Best source for nevada brothel reviews ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
Tuscl unfortunately isn't the best source on Nevada brothel...just not enough reviews but at least they got lots of them listed

What is the best source ?


last comment
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Juice, why the fuck are you posting all this shit about Nevada brothels? Come to Detroit!
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Detroit will actually be a huge once a year stop for me....I'll be going into Canada so I can grind the biggest online poker tournaments but I'll cross back over to enjoy the brothels in Detroit then make my home in Nevada
avatar for hassenpfeffer65
7 years ago
Try including LPIN (Legal Prostitution In Nevada) in your searches. “LPIN reviews” should lead you to some message boards that are not run by the brothels.
avatar for Digitech
7 years ago

It's okay, at least it has a lot of reviews.

The problem is that a lot of whores post there now. Review forums need to be boys clubs. It's nice to have female perspective, but the value of the forums tend to drop the more they participate. Reviews become soft, white knighing runs amuck, and drama is suddenly everywhere.

This is why sites like TUSCL, UsaSexGuide and RubMaps are the most informative. They are boys clubs, as they should be.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Solid information guys...thank you
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Between easy access to the girls online and over the phone...the level of their professional lism in the game ...what they give sexual and emotionally....and the fact I'm going to be moving to Vegas to pursue a career in poker very soon it all just makes since...covert to the brothels ...hell $1,000 is just one buy in for my poker...that ain't shit
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Been on the bunny ranch forums getting to know the girls and it's a blast but I agree it creates a white knight Club and that's not good for reviews...that's why I'm not using their review site....need a site similar to this one...once I get out their maybe I can strengthen those reviews on tuscl
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
You not pulling enough ass at the Asheville YMCA and the Circle K parking lot, so you're gonna move to Canada now?
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
7 years ago
Okay, as you don't seem to want to let this go, here's some real intel on NV brothels. This is directly from a provider I used to visit regularly when I lived in Orange County, and she would travel to the Bunny Ranch and a couple other legal brothels in Nevada.

1. There is no negotiation of prices. There is a menu, you stick to that menu, and she does too. If you want to 69, that has a price, half and half has a price, then sex has a price. These menu items are NON-NEGOTIABLE, no matter what else you have read.

2. Why are the prices non-negotiable? Because the providers stay at these places for 2-4 weeks at a time, and have pay for rental of the room, cleaning, food, etc. That's why a provider who might charge $400 to meet at a hotel in Fullerton is charging $800 to do the same thing in Elko or whatever Bumfuck NV town it is in.

3. Now this is the most important part: If you think you are special and she will charge you differently for whatever reason, all rooms, I repeat, ALL rooms, are electronically monitored. Why? Not because they care about your particular fetish or want to blackmail you later on, but because they want to make sure that provider is not providing a service at a rate cheaper than what is posted or providing a service (like DFK) that she isn't charging for. If she does, she is kicked out of the brothel and blacklisted, not allowed to return.

4. And if that isn't enough to dissuade you, how about getting your cock rinsed in alcohol to make sure you're clean and then bagged immediately? Yeah, that's quality sexy time for sure.

I've said it a thousand times: there is no point whatsoever to Nevada brothels, at least as they are currently operated.

avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Extremely helpful
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
$1,000 what all can you get
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
"$1,000 what all can you get"

Not much. I'd really recommend you not go to the brothels. It is expensive and humiliating. I had to pay $400 to finger a girl for 15 minutes (I really wanted a specific experience). Sex will probably cost you $800 for 15 minutes. Well, maybe go once, see how you like it and how expensive it is then don't go again.

If you heed my advice and don't go to a brothel, you'll be better off going to Tijuana and spending a portion of your money on room and food. You'll not only have tons more sex with much more attractive women, but you'll probably come home with money left over. The women in brothels are 7s at best and go down from there.
avatar for lotsoffun201
7 years ago
Juice... early welcome to our fair city. The brothels are something you would like to visit just to say you’ve been there. Just head up highway 160 “over the hump”. Left on homestead road and when you are in the middle of nowhere you’re close. Sherri’s Ranch and The Chicken Ranch are right across from each other.

Have a cocktail, socialize, meet some pretty girls, buy a coffee mug or T shirt and then head home. Open your computer, check out usasexguide or TER and find a real legit independent who is well reviewed for half the price of the brothels.

Good luck at the tables when you get here and may you be blessed with rolled up aces.
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