
Sex with a “porn star”

Older than dirt
Having decided to move on from my ATF I recently met a dancer who readily agreed to OTC. I picked her up and brought her to my house and after some small talk she handed me a small device. I asked what it was and she said it was a nasal Narcan spray, so if she overdosed I could revive her and wouldn’t need to call 911. I said I wasn’t aware you were planning on getting high here. Well how else will I prep to fuck an old man?
After uneventful, uninspired sex, she started telling me of her year in California where she made several porn flicks. She took my I-phone and on Bang Bros she had a casting couch flick and then the one she was most proud of - cum in the mouth and a full facial with cum dripping from her eyes, nose, and lips.
I’d have been more satisfied if I went to church tonight.


  • mark94
    7 years ago
    A lot of young people want to be famous. That’s why so many women want to have sex on camera, then declare themselves “ porn stars “ after one low budget scene.

    Ginger Lynn was a porn star. The 50,000 women who have been filmed doing amateur blowjobs are not.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    you picked up a total stranger and took her to your house?
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    Anonivone - I live in a “gated community with security which is 50 miles from her home. I drove over back roads and she could never find the town I live in, never mind the house.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    Agree with the 50,000 would be porn stars that filmed a sex scene trying to make money claiming to be porn stars. I've met some of the 50,000.
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Pornstrar name sir... or just give the initials.

    Thank you
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    No offense gawker, but it’s amazing how a girl can go from porn actress - to stripper doing otc (with a heroin habit). That’s rough.

    It sucks that the sex wasn’t great. I’m guessing she didn’t arouse you like your old atf. Maybe it will take some time to get past the hotness of your atf? She knew exactly how to get you aroused.

    Keep at it. There will be better experiences.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    "Well how else will I prep to fuck an old man"? I would have considered that a deal-breaker. We all know it's the truth, but I don't tolerate that kind of disrespect. The boring, unenthusiastic sex was almost inevitable following that remark. Having said that, how do you get rid of an unpaid, unfucked OTC girl without BS claims of rape, kidnapping, assault, or visits from pimps and boyfriends? Or do you just have to follow through on your end and remember to never repeat with her?
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    you said she took your i-phone? so she didn't have a smart phone of her own? because it only takes a second to determine location on a smart phone. you can also save your location history...

    there are girls who genuinely get off on older guys. you need to look for one.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I had a stripper show me how to administer Narcan. I did not have to use it.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m sure this is a bad thing to say - and I’m a dick for saying it - but your atf has a body that could put most porn stars to shame. Her body appears tight and toned - and she looks younger than her age. It might be difficult to find a p4p girl who is even close to her in many aspects.

    Has your atf ever thought of doing porn?

  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Yes I banged a “porn star” once, after the fact. Met a girl in Texas and had a less than stellar session. Low and behold two years later browsing a porn site (back when the internet and porn were still somewhat new) and she shows up in a scene using the same name she gave me when we met.

    She did an interview before one of the scenes and you could tell she was really stuck on herself. “I won’t do this I won’t do that and I won’t do that in porn scenes.” I thought “honey with an attitude like that you’re not going to last long in porn.” Sure enough I was able to find 3 scenes with her and that was it.

    For a porn star she was average looking (Latina) and no enhancements - which back then every porn star had fake boobs and bleached blonde hair.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Wow, Gawker sure can pick winners.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I like girls who know what their limits are and stick to them. It's depressing as hell to watch girls get into porn and then get turned into the worst sorts of whores
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I met her through a "mutual friend" and we had joked about "acting out a scene". She said she'd like that and we never talked about money. When I dropped her off I put 5 $20 bills folded into her hand. At the time I meant it as an insult, but in retrospect, that's all it was worth.
    One of the flicks she showed me was Casting Couch - Amber on Bang Bros.
    Cashman has seen a few of my favorite photos of my ATF and I know his comment is 100% on target. This chick did her filming at age 19 and is now in her late 20's and with clothes on she looked like a cute spinner. With clothes off she had saggy little tits, a C-section scar and a saggy belly. I'm not going into any other detail, but she disproved the old adage, "There's no such thing as a bad blowjob."
  • K
    7 years ago

    I went to bang bros and did a search. Could you post a link to one of her videos?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    My escort friend is by far the WORST sex ever. Even worse than my wife! She's a fun date otherwise. Last weekend she said sex was too much like work...
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    Did a few pornstar escorts. One was an amazing experience. One was an unexpected GFE, the remaining were average at best.

    Done two ITC a club, both of which I never heard of. One gave amazing oral, other was aweful. Based off my limited sample I would say the vast majority aren't worth it.

    Although if the price is near the areas rates then I'd likely go for it.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    rl27 with porn stars - there’s a premium charged due to the name recognition. If it’s a true star - that would be very different - as most are girls who’ve been in porn videos (whose performances are largely forgettable).
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