

mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
ever have a girl that you have enjoyed before change her prices on you the second (or third) time you have her... or change what she does to much less than before?
monday nite at hong kong i took a very cute 19 year old girl to my cascada hotel room to enjoy bbfs with her again. after we finished i hand her a ben for her services. she said one hundred more. i explained to her that it was one hundred the previous time. she insisted i paid her $200 before. so i gave her what remained of my big bills... three twenties, a ten and 600 pesos. i said Feliz Navidad and walked her back into the club. that's the last time i will arriba her. sad. :(
a couple of other ladies i won't arriba anymore because now they insist on cfs and not bbfs. (even if it is cheaper cfs).


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Are you seriously suggesting that girls are wrong for insisting on protecting themselves, and others, from STDs? Im sure most guys here would appreciate that these girls are walking away from you in order ensure that they stay clean. As far as the money goes, maybe you smell bad, or are too rough, so not worth it at their usual going rate. Not all customers are equal.
  • bang69
    7 years ago
    Its always best to put a condom on before you get it on
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    And don't be a fool stay in school
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I’ve had girls want to raise their prices. I decide on a case by case basis whether or not to pay more.

    I’ve also had girls want to do less. Generally that’s a “no”.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    So you paid her $100 for bbfs on a previous trip? Before going to your room - did you negotiate and set a price - or did you simply assume it would be the same price? She knew - she had you - and she knew you wouldn’t say no after getting her to your room.

    The whole idea of barebacking a HK girl is a huge risk! I won’t even get started on the danger involved.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Hmm...bare back FS in a mexican brothel... that sounds like playing with fire. As fun as it is I only do bare back with select girls that I have reasonable confidence are very low volume such as SA girls where I am their only declared SD. Strippers almost universally dont meet that standard.

    Maybe if I was in combat and could die tomorrow I might have another outlook on this....
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I've got things down pat at my favorite club. I only accept the standard rate and once that is set it stays that way. If she won't accept the standard rate I pass. Sometime they'll come back later or another day and agree to the standard price.

    I did run into one dancer that told me she wanted $50 more the first time but after that it would be the standard price. Well not knowing if there will ever be a second time I said no and continued telling her that every time she asked me after that. From what I heard from others, she was trying the same thing with then.

    She is no longer working there.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    BBFS in Mexican whore house is like playing Russian roulette with a Glock.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    Good or bad, there are plenty of guys who do bareback FS with putas in Tijuana. The women are compelled to be tested frequently, but at the rate they have sex, they might have had sex with 50-75 guys since their last health inspection.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Lol. Would it be any worse if he did bbfs with an american whore?
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    I'm always extremely dubious of people claiming BBFS in Tijuana. The girls there come from all over Mexico to ply their trade, are supposed to be tested regularly, and, in my experience and the experience of all my monger friends who've experienced it, have 100% been covered. They don't want to lose their family's meal ticket by coming up with an STD.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    "Would it be any worse if he did bbfs with an american whore?"

    My understanding is that the TJ girls do volume at a level hard to match in the dirtiest American city. They process more DNA samples than a Chicago crime lab.

    I'll admit that I'm intrigued by places like Hong Kong, but without a condom?

    No. Just no.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i did four on my last visit. hk girls probably are safer overall than usa girls.

    i should negotiate before EACH encounter.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    “If you guarantee my dick won’t fall off I’ll tip you another $20”

    Solid plan...
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I think the volume is where the std risk jumps up. I’m not sure how one can determine if a whore is clean - or cleaner - than other whores?
  • Longball300
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I had a regular whose pricing jumped around say +/- 40%. I never really cared as I felt it was always worth the cost until one time I felt she overcharged for services rendered (she was drunk as a skunk). I called her out on it next time I saw her and she was truly apologetic and gave me a top 5 experience for less than half of what she charged the last time.

    I think these girls make so many negotiated transactions based on a variety of sir-cum-stances such that the customer perceives a moving target.... which it is. If the cost differential bothers you, negotiate, negotiate....

  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Longball300 - you make a good point. It’s entirely possible that the dancer/whore doesn’t remember what she charged you on your previous encounter. I’m not sure if these girls keep records of customers and amounts.

    If the girl remembers you - and you are open to negotiation - it’s worthwhile to say “Last time it was $xxx. I’m hoping the price is still the same (for the same service).” It’s also best to do this before your pants are down around your ankles!

    A customer should have a better memory of what they paid - so if you tell the girl - and she changes the price (for the same service) - then you know she’s trying to make some more money off of a return customer. I’d move on - if that happens.
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