
Will be down for a couple of days... which is better? Cheetah, Scarletts or Tootsies? Also, are they good at day shift? Or any suggestions about better ones down in Miami area?
Btw... are they safe regarding confidenciality? I mean... no videos... photos....
last commentIt seems they all have videos these days.
It all depends on what you're looking for. If you are solely looking at a day shift, Cheetah hands down. If you're looking for extras, Tootsies hands down. If you're looking for beauty queens and a nightclub style environment, Scarlett's hands down. If you give me a bit more of an idea of what you are looking for, I can narrow down your search.
All 3 clubs are close to each other especially if you have your own car, and all close late, thus fairly easy to try all 3, no cover on dayshift.
Traditionally Scarlett's has had the best looking girls but no extras (that may be different now that the people that own Tootsies recently bought Scarlett's).
Tootsies is the biggest and may have the best vibe and just behind Scarlett's in dancers' looks.
Cheetah is slightly below Scarlett's and Tootsies in dancers' looks but probably has the best dance mileage of the 3 - no VIP thus no extras.
Scarlett's used to have actively monitored cameras in the dance-rooms but may not be the case with the new ownership. Tootsies has VIP-room extras but a bit expensive.
Diamond Dolls in Pompano has the best bang for the buck w.r.t. extras (but closes earlier at 2 am).
Deans in North Miami is fairly upscale with good looking girls and laidback, good for those that don't like a ruckus SC environment.
Cheetah and Diamond Dolls probably have the livier dayshifts, Tootsies and Scarlett's are ok - Deans not much of a dayshift AFAIK.
E11even in Downtown Miami probably has the best looking dancers but it's expensive ($40/lap-dance or 3-for-$100) - club is kinda a party club (lots of bottle-popping and lots of female custies) and it's open 24-hours but gets going late by midnight into the wee hours of the morning, dayshift is weak AFAIK
Yeah, you definitely need to elaborate on your preferences. I wouldn't say any one of those clubs is hands down better than the other. As goosman & Papi pointed out, they each have their strengths. There's also a lot of other clubs in the area you might find more enjoyable depending on your preferences.
As a general rule though, I'd say Tootsies is most likely to satisfy the most folks. You can have a good time & just watch the stage without being hassled. With a little effort, you can find a girl who'll sit and chat with you for a while. You can just flag down a random chick and take her for a dance or to a room without much hassle. It's not all rainbows though, there are a LOT of sharks in that place, and a LOT of GPS. If you aren't careful you'll get bit by a ROB. But the sheer size and volume of the place means they'll be some variety, without knowing your preference that's kinda the safest reco.
Thanks guys!
As for preferences, I would like a low profile place, Im coming from abroad and am married, so wouldn’t like a place full of cameras.
As it will be quick trip, then normally would have time to go only on day shift. That’s why I was looking for a place with a good day shift.
As for girls, all kinds, as long as they are good looking, but would like something where they are not so pushy for lap dances for example... just to enjoy watching some nice looking girls
All three have cameras. Scarlett's has them in the lap dance & private rooms. Tootsies has them only on the floor & lap dance areas (as far as I know.) Cheetah has no lap dance or private rooms (lap dance area is just kinda out in the middle of the club.) Pretty much all the clubs around here, even the shitty little ones, have cameras in the main area. If you don't want to be on camera, don't go to a S. FL SC.
If you just want to watch the stage, any of those clubs will do. None have a tip walk or high lots of needy strippers begging for dances. If I knew I wasn't getting dances, I'd go to Scarlett's.
Tootsies has a pretty-good stage setup where the dancers get up close to the rail (at night there can be 4 or 5 dancers by the rail, on dayshift about 2 sometimes 3 dancers rail-side) - if you sit stage-side it's kosher to tip every dancer, otherwise there are tables close to but away from the stage if you don't wanna tip every girl when sitting stage-side - Tootsies also has a kitchen with ok food - girls are not too pushy at Tootsies
What's the deal with cameras, it's not as if they put the footage on the internet - never heard of anyone getting busted by their wife due to a strip club camera
If you read his name out with a hard 'c' sound and consider a certain beach club an hour up the coast, maybe it's his father-in-law he is more worried about.
For a day shift, lower Fuss, no dances I would do tootsies. But if you do get a dance at tootsie’s be prepared for a vip upsell
Can't speak to the other two, but have been to Tootsies on day shift. Huge number of girls working. Lots to choose from as long as you like Cubans. I haven't left there unhappy.
OK, if you're going dayshift then Scarlett's is out. Cheetah & Tootsie's day shifts are similar, but a couple of differences that may swing you one way or another. If you like chatting & spending some time with a girl prior to getting any dances, then Cheetah is your spot, as the dancers there are more open to putting in some groundwork time. If you are looking to get in extras then definitely go to Tootsies. If you are looking at quality lap dances, definitely go to Cheetah. Not that a good lap dance can't be had at Tootsies, but just going off of the average dancer, you're more likely to get a good one at Cheetah. If you want to stay anonymous & not be hounded for dances then Tootsies is your spot. In the average looks department, I would give a (barely, but clear) edge to the Tootsies day shift, but at the same time there is a Colombian on the day shift at Cheetah who is in my book a perfect 10, who NOOOOOOOOOOBODY at Tootsies day shift is touching. Hope this helps.
Thanks guys! It was really helpful.
What about Deans Gold? Is it good? I read a lot of good comments...
Well I will be able to visit only one and never been to a US SC, so I would like to pick a good one (without thinking that I should have gone to another one..). Any tips also about prices of LDs? Definitely wouldn’t like a SC with a ghetto vibe.
I will be near Hialeah. So could be anyone nearby.
Thanks again.
Don't go to any Hialeah SC - hell, don't even patronize any kind of business in Hialeah.
The standard LD price in South FL non-black clubs is $25/song - Dean's is the outlier at $20/song - it can be hard to tell song-breaks some times, and some dancers will over-count. when I get dances I tell the dancer upfront to let me know each time she's starting a new song.
Agree, if ghetto isn't your thing then Hialeah isn't your area.
I kinda like Deans Gold, but dayshift there is dreadful. I'm not sure they're even open during the day on a lot of days. I've had some okay dayshift visits at Scarlett's, but like goose said, Tootsies & Cheetah are more reliable during the day. One good thing about Scarlett's & Cheetah is that they're right next to each other, literally just on opposite sides of I95; you could walk if you wanted (just watch out for Miami drivers, they will hit you)