HiLiter Cleanup

avatar for Spillthebeans
I know I have no reviews, comments, or discussuons previous to this first discussion post, so many will call me a customer or dancer with an axe to grind.
Unlike previous posts, I will not name dancer names here publicly for all to see. I will name a manager that continues to extort dancers for larger tip outs to allow more gray area when they do their dances.
Just a previous dancers were called out as being a risk, there are currently 4 others that are at risk due to cross contamination from the regular customers of previously released dancers.
If you really want to take care, pm me for additional details.


last comment
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
I have no doubt there is a message in this post somewhere, I just don't know what it is......
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Which hoes are "contaminated"? And what does
The manager extorting the dancers for higher tip outs have to do with the hoes spreading the "contamination"? Thats no excuse.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
PMs are used to exchange info among members who trust each other. If you’ve got something to say, and can say it in an appropriate way, say it. Otherwise, go away.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
I wanna know if the manager was sleeping on his watch when LE was looking for its bribes?

Seems to me that the Hiliter was a little short on passing around the hat, and enforcement officials had nothing to lose but to put the heat on.

Or maybe the idea is to force VIP activity to cut down on fun on the floor. I definitely will continue to avoid the place mostly due to my opinions of a severe drop in talent.
avatar for Spillthebeans
7 years ago
For all, I have been forced away from HL. I can't work there, yet others still can!! The purpose post is that customers are still at risk from some of the dancers there that remain. Some managers/owners are still allowing their activity in VIP, thus exposing more to the spread that cost me.
I won't name dancer names on this public forum as some idiot did previously, but will through pm.
Just stay covered or play completely safe at that location. All I will share publicly!!!
avatar for etsutwigg222
7 years ago
Sounds like a disgruntled dancer currently working there or maybe even the source of the original Amanda/Shelby post that created the first uproar!!!
Either way, seems HL has some internal issues that need some serious ownership attention.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
As best I can tell, this discussion of "at risk" seems to be implying some diseases floating around? Spill, don't want to shout you down if you have something important to say, but the style of your post is coming off a bit melodramatic and not completely coherent. You bothered to create an account and post twice, which means you must have a cogent point to make, that you think is important that we hear; your instincts may be right, but we need that point to be made more clearly. Not meant as a criticism but don't know how else to say it.
avatar for Spillthebeans
7 years ago
@subraman.....Thank you for your comment. I will now try to make my point without naming names publicly.
I have 100% accurate knowledge that 4 dancers at HL have had unprotected contact with regular customers of both Amanda and Shelby, since the disease post was made public.
Whereas this does not mean the 4 are infected, I does mean they are at risk.
My post was meant for those dancers to get the checked, if they have not already. And for all regular readers here to be cautious.
Mainly, I want it known that ownership is still allowing a couple of floor managers to prey on the dancers left there for the managers own monetary gains.
As requested, I will go away now with a clearer conscience that I have tried to assist others to avoid calamity!!
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I thought it was pretty coherent what she meant in the op. Now whether it is true or just bs trolling, who knows?
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Got it!
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
Thanks for the information.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I agree about the names. But I feel that our OP is a legitimate disgruntled dancer. She is new to TUSCL and may not understand all the issues. But the beans she is spilling are very important. First I have heard of what is driving this situation at the HiLighter.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago




Sophisticated Lady - Duke Ellington


This has a really interesting melody and harmony. There are fusion jazz versions of this, and they are instantly recognizable, even without the lyrics. This version makes a pleasant change to the lyrics. To my ear, they must have some sort of pickup and amplification on the wood bass, order to get more sustain.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i just brewed a fresh pot of coffee.
interesting situation.
seems it would make a good movie.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I feel that our OP has provided extremely valuable information for understanding what is up.


Ford Class

See the dry docks.
Use zoom outs and changing back to maps to see where this is.

Newport News Shipbuilding


Here is a hilarious movie about a Rev. Ike sort of a character:

They show some of it here, watch how he drives into town in a Rolls followed by an armored car to hold the money.



Sophisticated Lady - Duke Ellington


This has a really interesting melody and harmony. There are fusion jazz versions of this, and they are instantly recognizable, even without the lyrics. This version makes a pleasant change to the lyrics. To my ear, they must have some sort of pickup and amplification on the wood bass, order to get more sustain.
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Too much detail provided....... No gain for mongers or the club in sharing this much detail.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I don't even go to HiLiter but this is a weird discussion and yes overdramatic. So some dirty girls got fired. Ones that engaged in bbfs? If they already have genital HSV, maybe they don't care about protection anymore and if some idiot PL doesn't care about protecting himself, than said idiot is going to get it. Even with protection, he could still get it. Contaminated regulars? In this business, you just assume everyone has it and act accordingly. The majority of people that have it don't even know it. About 20% of women in general have it. It's probably higher if not much higher for sex workers. It's literally pretty close to 100% for black female sex workers. How the hell is any club going to prevent "contaminated" PLs from going to the club? People make their beds in life; sooner or later they have to sleep in it, no pun intended.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
I'm not a condom guy and never use them with civie g/f's, but only an idiot has unprotected sex with a sex worker. Rule of thumb is if she'll fuck me, she'll fuck anyone if the price is right. I agree with Dirk that one needs to start with the assumption she has SOMETHING...even if it's just HPV.

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