Strategies for Flakes?

avatar for stripfighter
He's kinda an ass...

As far as strippers go, my ATF shows up around 75% of the time. Got me thinking what's par?? and any strategies to prevent or I should say limit it??

Shame on me, I set one up a week in advance, confirmed the night before, and then--- you already know where this is going--- she got some excuse the day of. I guess I'll give her credit for the day of contact vs ghosting til the next day or whenever she felt it.

So anyone with any good strategies?? Does more money actually help (we're talking irrational strippers so answer could be counter-intuitive)?? Does timing closer to meetup help (less BS and drama that can come up)?? or maybe something else??

Dealing with it afterwards is a different discussion, here I'm talking prevention.


last comment
avatar for WetWilly
7 yrs ago

Strippers are not predictable or consistent, in my experience. 75% seems rather good, in my view.

avatar for RandomMember
7 yrs ago

When she does come on time, make sure to reward her with consistent praise and positive reinforcement. Give her a treat, stroke her on the neck, and say "good girl" with a happy tone each. You'll find that positive reinforcement goes a long way!

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

^ interesting idea actully. I think I remember learning that inconsistent rewards are the best positive reinforcement. Maybe someday when she shows up on time take her shopping instead. Or tell her you were really hoping she’d be on time, and give her a tip. You have to do different things, and don’t do it every time.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

Who likes to be on the clock more than they have to be - many on-here state that most-strippers do not like their job and what they have to do to make the $$$ they do and do-it b/c of the $$$ - it stands to reason that part of the reason for the high OTC failure-rate is them not wanting to take-on more work/work-stress when they don't have to or absolutely have to, even if they stand to make extra-$$$ (as many may do the same in different lines of work).

avatar for lick-that
7 yrs ago

75% is actually pretty good. For me, it used to be, if I'm not taking her out of the club/after work, forget it. Same for a lot of the girls I've known also.

A little know fact: Most PLs are as flaky as dancers. You know how many guys come in the club claiming to want OTC only to flake out or they're broke? Girls develop a strong BS Radar too.

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

@bj99 so, you want us to give a reward for doing that which was expected in the first place?

@sf My strategy of late has been to date a reliable SB and only see strippers OTC when we're inviting one to join us. Then, if the stripper flakes, I'm still having fun with the SB.

My pitch for OTC is usually along the lines of "instead of making $X or less working a shift at the club, come spend afternoon or evening with me for $X+some amount I think will make her agree". If I ever try seeing a stripper by herself again, I'm probably just going to tell her "show up on time, or just go to work instead and take your chances there"

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

To clarify 75% is not for OTC but either ITC or OTC. Strictly OTC and being late would bring numbers way down.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 yrs ago

dang @PC...when you put it like that. the truth is the truth

avatar for JohnTitor
7 yrs ago

Find another hot dancer to spend time and $$$$ on, and make sure the flake is made aware of this.

She'll come around if you integrate a new girl and JEALOUSY into the mix.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

@ joc13.. showing up on time is not reall what is expected, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

avatar for MackTruck
7 yrs ago

Omg this is a fucked up thread

avatar for MackTruck
7 yrs ago

Jo. Is a little bitch

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 yrs ago

I've had about 20 CFs/ATFs over the last eight years and 75% predictability for one is well above average. I would say average is more like 60%.

The best for me was about 95%. She would post her schedule to a local site and it was very reliable. Not coincidentally she was the best earner in the club and had a lot of regulars.

I've had some as low as 50% and my current ATF DS is about 60% reliable.

Strippers be flakey and water is wet.

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

I must pick unusually reliable strippers for OTC, or we know each other so well that I can count on them to appear, but I've made 23 OTC dates with 5 different strippers and they have all showed up! They're usually a half hour to an hour late, but they always make it. The first time a stripper agrees to OTC with me and doesn't appear, she'll be off my list.

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

There are too many young guy guys on here that just don't understand the meaning of ATF. They seem to think the it can change weekly or even daily. There can only ever be one "All time favorite". I've had 2 but the second one replaced the first one and as for reliability, my ATF was 100%. I never even realized that she was my ATF until after I had known her for 4 years and then it just dawned on me, like bolt of lightening, that I liked her better than any other stripper that I had ever known.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

I think RILs use ATF as a euphemism, rather than calling themselves RILs.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

@Shadowcat you hit the nail on the head. All of my favorites have been reliable over the years how can you have someone as a favorite if they don't even respect you enough to be on time or call if there is a problem. SMH

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

@mrduece an hour late, with communication, isn't too bad. You have indeed found some good ones.

avatar for bang69
7 yrs ago

Find another dancer

avatar for JohnSmith69
7 yrs ago

Apparently I have high standards. Sure I’ve had dancers not show before, but unless she has a damn good good excuse it’ll be my last time with her. My regulars all show up 99% of the time. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be my regulars. Maybe it’s just because I tend to pay above market rates but I never have this problem with regulars.

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

OP: "As far as strippers go, my ATF shows up around 75% of the time. "

How is she still your ATF ??

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

You guys that accept this kind of behavior have your own self esteem issues, yet you think the strippers are the ones with a problem. SMH.

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

We all have different standards for our ATFs. For me, it's about the time we have when she does show up vs the time and money spent on anyone else. It doesn't compare.

Now maybe I'm pussy-whipped for dealing with flakes, or maybe I always have a plan B. What I do know is I don't take it personally. To each their own.

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

^^ And what does it say about guys that tells others how to live their lives?

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

"I think RILs use ATF as a euphemism, rather than calling themselves RILs." -BJ

Anyone with a Fave is a Regular in Love. Loosely speaking. The difference is how you deal with it.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

@stripfighter Who’s telling you how to live your life ? IDGAF do what you want I’m just giving you a heads up SMH.

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

@25 Calm down. You're too emotional. Explains why you have problems with strippers and women in general.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

ATF implies romantic feelings? I don’t think that’s true for everyone.

avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

My only advice is to know several strippers you can call. If one flakes, call another. Someone will be willing to take your money.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

^^^Really you’re a comedian too. Exceptional.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Sorry Jack that was for our newest expert the stripfighter no reviews a couple of stupid comments and he’s expecting to be taken seriously.

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

"ATF implies romantic feelings?" -BJ Not romantic feelings. But investment none the less. Can be emotional and/or financial.

@25 you just proved my point ;)

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

RIL stands for Regular In Love, not Regular in Debt.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

@stripfighter don’t take this the rong(intentionally misspelled) way please because I mean this in the nicest way possible. You are a moron.

avatar for eyeofodin
7 yrs ago

"Not romantic feelings. But investment none the less. Can be emotional and/or financial."

WHAT???? it is an escape from reality not reality. Think of a SC as an expensive movie outing or going to see what ever play is hot on Broadway... a few hours of diversion and a nothing more.

If you relate going to a SC to a financial and god forbid an emotion investment.... you have some problems.

avatar for Rickberge
7 yrs ago

^^This man gets it.

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

"RIL stands for Regular In Love, not Regular in Debt." -Bj

Nothing's free.

avatar for Cowboy12
7 yrs ago

Back to the original question, I think the best chance to avoid having a stripper flake on you is to schedule the OTC right after her shift. Planning to meet her ITC is almost always a go, 95% success rate.

avatar for larryfisherman
7 yrs ago

I agree with lick-that, PLs can be just as flaky as strippers.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

If you are just using her as an ejaculation receptacle, then you get what you get. But if you have a fairly civilianized relationship with her, like she is what in other countries would be called your mistress, then probably it will go much better.

If despite that, she does not open up and get real with you, then I would say find another. But more likely than not, the issue is starting with yourself.

You pay her, but that still does not mean that you should treat her any differently than you would treat any other woman.


Marxism 101


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