Did you ever make a mix tape for your CF?
By 'mix tape', I mean a collection of songs in any media.
I've done it twice, making me a extra pathetic PL. The songs I selected were carefully selected to make the girl think, "My God! I never thought old pop tunes this good existed! It makes the music that people my age listen to sound like crap! Thanks to that 'old-guy' customer for enlightening me. I must fuck him the next time he comes in!"
I doubt that either tape was ever played.
I've done it twice, making me a extra pathetic PL. The songs I selected were carefully selected to make the girl think, "My God! I never thought old pop tunes this good existed! It makes the music that people my age listen to sound like crap! Thanks to that 'old-guy' customer for enlightening me. I must fuck him the next time he comes in!"
I doubt that either tape was ever played.
Just busting your balls, but you can't do things for strippers like you do for civilian women. Strip clubs are a completely different universe. How do you even do that in this day and age? Everything is online (specify) or in apps (iTunes). Tapes, and even rewritable CD's are non existent. Many millennials don't even know those media.
Upload the songs to YouTube, create a playlist, send someone the URL to the playlist.
Put the MP3 files in a folder on Google Drive or Dropbox, then send someone the URL to the folder.
Put the MP3 files on a USB drive and give them the USB drive. This works particularly well for "car mixes" since many modern cars have USB ports.
We like a lot of the same music, and she seemed to appreciate it.
I think it's less of a PL move than sending her flowers at the club.
I use my DVD player at home 97% of the time for the Netflix and Vudu player it has built-in. I haven't bought an actual CD or DVD in over 5 years.
But then again, I'm not trying to win the heart of any woman.