
Going Less?

Friday, December 29, 2006 3:40 AM
I noticed FONDL's comment in another thread that he hadn't been to a strip club all year. As I look back I know that my visits, though no less enjoyable, have decreased from once or twice a week to about once a month over the last two or three years. Is this a trend among others on the board as well?


  • pinhead
    18 years ago
    Hi Yoda, how've you been? I've been going alot less, for a number of reasons. The girls that I used to get along with real well are long gone, although there are a few that I like to hang out with. It's also dawned on me that $100- 200 bucks can be better spent on other things. And, I've been doing some business travel to Asia over the last few years, Bangkok specifically. The stimulation and satisfaction that is obtained in 7-10 days damn near carries me through the rest of the year. (And I spend less each day then I would on a couple of lap dances back home) By no coincidence, the 2 girls that I like to hang out with are asian. I'm looking forward to retirement in the "Land of Smiles"
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    i'm still a junkie. with no desire to recover. it would be nice to hear that dudes were going *more* as a result of the great advice at tuscl. dg
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    My own SC visits are getting very sporadic - I used to go regularly, about once a week, but now I find myself all over the map - sometimes 5 days in a row, and then I don't go back for 3 or 4 weeks. I do find that generally speaking, my visits are becoming less frequent. I'm not really sure why....I think it might be a case of the "same ole, same ole" routine.I think I might start looking into new clubs, and give the fave places a break for awhile.
  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    If you are strapped for MONEY why not try HAGGLING over the price of lap dances and get lap dances for FIVE DOLLARS?
    18 years ago
    Igiveup, I think that's a valid question and deserves an honest answer. The answer is that I haven't consciously decided to give up on the SC hobby and if I did I'd probably lose interest in this board too. I just haven't had either the convenient occasion or sufficient interest to make the extra effort to go to a club for a long time. And I don't know if that's permanent or not. Seems like every time I think about maybe going I then think about the cost involved and choose to do something else instead. Also, I miss my ATF at times and enjoy thinking (and talking) about her and strip clubs in general because doing so brings back pleasant memories.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    FONDL, My ATF, as far as I know, still dances. Problem is, I do not know where. And after I had told her, at one time, I didn't care for our situation, and tought it better I not see her again (BIG STUPID MISTAKE) she would never return my calls. I have, however, seen her a few times since, but only in the company of mutual friends. I miss her!
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I don't think current attendance has any correlation to interest in the topic. Clubs are clubs and Chat boards are chat boards. I've been going to clubs for about 25 years now. I could easily skip a year or two and not lose interest in the strip club culture.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    No, I am not going less than I did 5 years ago. At least 3 times a month. Sometimes 4. Question for FONDL. If you don't go to strip clubs anymore, why do you stay active on this board?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I monger when it fits into my otherwise hectic schedule. But since I've been effectively out of work since June, I'm mongering more (again). My strip-club visits are all a part of my general mongering procedure. And again, it depends on what city I'm living in and the types of clubs readily available. For example, if I were living in Memphis I'd be at Platinum Plus every weekend, sometimes blowing a huge wad (which, for me, would mean $500 cash!), sometimes just ogling and smoking my pipe (no more than $20 for the whole night, total). If I were living in Houston I would have to apportion it differently, because although I enjoy the offerings at Treasures or an AMP, I cannot generally afford to dump $400 every week, so I'd have to figure out how to go limit it and yet keep the gun unloaded. If I were living in Kankakee I'd probably find a different outlet. And if I were making $100,000.oo a year, I'd change my expenditure limits accordingly. Actually, I might not. I have gone through higher and lower salaries in the last fifteen years, or so, not always a steady climb upward like you're supposed to get. And yet, I've really preferred to keep my mongering expenses basically the same. First, I want as MANY lap-dances as possible for as CHEAP as possible. Best ever was 2-for-1 (2 songs, cost of 1 song) against $10 Canadian in 1992 or so. At an exchange rate of Cd$1.4 : US$1.0, that would be only US$3.57 per song. Wow! I want as much of that as I can get! But it's got to be "real" lap-dances -- no air-posing, full-straddle, full gentle grind, my hands everywhere except MAYBE preclusion from the coochie, and preferably my mouth latched on to neck, nipple, etc. (Sorry to get graphic. But hey!) Second, though, I am not all-for-nothing about OTHER services. I want my experience to be full service and right in the $200 range. Weird, no? If I pay less, I generally feel dirty. But if I pay MORE than $200, I feel cheated. I think an AMP that costs me $160 to $200, including room fee, tip, her fee, etc. etc., all told, is just right. A stripper needs to be comparable in service for price. Other arrangements don't "fulfill" me, though they may unload the gun adequately. Super-hottie? Butt-ugly? I don't care. Got an internet site? Thinks of herself as a highly skilled and discreet provider? I don't give a shit. Stay at the afore-mentioned price point, because that "feels" right. $250 max; more than that, I think I'm being suckered. Maybe that price expectation would change if I were a millionaire. I dunno, I'm not so sure.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Hmm, does this board turn us off from strip clubs? No real trend here. I'm still going as often as I have in recent years, about twice a month.
    18 years ago
    Chandler, this board has nothing to do with it. I go less often (or currently not at all) because I travel less and have less to spend. I think a lot of clubs have overpriced themselves and as a result I've found a cheaper hobby.
    18 years ago
    Clubber, my situation exactly. Plus once my ATF retired it just wasn't the same anymore. I guess I've lost interest.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I have lately, but that's basically life when you are paid by the hour and there hasn't been overtime lately. One of the clubs I go to is open for New Year's Eve, so I'm going, no matter what.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    I go A LOT less. Since I retired, I do not travel, and therefore, do not visit many clubs. The local ones are not all that good, so why bother? I do go about once every other month just to see a favorite of mine. Funds are also lacking when one can not touch thier IRA without penalty.
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