are just as good as a curtain. Although, some girls will feed you the line "These beads don't really give us much privacy" as an attempt to try to get you to overpay for extras. People walking by won't really be able to see what is going on unless they stop and actually stare. Chances are, you will be too busy enjoying the moment with your girl that you won't even care if people could be watching. Besides, a tip to the bouncer will more than guarantee that you will have complete privacy.
As someone who visited Penthouse one time a day after a raid, and someone who in general has a “what are the odds....” attitude when it comes to getting caught in VIP during a raid, it would take some pretty big balls for me right now to visit Players and Coliseum’s VIPs. That’s just me.
last commentTop tier club:
Flight Club:
Medium tier clubs:
Landing Strip
BTs Dearborn
Lower tier clubs:
Henry VIII, North and South
Penthouse has its curtains down. So does Legends. So no more private areas in those two clubs. Bouzoukis has a open area where dances are held as it’s been for years. I’ve heard Coli is still business as usual and Players has a weird beaded VIP areas that some like and most don’t.
In my opinion, I see this as a phase. It’s happened before where Detroit politicians play all tough and things change for a while. But then it goes back to business as usual.
We shall see.
MackTruck, you should loiter in the parking lot of Bogart's.
Or maybe Henry’s South.
I think both have gravel parking lots with no valet. Perfect for that 18 wheeler.
Use the back door. Or the employee entrance by the ice machine.
For the time being, it sounds like Flight Club has become Detroit's new destination. I mourn Penthouse, but for now, at least we know where the talent has probably landed.
I've read this phrase now for the last 3-4 years in regards to the clubs getting raided and things dying down which is one thing. We are now talking about virtually all of the clubs now having no private VIP areas including just now the mighty Penthouse Club.
Here is my question: When is the last time a Detroit club was forced to remove their private VIP curtains....only to have put them back up? Can't think of any examples I've read these last handful of years now.
To the original poster: As a periodic out of state visitor to Detroit clubs I would steer clear of anything in Detroit. The only clubs I have ever visited are Penthouse, Coliseum, and Flight Club which is outside of Detroit. Next time in town I will only be visiting Flight Club, and may think of branching out to perhaps try BT's Dearborn, Cricket, or Landing Strip.
Most of the time it’s been the Club was shut down due to “liquor violations” for a week or two.
I still remain skeptical that it will last though.
The politicians and cops will want their kickback money and they won’t get it if the clubs close down.
Regarding bribes - if there was any club that could pull that off it would be Penthouse, but that is no longer the case as we know. Would love to read reports here soon of Penthouse and others adding back private VIPs. Otherwise, no private VIPs this is the new business as normal in Detroit.