Broken "Clubs" Link on reviewer page?
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
I am seeing a bad link at the page for the clubs which a user has reviewed. For example, (1) follow the link to a user's profile page, then (2) follow the link from the profile page to the user's clubs that he has reviewed. (F.e. from this page >> book guy's profile >> book guy's clubs.) That page will be broken. It has some info, but the title appears as just "[[TITLE]]" (the word TITLE, with the brackets, without the quotes) and there are no clubs appearing, just the info on the user. Am I the only one getting this error? Maybe it's me. But I figure it's a glitch. Well, thanks to Founder for all your work here at TUSCL anyway! Thought you'd want to know ...